digi cam dare

if i'm not at home, leavea message and that works too--i would have given you my cell number, but i left it someplace last night
alright, i called you and left a message on your machine. i didnt feel like putting food on my face, so i forced one of my friends to do it for me. anyways, here is the Pic!!!


New Dare

post a pic of you or a friend of yours at a LAN that fell asleep
Originally posted by compslckr
post a pic of you or a friend of yours at a LAN that fell asleep
Wow, could it get any easier? I have a picture of someone sleeping from every LAN I've ever been to with a camera.

My friend, with the flash on, at about 10cm away. He was very happy when he woke up.

Another friend, who fell asleep right next to me while we watched LotR: Two Towers on a projector screen.

Me, sleeping with one eye open (LANs are dangerous).

Me, being sooched on while asleep. Sooching is the act of sucking air in your ass and then farting it back out.

The next dare is to create some kind of saddle or harness for your dog that says "[H]ard Mascot." Preferebly not just a bunch of pieces of paper taped together and draped over the animal, although that's how I'd do it :).
Why do you do that to your dog? I hope for giving haircuts.
very cool dog :) i would do the soap thing if my dad hadnt brought my digi cam with him to florida
C'mon, someone do the soap dare!

I would if I had a knife I didn't care if I dirtied(cleaned :)). And if I weren't greasy and dirty from a long day.

Now that was a little humiliating and my mouth tastes a little like Irish spring but other than that is wasn't too bad.

Next dare: light something on fire and put it in your mouth (while burning) and snap a shot! If that sounds a little scary, remember that a candle would do just fine!
HA! How long did you take on the soap carving? Cause it looks good.

Burning? I can see myself in the emergency room now.

Oh and if you use a candle be careful of the hot wax, we dont want a bad remake of a Ricky Martin video.
Originally posted by Egg242
HA! How long did you take on the soap carving? Cause it looks good.

Took just a short moment or two using my Leatherman. The soap was actually quite soft so it wasn't that bad. Holding it in my mouth without getting too much on my teeth was the real trick (not that I did that good of a job at it)!
Originally posted by jmroberts70
Next dare: light something on fire and put it in your mouth (while burning) and snap a shot! If that sounds a little scary, remember that a candle would do just fine!

Done! ;)


Incense was the best (read SAFEST!) item I could think of. My best Popeye impression :D

I'm not the best at these "dares", so I'll let someone a little more creative think of a new one.
The burning one is a great dare.

I seize the dare pass and declare the next dare:
Take a picture of a freshly dug, 1 meter deep hole in your backyard. Some form of measurement would be worthwhile so that you don't just macro a footprint or something :). Perhaps just have a reference object in the picture, like a lawnchair, plant, or whatever. And remember, keep it on your own property.
Originally posted by Egg242
royjr, Is it just me, or is your shirt inside out?
Heh! Just wake up?

Nah, just been loungin' around the house all day long. :) The shirt's inside-out so that neighbors won't see the vulgarity written on it when I was out changing the air filter on my car. hehe

<3 4 Regime, too. ;)
marthastewart it has been 5 days, i think your chance is over.

and for the dig a hole dare, its been a week and no ones accomplished so i think its time to think of a new one. i dont think anyone here is willing to screw up their lawn for a dare (or at least i am not).

the new dare: take a picture of yourself with no less than 5 [H] tattoos. these tattoos can be drawn with marker but must each be bigger than 2" and clearly visable in the picture.

bonus points awarded if you get a real tattoo with the [H] symbol.
crappy pic, but it is hard to take a pic of your own arm without a mirror ;)


New Dare : take a pic of you holding a [h] sign in front of some kind of riced out car, it can be your own car if it is "riced out" (body kit, rimz, lowered, wing, fart cannon, stick on hood scoops / hood pins / carbon fiber) in some way
Picture 033.jpg

shaved quickly with an electric razor so it didnt come out as nice and square as i expected

its alot more noticable in person..... im liking the silky smooth feel though.

next dare: send me a check for $20 in the mail..... (jk)

real dare: get a picture of a guy that looks like mr. clean holding an [H] sign.

edit: holy shit that is one fat leg.
carbon fiber is the anti-rice
but here you go anyways and yes its mine and yes thats my pissed off G/F...I think of a dare later
I got your Mr. Clean right here!

That's two for me now.

My dare: I want to see red fingernail polish (on your fingernails) with the [H] logo drawn on top.
nice job with that one :)

i gotta get my sisters fingernails when she is sleeping, they are already red i think, now i just need to sharpie a [h] on them, then wake her up with the flash on the camera :)
Let's grab this out of the air and say have yourself ready and powered up(camera wise) and take a pic of you giving money to a fast food drive through hole. This doesn't nessecarily mean you're fat now. You may have been fat before but then got slimmer. But you are not fat for getting the pic you are phat!
Originally posted by JHefile
Let's grab this out of the air and say have yourself ready and powered up(camera wise) and take a pic of you giving money to a fast food drive through hole. This doesn't nessecarily mean you're fat now. You may have been fat before but then got slimmer. But you are not fat for getting the pic you are phat!
I read this, read it again, meditated on it, came back and read it once more, and I'm still not sure it makes any sense.
i was confused by the first one too. that is a pretty good dare once it was simplified
Well, I work at a Dairy Queen, and so I keep trying to remember to take a picture of myself at work, but I can't, so perhaps someone should come up with a new dare.