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  1. I

    Chasing the 900 Million Point Month

    Sorry. It helps a lot with converting visitors into members, and members post more than visitors... So attachment viewing requires login on OC because it helps lower the barrier to being active. On the downside, sometimes people don't want to bother with registering, but for those on the edge it...
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    Chasing the 900 Million Point Month

    We don't just meet goals... We bury them in poo!
  3. I

    Chasing the 900 Million Point Month

    Greetings from the Poop Deck of the USS Poo Flinger! In the past 21 hours, it looks as though we've tossed in 1.4 Million for the cause here... In the next 24 hours through the rest of the month, I think we should be tracking closer to 2 Million per 24 hours...
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    Ivy Bridge Temperatures Could Be Linked To TIM Inside Integrated Heatspreader: Report

    Do you know your Intel reps name MeanBruce? If its Chris, I talked to him the other day on Overclockers forums, and he wasn't able to assist on this issue at the time. I had to go through their press contact to find out about their "secret sauce", then I had to ask again telling them what I was...
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    Ivy Bridge Temperatures Could Be Linked To TIM Inside Integrated Heatspreader: Report

    Thanks for the direct link ironwolf. We'll have updates once we hear further from Intel. Hopefully it will be good news.
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    will you be getting Ivy Bridge?

    April 29th in the US
  7. I

    Anyone ever order a retail 920 and get...

    The latest from Ipex's perspective:
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    Anyone ever order a retail 920 and get...

    After Kyle's last response to me, in which he accused of plagiarism, I am gracefully stepping out of this discussion. Let it be known that Kyle's legal counsel has not contacted me yet regarding any copyright issues. I can only assume that is because his response to me was...
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    Congrats on getting to #1

    Your welcome, however you forgot to thank me for the forewarning also. ;) Though [h] appears to have monopolized the overall pwn4ge market currently, our independent analysts have found that has cornered some niche pwn4ge markets which 32 is expected to capitalize on to...
  10. I

    Congrats on getting to #1

    I was swinging by to start a thread in honor of your achievement when I found this thread already started. Glad to see another T32 player representing for the cause. Just don't start thinking we actually like you. Your ultimate demise will someday come, and team 32 will be the ones to deliver...
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    *ninjas the hacked borgs - back to 32* LOL, being a computer guy is no guarantee of likeing the [H]. ;) *goes to wash hands in acid for disinfection after visiting [H]orde*
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    What sort of ...dang it... network setup do ...crap... you have? If you need help, believe it or not, you can feel free to post in the folding forum of team 32 for help... We have a few domain deployers that could push this out to the machines over the network with desired flags and all set...
  13. I

    33 - 5216 32 - 5122 24 - 5085 OCAU outnumbered us by 1111 CPU's on December 28th, and our CPU count was 4578 on December 30th... Get 'em boys, get 'em boys... 32 is comin' for ya, can't do nothin' for ya' cause 32 is comin' for ya, run, hide, duck, duck cause we don't give up...
  14. I

    Hey there fellas... Team 32 saying hello again. :D We should have some interesting days ahead I expect, much like yesterday between our two fine teams. ;) Team 32 is very serious and very dedicated, and I honestly have never seen a fire in any team like I have seen in ours over the past...
  15. I

    Question about AMD 64 3200+ and 3500+

    Then you should look into what frequencies people have been hitting on these sticks - they should have TCCD modules so that means you are looking in the right place. Once you know what frequency you can hit on the memory, that will help you know what multiplier you will need to run the CPU at...
  16. I

    Out of the loop -- Need some advice

    What is wrong with a A64 3200+ revision E which will soon be available? Or do you just not want to look in that price range?
  17. I

    Newer processors wont run as hot?

    Newer processors built on the 90 nm process do not take voltage the same way 130nm processors do, and if you crank voltage the same way as you did before, you may find your chippie packs up and heads for the hills before you give it a proper leave of absence.
  18. I

    Question about AMD 64 3200+ and 3500+

    In one word: no. In more... The 3500 offers a higher multiplier of 11x, the 3200 offers a multiplier of 10, and the 3000+ offers a multiplier of 9. Clearly the 3200 is ideal and they tend to clock into similar ranges as 3500. If you opt for the 3000+ you will need to run 300FSB to get...
  19. I

    Two add-in RAID controllers won't play nice

    Heh, thanks, I think the input I found here on this subject was has by far been the most helpful. Here's some good news to award your efforts... I've got both controllers running in XP now! I flashed the bios of the Sil3112 successfully and it made no difference... Somewhat expected. So I...
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    Two add-in RAID controllers won't play nice

    Snugglebear, everything you say makes complete sense. I really appreciate your comments, as they explain a lot of things I knew roughly about, or wondered about how exactly they work. A lot of knowledge in that post. If nothing else, I know what to look for now, and if I still can't make it...
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    Two add-in RAID controllers won't play nice

    Only whichever controller that is placed in the highest priority PCI slot will work. The sil3112 sata RAID is in PCI 2 with IRQ 10. The Promise pata RAID is in PCI 3 with IRQ 11. Neither are sharing resources with other devices. After mobo bios post, the sata bios will post, then...