Is Planetside stealing my money?


[H]F Junkie
Dec 24, 2001
I got the 30 day free trial of Planetside from gamespy I think it was however I only played it 2-3 times.

But now I have noticed some weird transactions from my bank account.


That can very well be Sony Entertainment(EURO)PLANETSIDE?? How come those bastards can do this crap?
did you cancel before the 30 days was up?

If you didn't cancel, then it automatically charges for the next month.
Originally posted by bizzz111
did you cancel before the 30 days was up?

If you didn't cancel, then it automatically charges for the next month.

I am not sure it was so long ago I can´t remember :( They have made a lot of money on me for nothing in that case :mad:
Their signup form explicitly states that you have to cancel your account before the 30 days are up. If you didn't, then you still have an active account with them.
Originally posted by EternalKnight
Their signup form explicitly states that you have to cancel your account before the 30 days are up. If you didn't, then you still have an active account with them.
That's likely the case, but as AOL knows, if you can proove that he isn't using the service (or rather, they can't proove he was) then any court will take his side.

In other words, they will likely refund him since they know they will lose in court. If it is them, just contact them nicely and play the dumb "I though I clicked the cancel button, didn't it work?" customer.
Originally posted by oqvist
I got the 30 day free trial of Planetside from gamespy I think it was however I only played it 2-3 times.

Eh? I looked around on the Gamepsy and Planetside sites for this offer, but I can't find it.

How long ago did this offer exist?
You signed their end users license agreement or their terms or service before you could play and it stated that you needed to cancel before your billing date to avoid being charged, going to court over a piddly amount of money is a lame idea considering these companies have a team of legal professionals that would shoot you down faster than a priest after an alter boy.

Fact of the matter is you failed to check your billing statements and read where you were accepting.
Originally posted by polydiol
You signed their end users license agreement or their terms or service before you could play and it stated that you needed to cancel before your billing date to avoid being charged, going to court over a piddly amount of money is a lame idea considering these companies have a team of legal professionals that would shoot you down faster than a priest after an alter boy.

Fact of the matter is you failed to check your billing statements and read where you were accepting.
While going to court may be a waste of time, it's likely it would never get that far. EULA be dammed, and you can take that to AOL who ISN'T collecting on all the dumb ass people that gave them their CC # for the 40 free hours and forgot to stop the billing. The thing it, this type of case has already BEEN to court. If the service that's charging can't proove he was using the account, they will lose. Logic in law actually applies here, if you were not using the service, you do not have to pay. Sure, AOL -is- collecting from all the morons who don't notice, but when they do, it's likely they get their money back becase AOL already knows it's going to lose.

The same logic applies here, and it's at least worth playing the dumb customer who 'forgot' to discontinue service. They are not going to sick a team of lawyers on a case worth this. It won't even be handled by their legal dept. It'll never leave customer service.
Originally posted by djshorty
Even if you WERE playing they are stealing your money.

But don´t they have logs for every time you log on to their servers? I mean it´s several months ago so it can be quite a lot of money. And it was a free month so you thought they should at least ask you before charging you. But it´s so long ago I can´t know what it´s that happened. I don´t even recall giving them my VISA number for gods sake but I must somehow since they love to take my money.
Samething happened with my Galaxies account...and getting ahold of SOE was like pulling teeth. What kind of company is open from 9am pst to 1pm pst then reopens at 3pm pst and closes at 6pm pst.

Does their whole company go to lunch at the same time? And it's total bullshit to have to call a pay number to disconnect your account too. Those bastards have plenty of money, get a damn 1800 number ya fucking losers.


Sorry, I sympathize with your position and this thread just rekindled old hatred I have for SOE.
Yeah nothing you can do. More and more companies have been pulling this BS, because 90% of the nation never keeps track of, "I have to cancel this account by this date or I get charged". Happens to me. Some Credit Verification thingy that I was curious to see, makes you put in your credit card information for them to verify your account. After 30 days, they charge you $79 if you wish to cancel... not to mention that it's hard to cancel with them to begin with, because of their hours, and accessibility... I tried so many times to at least cancel before it ended... when they finally charged me, the next day after that I got through and they refunded the money, so that's a plus.
Originally posted by QHalo
Samething happened with my Galaxies account...and getting ahold of SOE was like pulling teeth. What kind of company is open from 9am pst to 1pm pst then reopens at 3pm pst and closes at 6pm pst.

The only time you were free to contact them was between 1 and 3? What are you doing with the other 22 hours in the day that keeps you so busy?
It may not be as convenient, but it's hardly something to bitch about. :rolleyes:

On the subject though, I have to agree with djshorty:
Even if you WERE playing they are stealing your money. :D

It's not worth the money :p
don't blame the company because they're trying to do what every other company out there is doing - making money.

a lot of you people think that just because you don't use the service that you get your money back - get rid of that notion as well, since when do you call your bank and tell them you're not paying your car payment because you didn't drive your car that month.
Originally posted by Lord Chambers
Eh? I looked around on the Gamepsy and Planetside sites for this offer, but I can't find it.

How long ago did this offer exist?
Hi ovquist.
Originally posted by Lord Chambers
Hi ovquist.

Hi do I know you :)

I don´t know if I blame them yet it depends on what they do about it. They could be a hell of a lot clearer about their policys and when they charge you. I never get an email or anything about if I want to continue the service or anything.

Some companies try to build up a good relationship so you want to make business with them again other just want to strip you for as much money as you can since money is all they want and they don´t think they will benefit from a long term relationship.

It all depends on what kind of company really. There is companies that take pride in what they do.

Yes my case isn´t that good since I have reformatted my harddrive like 3 times after I last played Planetside so I have no info to go after. I don´t even know my user name or account number or anything. From what I can recall I understood that me giving them the VISA number was only to proof that I could pay for the service in the future. They should have made that much clear on the same page as where you pay it from. But of course they wouldn´t want that.

But I will see how they reply in this matter.

That car comparison btw I didn´t understand at all??? If you get a car of course you pay for it. Even if you return it unused it´s value is diminished.

However in Planetside and other MP games you pay for the server and maintenance costs mainly as well as the game itself.

I sure wouldn´t go to court for this since I can´t proove my case really but as said I don´t know yet if they will do anything about it. I really think they should though at least if they can track my log ins and see I haven´t been playing it for more than the 3 times I did. It don´t cost them anything else than the money they shouldn´t have anyway. And they got interest on it too.
Originally posted by RazeDS
The only time you were free to contact them was between 1 and 3? What are you doing with the other 22 hours in the day that keeps you so busy?
It may not be as convenient, but it's hardly something to bitch about. :rolleyes:

Some of us have jobs. :rolleyes:

If you would have read my post, you would realize that they are only open for 7 hours out of the day and close for 2 hours after 4 hours, which just happens to be when I'm working. Read the post or dont comment ya moron.
Originally posted by QHalo
Some of us have jobs. :rolleyes:

If you would have read my post, you would realize that they are only open for 7 hours out of the day and close for 2 hours after 4 hours, which just happens to be when I'm working. Read the post or dont comment ya moron.

I was not aware that you worked from 9AM-6PM without breaks, have no flexibility on when you can take lunch, and aren't allowed to use a phone at work.

That's horrible. I apologize for my earlier post, feel free to complain as much as you want.

But if I were in your shoes, I'd get a new job. :p
Originally posted by WickedAngel
If you rented a limo and didn't use it, would you still be charged for it?

That still isn´t as good of a comparison. If you rent a limo you occupy it so noone else can rent it in the meantime.

I am sure as hell not going to court for this matter since I have no way to find out if it´s me doing something wrong or they doing something wrong but my point is I haven´t used their bandwidth, I haven´t used their product after the trial method so I haven´t cost them anything. So if they where nice people they should give me my money back if they can see when I log on and such which I am sure they can.

If they could track my log ins or such they should be able to transfer my money back really. Surely if the transfer in itself costs money they could take a service fee that I wouldn´t mind.
If you rent a limo you occupy it so noone else can rent it in the meantime.

You don't have to be in it for them to charge you money. You pay them for the privelage of having the limo at your service. Whether or not you are in it is irrelevant.
The internet service issue is still different. You can't really compare it to something where physical property is involved.

The system is completely automated, if he doesn't use the service, they don't spend anything. With a limo the company has to make sure that physical property (the limo and driver) are available should you choose to make use of them. By doing that alone they are providing a service.

In this case it's more like buying a bus ticket, except on this bus there are unlimited number of seats so booking isn't an issue. If you don't go on the bus they lose nothing except the effort involved selling the ticket.

I don't know that he'll get his money back, but at there very least I would think they would refund his last month if only for better PR.
Originally posted by WickedAngel
You don't have to be in it for them to charge you money. You pay them for the privelage of having the limo at your service. Whether or not you are in it is irrelevant.

Dude that was what I was saying? Why do you qoute me and say the same ;)
You didn't have to supply any billing information to activate the free trial. Your account would've simply expired at the end of the 30 days had you not.
I must have misread your use of "occupy". It's still a fitting comparison.

The system is completely automated, if he doesn't use the service, they don't spend anything. With a limo the company has to make sure that physical property (the limo and driver) are available should you choose to make use of them. By doing that alone they are providing a service.

They buy adequate server space based on the amount of subscribers they're anticipating. Their monetary commitment is being made beforehand. They maintain those servers, assuming that they will be used. He did take up their resources by showing some interest.
Originally posted by OTL
You didn't have to supply any billing information to activate the free trial. Your account would've simply expired at the end of the 30 days had you not.

Well they somehow convinced me I needed to from what I remembered :mad:

And no I didn´t said I was interested. I just signed up and the same day I could play it and it explicitly said 30 day free trial.

I would rather give my money to Amnesty than Sony Entertainment if I would give them away for free. I think I will ask them that if they don´t want to even give back for the money they draw the last time.
Originally posted by djshorty
Even if you WERE playing they are stealing your money.

Is Planetside really that bad? I've got friends that swear by it.
Originally posted by BobSutan
Is Planetside really that bad? I've got friends that swear by it.

I didn´t think it was I just get alienated and confused by these MMOFPS or MMORPG games. I never understand what it is I am doing or are supposed to do.
Originally posted by BobSutan
Is Planetside really that bad? I've got friends that swear by it.

It wasn't that bad at first... but then after a couple months of playing and hearing the devs say "the <awesome new feature> is coming soon!" "we'll get that fixed next month!" and seeing the date go by with no update... well it got old. It wasn't worth paying a subscription for a game that would be good "sometime soon". I'd rather just play one that works now.

Although I must say, some of the battles in that game were very fun, 400 people all swarming around a base while you're hiding in trees trying to pick off the enemy and move often enough that you aren't spotted and killed.

It was fun, but not really worth the money, and I'm really into MMGs so don't think I'm against paying a monthly fee. Also consider, PS was only costing me $8/month since I had a subscription to EQ at the time.

If the developers cared about things working, were on the ball with balance issues, and made more than one update every two months, I'd probably still be playing.
Originally posted by oqvist
I didn´t think it was I just get alienated and confused by these MMOFPS or MMORPG games. I never understand what it is I am doing or are supposed to do.

You're not alone. I had a chance to play Ultima Online and Everquest on the free player-run servers and I still couldn't bear it.
I activly played PS with my clan from august till january (then picked up other games) and just now I am starting to play a bit more.

I have to say, they REALLY improved on the performance side of the game.

And there really is no better game that lets you play close to 100 vs 100 vs 100 over a base battle

The game does get so much better when you run a squad of the same vehicles (all vanguards, magnums or prowlers). 10-16 guys, all communicating. Come out of nowhere and turn a battle in their favor :)

I loved being a galaxy pilot. Might pick that cert back up again
if how planetside is like any other MMORPG i've played, it's very clear that you WILL be charged after the 30 day trail. When I played SWG (SOE, btw) i was very well aware that if i did not cancel my account after 30 days I would be charged monthly. I mean, actually READ the info people. When I'm putting in my CC# for something I make damn sure I know what it's for, and what will happen with it. Last thing I need is for money to magically start disappearing from my account.

also, i never had to cancel my account for SWG over the phone, you sure you have to?
Originally posted by NickTheNut

also, i never had to cancel my account for SWG over the phone, you sure you have to?

I think he lost his login info. :-/
Yes I lost everything. All I could give them was my visa number and a user name I don´t think I used. But the visa number should be enough or I will sue them to death.