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    Optical Drive Covers

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    Optical Drive Covers

    Thanks for the suggestion. It looks great, although a bit shinier than the drive next to it.
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    Optical Drive Covers

    This fell to the ninth page, so I figure it's deserving one bump for justice.
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    Optical Drive Covers

    Does anyone know a place where I could buy drive covers for a DVD burner I have? A friend bought it for me, but it only has a white cover, and my case is black. I looked on the manufacturer's site and they don't appear to sell black covers. Glancing at Newegg I don't see any generic covers for...
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    Canon A75 vs SD110

    Don't let rechargable batteries be your selling point. Just because one camera might ship with rechargables doesn't mean you can't buy recharchable AA batteries to use. I have a Canon A80 and the Maha-C401FS 100 Min Cool Charger with 8 of their PoweRex 2200mAh AAs from...
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    First Deskstar 7K400 review

    Aww, now the 250gb Deskstar I just got seems inadequate.
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    Powermax rules

    Yaw, I saw that on the site Czar. I have the drives connected as master to my IDE 2 slot on my mobo (I don't connect them both at once). It's not on a RAID controller, it's right on the chipset part, so I don't think that's the problem. I left it on overnight with one drive, and nothing...
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    2 TB "upgradeable" hardrive, starting at $599

    Wow, record the conversation if you have the technology to.
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    Powermax rules

    No one has encountered this problem or has any suggestions?
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    Powermax rules

    I just tried using PowerMax by booting off of an ultimate boot CD but it didn't do anything. My mom tripped the breaker on our house twice in a row today while vacuuming. I'm not sure if she just had every appliance in the house on or what, because I was in my room with my headphones on, but...
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    Do I even need this SATA Raid stuff?

    SATA is just a different interface for drives. So the software for SATA drives, moreover RAIDs, isn't useful for your normal ATA drive.
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    Is Planetside stealing my money?

    Hi ovquist.
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    Can't Use My New Drive

    The RAID 0 is connected via the ICH5R (hope that's right) chipset that makes up the "southbridge" of my motherboard. It only has two SATA connectors though, so for this third drive, I had to connect it via the Promise controller. The XP CD should have the drivers to at least see the RAID 0...
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    Is Planetside stealing my money?

    Eh? I looked around on the Gamepsy and Planetside sites for this offer, but I can't find it. How long ago did this offer exist?
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    Can't Use My New Drive

    Yep, I'm good to go. I've got everything I want to save backed up to the new drive. But now I have a new problem. When I boot off my XP CD and try to format, it tells me it can detect no drives. That's messed up. In windows I can use both my RAID and this new drive fine. Yet in the XP...
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    How many of you have DVD writers

    Oh you poor thing!
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    Can't Use My New Drive

    OMG! I see it! It's there in Disk Manager! All of it in it's 232gb glory!!! I only wish I knew what to do now! OOOOOH I'm formatting now!
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    Can't Use My New Drive

    I just got my Hitachi Deskstar 7K250 250gb SATA 8mb 7200RPM drive but I can't see it in My Computer. My mobo is aMSI 875 Neo-FIS2R and has two SATA connectors on the southbridge, which I currently have two 80gb drives in RAID 0 on. Now I'm trying to install this Deskstar onto the onboard...
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    New WD740 Raptor drive worth it?

    1) I'm almost positive that board is new enough to support SATA, but I can't say for certain since it's only a vauge reference I'm remembering. 2) I can't say based on first hand knowledge, but I think half the people here would say yes, and the other half would say yes, if you have the money...
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    Quietest Drive

    Well, I went with the Hitachi Deskstar 7K250 250gb SATA 8mb 7200RPM drive from for $220.
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    Quietest Drive

    Well, my investigation into product data sheets for these products has turned up the following tidbits. Each of the three manufacturers has 6 heads in their 250gb drives. However, WD seems to be slightly louder than the other, and Maxtors seem to be slightly slower, so it would seem Hitachi is...
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    Quietest Drive

    Get them back in stock? I too emailed Seagate, and they said they weren't out on the market yet. In fact, here's exactly what they said:
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    Quietest Drive

    I'm about to make a SATA drive purchase, but to spare myself regret, I'm enlisting your help. I will either go with a 200gb or a 250b drive. Obviously there is more storage with 250gb, and a corresponding price hike, but is there a substantial difference in noise or failure risk? On the...
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    First external drive purchase

    I'm talkin' internal drives! You changed my mind. Another thing I'd be interested in hearing about are suggestions on how to keep this new drive from getting mucked up like drives do through often use. If I just keep this new drive for use as file storage, and don't install anything on it...
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    First external drive purchase

    Roger doger Czar, thanks for the informative posts. I want to buy a 200gb SATA Seagate drive, but it's only listed on their site, and not for sell anywhere, even Seagate resellers listed on the Seagate site. Has anyone seen this drive availible? Presuming I can't find this drive, I'll...
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    Best defragmentation software???

    And how are they superior to the one built in to Windows? Or do you only need this software because you guys are using a different OS?
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    First external drive purchase

    ...but then again I don't have much knowedge of how hard drives interact with the rest of the computer.
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    First external drive purchase

    I can't think of any technical reasons one ought to avoid using different manufacturers...
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    First external drive purchase

    I'd really like to know, because it's the difference between going with a 160gb Seagate or a 200gb something else. Now it looks like Seagate does have a 200gb SATA offering, but I can only find it on their site, and not for sale anywhere.
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    digi cam dare

    Well, I work at a Dairy Queen, and so I keep trying to remember to take a picture of myself at work, but I can't, so perhaps someone should come up with a new dare.
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    hdd choices

    The first time has an 8mb cache, which is important, but the second drive has a faster interface. The 8mb cache means it can read and write data in larger groups, but the faster interface of the other drive means it can move data faster. Overall I think the 8mb drive would give you faster...
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    First external drive purchase

    Alright, so now I'm looking more into another internal drive, primarily because they are cheaper. Are there any concerns associated with having different size drives by different manufacturers in the same computer? My RAID 0 drives are 80gb Seagate's, and if I were to get another drive it'd...
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    First external drive purchase

    I still have two internal bays I could use if I so wanted, perhaps even five if I removed the PC speaker. The point of getting an external drive is just so I can backup my media for a format, and the fact that I could utilize the space to keep my RAID 0 drives at lower capacity for files I...
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    Better Backup: DVDR's or another HARD DRIVE?

    I recently had the same debate, and decided to go with an external drive. Since I'd really only use a DVD burner to back up my drive before a format, I might as well just get an external drive. They are both just as transportable, but backing things up via DVD makes waste and costs more.
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    First external drive purchase

    I've got two 80 gig SATA drives in RAID 0 right now, and they're approaching their capacity. Plus, it's about right time to reformat, and so I'm looking at getting an external drive to back up my data first. I've been to the Western Digital, Seagate, and Maxtor sites looking at their...
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    digi cam dare

    I read this, read it again, meditated on it, came back and read it once more, and I'm still not sure it makes any sense.
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    Higher End Newbie Question

    Thank you very much for the thourough response. While I'm looking at the sites you linked to, I thought I'd ask to clarify, the Audio 90's are open right? Because they are circumaural and not supra-aural? From...
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    For your batch resizing needs, I suggest iRedSoft Image Resizer The GUI is a bit strange, but it's simple enough.
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    digi cam dare

    No Mr.Clean's around here. Actually, I don't leave my house so I really wouldn't know.