Advice Needed


Oct 11, 2003

upgrading within a week or so.

i play counter-strike: source if you're familiar.

Do you think that cpu + a 9800 pro 256 would produce a constant 100fps with reasonable settings? (the game runs on the hl2 engine)

is there any reason why i shouldnt be getting that cpu? if so what would you reccommend? ( i do not want to be buying another intel )

and if not whats a reliable motherboard in the range of 80-120 dollars to go with it?

and what would you reccommend for fans/cooling gel if im not going to oc it?
Any particular reason you are going with a s754 AMD? Already have a board?

While with a 9800 Pro, I would not expect to get a constant 100fps, depending on what reslution though, but I am sure you can get very playable settings on just about anything over 2ghz.

We need more info
UltimaParadox said:
Any particular reason you are going with a s754 AMD? Already have a board?

While with a 9800 Pro, I would not expect to get a constant 100fps, depending on what reslution though, but I am sure you can get very playable settings on just about anything over 2ghz.

We need more info

the 3400 just seemed to me as the most speed i could get for a decent price. the 3500 939 is like 80 dollars more. any reason why i should be going with a 939? i dont think ill be upgrading again any time soon.

umm more info.. i dont really have any yet that would be useful. like i said i need adivce on a mobo, and ill intially have 512 ram but i can always upgrade that.
You could always get a 3200+ for $190 or so and overclock the extra 200mhz to 3500+ speeds. I'd get a s939 just in case you decide that's the direction you want to go in the future. You can get a s939 MB for $100 or so.

If s754 is what you're set on, I had good luck with a Epox 8KDA3J.
um is there any difference performance wise between the 754 and 939?

and the 3400 is just a little higher than 190 and would have to be oced even less...
There's a little because of the Dual Channel memory, but not much. Most people will tell you that s939 is more futureproof and all that stuff, but you probably get a little more bang for your buck out of s754. Only catch is there are no more A64's for s754, only semprons and you can't get PCI-E graphics for s754 yet. There are a few coming, but I haven't seen them yet. The 3400+ is a good chip. If you like it, get it :).
The bang-for-the-buck still lies in the s754 platform. Will it accept the new dual-core chips? No. Will the dual-core chips be cheap? Not at introduction, not by a damn sight. He's on a budget, the 754 platform provides a heavy punch for what you pay for. Take my setup, if I went with 939, I'd be using a 3500 (at todays prices, I'd be paying $50 more for the processor and $30 more for the mobo). Will I see a performance difference, perhaps 5 fps in UT2k4 and 1-2 in d3. I couldnt justify $80-$100 difference for that kind of boost

I'm just not convinced that s939 is the sweet spot right now for bang-for-the-buck. With dualcore, I gotta have an OS that supports it and apps that support it.

XP suports smp, so chalk one up for s939 with dualcore
Apps? No games I play take advantage of SMP outside of game servers like q3 engine. No gain there.

Is s754 dead, I doubt it. The mobiles are planned for s754 so there's an upgrade path there, but the time you actually need a cpu upgrade, the 939's will deliver.

My advice, if you are on a budget, s754 and save some cash while still having a decent system. If you are enthusiast, have need for speed and DEEP pockets, go s939 and a SLI system. If you are trying to future-proof yourself on a budget, go 939 and the CHEAPEST proccie you can find and save the cash for dual-core/amd4500 in the future.

Run the numbers, check the reviews, compare it to your bank account, thats probably the best advice.
Bullitt said:
The bang-for-the-buck still lies in the s754 platform. Will it accept the new dual-core chips? No. Will the dual-core chips be cheap? Not at introduction, not by a damn sight. He's on a budget, the 754 platform provides a heavy punch for what you pay for. Take my setup, if I went with 939, I'd be using a 3500 (at todays prices, I'd be paying $50 more for the processor and $30 more for the mobo). Will I see a performance difference, perhaps 5 fps in UT2k4 and 1-2 in d3. I couldnt justify $80-$100 difference for that kind of boost

I'm just not convinced that s939 is the sweet spot right now for bang-for-the-buck. With dualcore, I gotta have an OS that supports it and apps that support it.

XP suports smp, so chalk one up for s939 with dualcore
Apps? No games I play take advantage of SMP outside of game servers like q3 engine. No gain there.

Is s754 dead, I doubt it. The mobiles are planned for s754 so there's an upgrade path there, but the time you actually need a cpu upgrade, the 939's will deliver.

My advice, if you are on a budget, s754 and save some cash while still having a decent system. If you are enthusiast, have need for speed and DEEP pockets, go s939 and a SLI system. If you are trying to future-proof yourself on a budget, go 939 and the CHEAPEST proccie you can find and save the cash for dual-core/amd4500 in the future.

Run the numbers, check the reviews, compare it to your bank account, thats probably the best advice.

thx alot both of you. those were the answers i was looking for.
u still gonna get the 9800 pro tho?...because i dont think it will give u 100fps all the time...but it would run it smoothly
yeah...the 6600GT actually works better (imo) than the 9800 Pro for HL2. I have the 256MB 9800 Pro and it works okay, but the 6600 GT allows for higher resolutions and frame rate even at the lower memory size.