Better Backup: DVDR's or another HARD DRIVE?


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 10, 2004
So what's a better method for backing up data? I have 65 gigs of personal files right now and growing. Should I get a second drive just for backup and use automated backup software, or should I get a dvd burner and burn dvdr's? Help thanks!
I recently had the same debate, and decided to go with an external drive. Since I'd really only use a DVD burner to back up my drive before a format, I might as well just get an external drive. They are both just as transportable, but backing things up via DVD makes waste and costs more.
My friend uses 2 hard drives in removable chassis and keeps one backup home and one backup in his safe deposit box at the bank.
He does a monthly backup/rotation of the drives.
My friend uses 2 hard drives in removable chassis and keeps one backup home and one backup in his safe deposit box at the bank.

hey that's a really good idea.

I recently had the same debate, and decided to go with an external drive. Since I'd really only use a DVD burner to back up my drive before a format, I might as well just get an external drive. They are both just as transportable, but backing things up via DVD makes waste and costs more.

yeah, that's a good idea too. I'm also thinking external. That would be way nice because then it makes for VERY quick unplugging in case of emergency, and also you can easily bring it to a buds house and just plug and play to swap files. Yeah, I'm liking this idea. The only thing im scared of is hard drive failure, that's why i was thinking dvd's. but then dude mentioned get 2 drives and do the bank thing. i can just get one for now, but keep that in mind for later for sure. i found some pretty cool automatic folder watching backup software. It monitors whatever folders you specify and copies or makes any and ALL changes right into a desired backup directory drive instantly. SWeeeett! So, I guess now the only thing is do I go with WD or Maxtor? I saw your thread topic lord chambers, but of course i don't have a recomendation on a drive, what did you go with or plan on getting do you know?

one is considered backup
the other is just redundancy

for backup, you need true hard media
cant be fubard by Electrostatic Discharge, Impact, Virus, or User Stupidity
(of course sharp objects, puppies, heat and sunlight are issues :p)

HDDs are Fragile

my advice
do both

I have 2 x RAID 5 arrays available on my home network
and I still "backup" my data ;)
I agree with the "both" recommendation. I don't yet trust DVD-Rs as a backup source due to longevity concerns. It's untested beyond several years, obviously. Also, the backup process is not automatic, and the human element opens up the possibility for forgetfulness, lost backups, etc. On the other hand, a redundant hard drive inherits the risks of having the backup in the same system as the source--power spikes/failures, controller card failures, software failures, etc. Using both solutions sounds reasonable enough.
cool, thanks guys. yeah that sounds about right like you guys are saying. Optical media does sound a lot more secure than magnetic. But magnetic is so much more convenient. So I guess I'll do both. For now I'll get the 200 gig external drive and use that because it's way better, automatic backups, and more convenient, but I'll keep backing up my docs and pics on CDRW's as well. I can trust a second drive with my media files for a few months before I get me a dvd burner. :D