
Hito Bahadur said:

That'll save you a few hours eh? ;)

Not really, double click folding client, plug in the config info (basic stuff), have it grab a WU. What I need to do is edit the reg for that force(asm?) (force SSE boost for power loss ect.) deal.

I also need to set the boxen to static IP's so that takes the longest (need the box on a bench with a monitor), wonder if EM3 can target boxen without needing the ip info. I really shoul dread the directions on that one.

What I really, really need to do is figure out an easier way to do what I'm doing (don't we all).

New thread in a week to figure out that one... :D

EDIT: now as far as removing the possibility of a typo in the user name and putting yours in this will help out greatly
Hey all,

Okay, so i was originally planning on just running around and getting on every comptuer eventually, installing FAH manually. (Just like you Marty). This is, of course, if they let me borg the machines before the end of this semester. I know absoloutly nothing about network installers... only that they tend to install things remotely... over the network. Can anyone give me a crash-course in network installers? I'm just thinking about this now, but i'll check Google.com in sec :p. How failsafe is the install? Will it miss any of the comptuers if they're not logged on? Obviously i would have to run around first and make sure they're all on, anyway.

My other question concerns the switches that turn on and off the advmethods and the forceasm features. Since all these are Wintel machines, is this a good idea? And i thought that the asm thing was enabled by default...? Will the advmethods switch acutally speed thigns up? From the Stanford's description, it just sounds like it enables the FAH client to download experimental cores?

Thanks for the info. Ah, and an update: my boss has contacted that "Nate" guy, and sent me a copy of the email (that was around 10:30a today) so hopefully i'll hear from him soon.
DatHak512 said:
Hey all,

Okay, so i was originally planning on just running around and getting on every comptuer eventually, installing FAH manually. (Just like you Marty). This is, of course, if they let me borg the machines before the end of this semester. I know absoloutly nothing about network installers... only that they tend to install things remotely... over the network. Can anyone give me a crash-course in network installers? I'm just thinking about this now, but i'll check Google.com in sec :p. How failsafe is the install? Will it miss any of the comptuers if they're not logged on? Obviously i would have to run around first and make sure they're all on, anyway.

since they probably wont reimage them during the middle of the semester to start folding, i'd say go and do them each manually (since you'll have nothing better to do while your sitting at the computer lab monitoring people who dont really need to be monitored) just so we dont waste the next 2 or 3 months left in the semester... I mean if thats 6-10k points a day like mr. valentine said and theres 60-90 days left... I'd say its worth it... :)

then when they do re-image it you have nothing to worry about, since it'll keep installing it every semester...
sniper991122 said:
since they probably wont reimage them during the middle of the semester to start folding, i'd say go and do them each manually (since you'll have nothing better to do while your sitting at the computer lab monitoring people who dont really need to be monitored) just so we dont waste the next 2 or 3 months left in the semester... I mean if thats 6-10k points a day like mr. valentine said and theres 60-90 days left... I'd say its worth it... :)

then when they do re-image it you have nothing to worry about, since it'll keep installing it every semester...
Deffinatly. I want to wait until the whole deal with the images settles down first, though, before i ask to go ahead and do it right away. Maybe? Maybe i should just go ahead and ask, since we're on pretty good terms anyway.

Yeah, the sweet thing is that when this goes into the image (sure we'll loose a few hundred hours of CPU time every semester all told) it's not very likely that it will be taken out again, until they switch from XP to something newer/better.
What sort of ...dang it... network setup do ...crap... you have?

If you need help, believe it or not, you can feel free to post in the folding forum of team 32 for help... We have a few domain deployers that could push this out to the machines over the network with desired flags and all set. Save you the trouble of installing it on each machine - all you would have to do is configure one config file, and then the deployer would push out the folding client to each machine connected to your network.

Our deployers can borg a small office to 1000's of PC's in a matter of seconds - in fact, our one click is even detected by various antivirus products probably due to this. As much as we would love to whoop on your folding team, I'm sure people would offer you assistance if you asked for it in our folding forum - for the good of the cause. We could even setup the config file for you if you like (with team=32 of course). ;)

Apologies if this was already suggested, but I don't have time to read the whole thread. This should allow you to get all these machines folding before the new images are put into production.

Goes to find more borgs for 32... DR_K13 hacks team 32's b0rgs
must.... hack.... team... 32's.... domain... installer..... to.... be..... hard coded.... for.... team.... 33........ must..... must.... MUST!!


Keep on Folding!!

Spectre said:
Doesn't unahppy mage have a network installer?
um... no...? I have a linux distro which will network boot linux boxen over the network, not a windows service installer. I think turmelle had one, but don't quote me on that... :rolleyes:
unhappy_mage said:
um... no...? I have a linux distro which will network boot linux boxen over the network, not a windows service installer. I think turmelle had one, but don't quote me on that... :rolleyes:

Oops...sorry. Nevermind.
I just had another talk with the boss-lady:

She has given me the okay (verbally) to get Nate to help me install FAH on all of the machines through a network installer that he already uses. So that's good that i don't have to worry about figuring out how to work one on my own, since he already knows. There was some bad news, because she told me that the InsLab (Instructional Lab) is off-limits to pretty much anything besides the clean install of XP, simply because professors whine waay to much about the smallest things, even if they have no relavance. So, that's about -30 computers off of the list. But they were the older ones, anyway :D.

I also told her that there are Linux, Win, & Mac versions of the client available, so i think i will be able to borg all of those systems. I'll have to talk to my CS professor who runs the Linux systems, though, to get his permission. That would be about 50-100GHz added if i could snag that segment of the network. I'll talk to him on my next class on Friday.

I think that was it as far as updates go, so as soon as i hear back from Nate i will be able to set up a time with him in order to meet and get this sucker deployed.
Good luck. The network installers look pretty brainless (even I could use them). I've never actually used one thou... The first part, gathers the systems names, seems to work on the neighbors wireless network..... no I did not run the installer.
marty9876 said:
The first part, gathers the systems names, seems to work on the neighbors wireless network..... no I did not run the installer.
We both know you're lying ;)

Hah, nah, just messin' with ya. Anyway yeah, my only concern is that if a comptuer is off than it will get skipped by the network installer, and won't be folding... But i'll double-check this with Nate once i talk to him.

Oh, and apparently my boss was into DC back in the day: she said that she used to run SETI@home, so i guess i may have had the DC spirit on my side, too. Something else kinda intresting: yesterday she and other people from my school interviewed a lady from Stanford who was working on the FAH project. They turned her down for the job when they heard that she wanted her own cluster! :eek:
I want my own cluster, whats her name? Maybe we can get together and do a little clustering together.....

No I did not run the installer, there is a mac over there and I thought things might end poorly. As far as how I found out there is a mac over there is another deal... :)
very very cool. can't wait to get more big borgs like this going on for the [H]... some other people have been looking at it as well.
Hah, i have no idea what her name is... :)

So i got an email from that Nate guy today... he sounds totally cool with the idea. He set it up on a few computers in one of the labs to make sure it would work through the firewall and all that OK... and it sounds like it did. He said he made his own team (#42753), though.... =/ so that's no good. I sent him an email asking, among other things if he thought it would be a problem switching over to B&H / 33, but i haven't gotten a response yet. I think i phrased the request pretty well... so we'll see. Folding is folding, though. Much better than an idle computer. (And who knows... maybe i can still edit the .cfg file! :D) I also asked him if i could help/watch what he was doing, as (like us all) i think pretty much anything involving computers is intersting, and i want to do this kinda thing for a living. I also asked him about installing it with a network installer so that the computers would fold here before the start of next semester. So i think that's it for my update.
SWEET. I also finally got about 25 P4 2.8/256MBs online tonight. Its time to turn it to 11... :eek:
DatHak512 said:
Hah, i have no idea what her name is... :)

So i got an email from that Nate guy today... he sounds totally cool with the idea. He set it up on a few computers in one of the labs to make sure it would work through the firewall and all that OK... and it sounds like it did. He said he made his own team (#42753), though.... =/ so that's no good. I sent him an email asking, among other things if he thought it would be a problem switching over to B&H / 33, but i haven't gotten a response yet. I think i phrased the request pretty well... so we'll see. Folding is folding, though. Much better than an idle computer. (And who knows... maybe i can still edit the .cfg file! :D) I also asked him if i could help/watch what he was doing, as (like us all) i think pretty much anything involving computers is intersting, and i want to do this kinda thing for a living. I also asked him about installing it with a network installer so that the computers would fold here before the start of next semester. So i think that's it for my update.

Thats good, but come on why make your own team? If he's a computer guy then he's gotta like the [H]. Why start a fresh team and have no hope of getting anywhere near the top. I mean sure we do it for a nice cause, but the competition factor is fun as well. Get him directed to [H] and see if he joins!

*ninjas the hacked borgs - back to 32*

OldPueblo said:
Thats good, but come on why make your own team? If he's a computer guy then he's gotta like the [H]. Why start a fresh team and have no hope of getting anywhere near the top. I mean sure we do it for a nice cause, but the competition factor is fun as well. Get him directed to [H] and see if he joins!

LOL, being a computer guy is no guarantee of likeing the [H]. ;)

*goes to wash hands in acid for disinfection after visiting [H]orde*
IMOG said:
*ninjas the hacked borgs - back to 32*

LOL, being a computer guy is no guarantee of likeing the [H]. ;)

*goes to wash hands in acid for disinfection after visiting [H]orde*

Being a GOOD computer guy though, there's no escaping it. It's destiny, you can't run from it! :eek:

(and some of the 32 are down :( )