Chasing the 900 Million Point Month

OCFThanks[H] has reached the #1 average PPD rank for the [H]orde. Congrats and thanks again guys!
Gotta be registered to see the attachments. :eek:

In that case let me describe it, 22 GPU's, 17 of them non fermi, 24 standard SMP slots running on a mix of Q9xxx, i7 8xx and 9xx and a sprinkling of 2600k. Not a bigadv in sight. Total PPD 660,511:cool:
In that case let me describe it, 22 GPU's, 17 of them non fermi, 24 standard SMP slots running on a mix of Q9xxx, i7 8xx and 9xx and a sprinkling of 2600k. Not a bigadv in sight. Total PPD 660,511:cool:

Hate to have his power bill :eek:
With 22 GPUs, I'm pretty sure it'd be pretty hefty not not as much as Atlas' 13Kw power bill.
Adak has a 48 core AMD machine and i'm sure there might be one or 2 others as well. I think outside of us at [H] OCF has the most 4p machines at its disposal


My 4P is "Tanker", and the parts were bought based on my *bright* :confused: idea that naturally a newer 16 core AMD cpu, was better than an older 12 core AMD cpu.

So Tanker has 64 cores of AMD goodness (4 x 6272), and of course, was built before Tear found a way to overclock the BIOS, but not for the newer AMD cpu's. :(

Still, Tanker is a great folder.

Edit: 3 p.m. OEC update shows we need just one more update to reach the goal! < happy feet! >
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Gotta be registered to see the attachments. :eek:

Sorry. It helps a lot with converting visitors into members, and members post more than visitors... So attachment viewing requires login on OC because it helps lower the barrier to being active. On the downside, sometimes people don't want to bother with registering, but for those on the edge it helps the site.
Helping [H] Misson Update
Day 6 - 3PM Status Report

In this update we added 338,429 points bringing our total for today to just over 1.5 million points from the USS Poo Flinger.
Looks like [H] is just one update away from hitting the 900 Million month :D :D :D

We are going to overshoot 900 million, and land half way to 1 billion :D
Helping [H] Misson Update
Day 6 - 6PM Status Report

In this update we added 200,217 points bringing our total for today to just over 1.73 million points from the USS Poo Flinger.
Jumped the gun a little bit last update so.......
Looks like [H] is just one update away from hitting the 900 Million month :D :D :D

You know....

If you can get OCFthanks[H] over 20 mil, you will get a pimp hat.

Maybe you can put it on the Jade monkey ;)

It would look pretty good.

Great run for a great goal, by fine folders!

I'm leaving a bit early to qualify our passkey at the next port of call for Operation Banana. It's been a distinct pleasure folding with you this week. I'll certainly miss all the good beer and tamales, along with the fine friends I found here.

Good luck with your quest to pass EVGA!
You forgot to add "and it's within driving distance from your house."

I forgot to add "and it's within walking distance from my house" :p

Thank you OCF! May we battle side by side together another day!
Helping [H] Misson Update
Day 6 - 9PM Status Report
Sorry for the late update

In this update we added 178,174 points bringing our total for today to just over 1.9 million points from the USS Poo Flinger.
And with that [H] has succeeded in its goal of a 900 million month :D :D :D :D
Time to celebrate!!

Helping [H] Misson Update
Day 6 - Mission Report

In the last update for Day 6 we unloaded 201,050 points. This brought our total for day 5 to 2,112,997 points from the USS Poo Flinger.
Overall, [H]ardOCP had a total of 35,411,495 for today.
[H] made their 900 million month target and is now at over 903 million :D :D :D

its do-able with a 35 million point average we would hit 1,050,000,000 in 30 days.

Yes I know, however I don't think it will happen over the summer. Too many people shut their boxen down. Maybe the second full cold month we could hit it.
Yes I know, however I don't think it will happen over the summer. Too many people shut their boxen down. Maybe the second full cold month we could hit it.

Yeah I do not expect it until winter time, I will be dropping down OC's and shutting down the extra machines I brought online for the 900,000,000 as I am sure many others will do, due to the summer time heat and summer time power rates increase for many also.
Helping [H] Misson Update
Day 7 - 9AM Status Report
Final Day

In this update we added a whopping 1,027,660 points bringing our total for today to just over 1.6 million points from the USS Poo Flinger.
Congratulations on [H] breaking the 900 million month mark!!
