
Of course at the rate we're going, it'll take us a few years to catch up, unless we get a significant increase in production that is...

Also of note is that 1920x1080i-how a major folding contributor from the past has just started up again for rage32d (team 64) and their numbers should up shoot up significantly for as long as he's folding.
it would be interesting having 3 teams always battling for #1 instead of 2...

'1920x1080i-How???' has 511 active cpu's going for him ATM...I guess it is time for me to find a job as a network admin for a huge enterprise business and borg all their pc's. And then quit. Mmmyes.

And I thought I was kickin' with 14 cpus...
MF used to have some crazy amount of CPUs, doin around 16k ppd or so the last I remember :(
he did his part, and more.

Considering MF stopped folding a while back and is still 5th overall he must've had some major firepower...he is definitely still [H] (but welcome back if he wants to rejoin the fight!)

But this 1920 guy is loading up....considering he added 17 boxen in the 15 minutes between my post and Dr K's. 87k points in the last 24 hours is SCARY.

Those are some freaky numbers 1920 are putting up.

Anyone know what MF was running when he was doing his thing?
Don't know what MF was using during his reign at the top...all I know is Marty whizzed by me about a week ago and I painfully grimaced as I couldn't even put up a fight. :(

I think MF was around a buck-50 at his zeneth....I remember the days when I had 50+machines... :(
holy shit, 640 machines active in the last 7 days....he must be a sysadmin at some place big, or be involved in several schools at least...wow... :eek: :eek: :eek:
JasonLee said:
'1920x1080i-How???' has 511 active cpu's going for him ATM...I guess it is time for me to find a job as a network admin for a huge enterprise business and borg all their pc's. And then quit. Mmmyes.

And I thought I was kickin' with 14 cpus...

i have over 1000 cpus under my control right now as a network admin. but from a business standpoint its hard to put them on to a BORG.. god would it be nice though. all roughly 2ghz+256mb ram machines.
It would be nice if there could be a charity right off for the expenses associated with folding. It would get more businesses involved and probably even so individuals.
those boys have some crazy installers that b0rg whole networks in 30 seconds.

from their site

Network FAH Installs

Say you're lucky enough to find yourself in the data center for your local school district and the admin is FAH friendly. You have 10 minutes to load FAH on as many computers as you can before he has to go reload on caffeine and Doritos, what do you do?

You have four options:

1. Use the FAH Deployer that was originally created by Doc-of-FC (Brenton) of OCAU Forums and massively overhauled by yours truly. This proggy will first run a VB script to find every computer on the network and then output it's findings to a .txt file. You then initiate the install process which installs FAH to every computer on that list with all the appropriate flags, installs it as a service, and can overwrite any previous versions of the One-Click. Great for farms and networks alike.

Pro's: Fast, easy, gets FAH installed on 10 to 10,000 computers in minutes.
Con's: There are no cons. This is THE best network installer available.

You can get it here.

2. Use the RemoteServiceInstall created by the folding god DGROMS from the OCAU team. I have modified the proggy to add the -advmethods and -forceSSE flags to the registry and also upgraded to the FAH 4 client. Download it, read the read me, and get your butt borging.

Pro's: Easy, with a little configuring you can get it to work with duallys too.
Con's: You have to make about four entries into a batch file for each client which can be a pain if you are installing to more than five machines.

You can get it here.

3. Use the One-Click as a .msi package on the network. If the network you are installing on has a domain controller and is running nt/w2k/w2k3, you can use the network install function with the One-Click's .msi file and push FAH out to each machine.

Pro's: Fast, gets FAH installed on 10 to 10,000 computers as soon as they all reboot.
Con's: Not all networks run a domain controller nor are all networks Winbloze based (thankfully). Requires some semi-advanced networking skills. Computers must be rebooted to start the client. Also uses FAH4 client and needs to be updated.

You can get it here.

4. Grab a floppy or pen drive and start running.

Pro's: Easy as most people are probably more familiar with installing a borg from a floppy or pen drive.
Con's: 10,000 computers, one floppy. That's a lot of coffee.

You can get it here.


We also make Linux live folding CD's (Overfoldix and Overclockix) and pre-configured distros for use as a terminal server for PXE booted farms (Overclockix LTSP).
Arkaine23 said:
We also make Linux live folding CD's (Overfoldix and Overclockix) and pre-configured distros for use as a terminal server for PXE booted farms (Overclockix LTSP).
damn, OCAU, the WalMart of F@H :rolleyes: :D
No, just OC. Team 32 is overclockers.com and the subject of this thread, not OCAU team 24. Ther's a big gap in points between our teams, but our production has really been up lately. We've out-produced you guys several days in the last week.
Arkaine23 said:
No, just OC. Team 32 is overclockers.com and the subject of this thread, not OCAU team 24. Ther's a big gap in points between our teams, but our production has really been up lately. We've out-produced you guys several days in the last week.
Very nice numbers ya'll been putting up. Kudos.
Unfortunately for you I just borged a P3 500 so your outproducing us ends here. :D
BakedON said:
Very nice numbers ya'll been putting up. Kudos.
Unfortunately for you I just borged a P3 500 so your outproducing us ends here. :D

Rock on d00d!
I never even knew they had forums at overclockers.com. Been to the site hundreds times, checking various reference data for overclocking, and reading the articles. The folding team got some front page pimpage over there today. Lurking for a bit in they're folding forum, I found a fine lot of determined folks. Arkaine23, you're team is a credit to Folding@Home.

The fight is on. Overclockers.com is outproducing OCAU consistently, and their numbers are sure to grow. I read in one of they're threads, how disappointed they were that the [H]orde had beat them to the milestone of 300k points in a single day. They did manage to reach the same milestone 3 hours later. They are for real.

A three way fight for first place would get more and more people producing for each team...great competition and strong research production! Fold on all!

BakedON said:
Very nice numbers ya'll been putting up. Kudos.
Unfortunately for you I just borged a P3 500 so your outproducing us ends here. :D

Just wait until I get this Duron system up and running I just picked up today. I think it's an 850 or 900. If I have time to snag it, I may grab my T-Bird 1.33 out of my mom's system and put her Duron 950 back in to get the T-Bird folding 24/7 again.

I will not the outproducing continue either. Also can't wait until I have the money to upgrade to an A64 system and give my son the system in my sig. Then I'll have some producing going on.

Hey there fellas... Team 32 saying hello again. :D

We should have some interesting days ahead I expect, much like yesterday between our two fine teams. ;)

Team 32 is very serious and very dedicated, and I honestly have never seen a fire in any team like I have seen in ours over the past month... We have added well over 300 CPU's since late December, and we would love to make a stand in the top daily production category and narrow the huge lead you have on us now. From 1AM eastern to 7AM eastern by the stanford totals, we added 49 CPU's to the fold for Team 32 today.

I refer you to exhibit A:


Team 32 knows that it is not [H]ard to fold! :D

Cheers to the great production of your fine team, however [H]ordeish it may be, for the contribution to the project is whats most important... And the competition is fun. :)

sup IMOG :D

Yeah, dark_15 just borged about 60 computers at his work I think and there's a few more people who are just about to get some large borgs...... so we'll see.

You guys are giving us a nice race though :D
We wish you the best on all your borgs.... in the end science and all of us benefit! Not to say that we're going to roll over and let you pass us or anything :D A 3-way race to the top is much more exciting than a sole #1 or 2 teams flip-flopping the top spot!

Good Luck!!

Keep on Folding!! (whichever team you fold for...... though, feel free to make a few typos and make those 32's into 33's :D)


comeon [H], roll over boy!!! good [H] :D

It looks like you guys might not be able to pass OCAU in time to take the 100million race...... at this point you're set to pass them in march, unless you guys add some serious borgs, best of luck taking the record :)
Like we said, We'll see about that.

I have two conditions to see if my quad server goes up online next month.
1. Hoping where my father works doesn't go on strike, won't have time these months to get it running.
2. If where my father works doesn't go on strike, my parents go overseas for Chinese New Years. My mother is from Taiwan, if case you are going to ask. At that time I will complete quad server and be working on the second half to get it running as well.

So far I have three duallies and one ht machine running, two P3 quad xeons will be up sometime this year to help out Team 33- [H]ardOcp beat both teams, Team 32 and Team 24.

The smell of 8x 700mhz 2mb p3 xeon processors, split between a set of four to each of my quad machines along with 2gb or more of memory smell kind of sweet right now don't your think?
Hi guys,

Another team 32 folder here sayin hi. I fold as part of the [OC]FoldingNinjas but havent had much opportunity to run the rigs full time (power bill + living with parents = suck) but I, like everyone else over at OC, have been doing my best to help with the effort. Two front page plugs, a contest, and general spreading the word and in a month the figures have skyrocketed.

I would like to wish all [H] folders the best of luck in the forthcoming three way battle for the top spot.

Be prepared guys, we are coming for ya. We havent forgotten FaH1 where our first place was stolen from us .....

OC Forums Senior Member
FaH team participant
Lazy student
33 - 5216
32 - 5122
24 - 5085

OCAU outnumbered us by 1111 CPU's on December 28th, and our CPU count was 4578 on December 30th...

Get 'em boys, get 'em boys...

32 is comin' for ya, can't do nothin' for ya'
cause 32 is comin' for ya,
run, hide, duck, duck
cause we don't give up, fold, fold!​