different specs

You should be getting a Socket 939 board, a 754 system will be impossible to upgrade very shortly. I'd advise the DFI NF4 Ultra-D and a 3200+ Venice, which will be supremely overclockable. A Thermaltake Silent Boost or Zalman CNPS7000-AlCu will let you overclock the CPU but retain silence. :)
cfish said:
there're just as many people saying stick with 754

If you won't upgrade for a long time, do yourself a favor and get a Socket 939 board and wait on a Venice 3200+ or so. They are so supremely overclockable it'll be a great investment for a long time. And when you eventually DO upgrade you can add a dual core chip for much cheaper, 754 cannot support dual core chips at all. You won't pay much more at all and the chip will be supremely overclockable, run cooler, and run faster.

The people defending 754 vehemently are trying to justify their purchase of a now-dead platform. I have a 754 board and proc and am replacing it ASAP, I'm just being realistic about things. :p