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  1. M

    A solution to the age-old "surround sound from S/PDIF or coax" problem

    Do you have a surround sound speaker system hooked up to your PC via a digital S/PDIF? Tired of having to fiddle around with control panel windows before running a game just to get surround sound working? I have a solution! A bit of background: I've been using a PC with a home theater sound...
  2. M

    Catalyst: MMACEPrev.exe error

    just to confirm, I updated to catalyst 10.7 today and the SAME #$@%@ happened >( good thing I can easily find this thread.
  3. M

    Favorite GPU you have owned?

    "It's arcade-perfect!" ah, the good ol' days. Now, the kids are saying "it almost runs Crysis!"
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    Favorite GPU you have owned?

    PS2 > PS3 For real. This generation of consoles has been terribly disappointing. Instead expanding on what makes consoles unique, developers have spent the last 5 years playing catch-up with the PC. The only exception is the Wii and not by a great margin when you consider the ratio of...
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    Favorite GPU you have owned?

    My favourite card is a tie between the 6800GT and the 8800gtx When I purchased the 6800GT it was after I sold my craptastic ati 9600xt. I was disillusioned with PC gaming and was about to call it quits with the mouse and keyboard altogether, but decide to give it another chance after I found...
  6. M

    Any good party-type games on the PC?

    Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing - but you will need to do a bit of googling to get more than one gamepad working on that title. There's always emulation. You can get those old nintendo 64 party games or better yet, wii games. Just buy the original games! Support game developers, not piracy :)
  7. M

    amBX is cheap as chips and looks great with Eyefinity!

    some people just can't get enough bloom in their games! Ours is a strange hobby indeed. Some pay hundreds of dollars setting up dampening panels in their living rooms to leave it as dark as possible while others pay to fill the place up with strobe lights. Would be nice if someone posted...
  8. M

    Best Graphics Card Upgrade EVER

    S3 Virge to Trident Blade3D Quake 3 at Very High settings, at last!!! I feel old.
  9. M

    Catalyst: MMACEPrev.exe error

    ati having 3 billion registry entries for their drivers doesn't help either!
  10. M

    Catalyst: MMACEPrev.exe error

    SHIT! That fixed it! note to other struggling ati users: you must search for C4.CCCCom everywhere in the registry. If you get an access denied error, then: right click the fubared folder select permissions. you should get another error, don't worry click advanced in the permissions window...
  11. M

    Catalyst: MMACEPrev.exe error

    interesting, found this: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\C4.CCCCom was corrupt. Fixed it by adding user permissions but don't see a change. Maybe I should logout/restart...
  12. M

    Catalyst: MMACEPrev.exe error

    I noticed that this registry folder: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ATI\ACE\Settings is empty. Should it be?
  13. M

    Catalyst: MMACEPrev.exe error

    no viruses (unless ati releases infected files??), and no reg cleaner was used. For obvious reasons. As noted reinstalling was useless. mip mapping? That issue is not related to texture mip mapping, it's everywhere in the system right from booting up: a shot of the asus ROG bios POST...
  14. M

    Catalyst: MMACEPrev.exe error

    hmmm, found that: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\Properties was corrupt i.e had no user permissions. I set myself as the owner and gave full control to my account over the registry key, now I can see what's in the properties key. but...
  15. M

    Catalyst: MMACEPrev.exe error

    tried it anyway - removed drivers, installed again. No go...
  16. M

    Asus Xonar DX, 2.0 -> 4.0 speaker fill?

    That info is not completely accurate. Gx mode is an emulation of creative's x-fi system. Gx would only kick in if you enable x-fi in a game otherwise it's useless. For general "fake" surround sound dolby pro logic needs to be set. If 8 channel surround is enabled and a 5.1 speaker setup is...
  17. M

    $2500...which company should get it?

    Yeah, a sager laptop is just as small as a maingear shift ;)
  18. M

    $2500...which company should get it?

    +1 some ppl are speaking from the wrong anatomical region...
  19. M

    Catalyst: MMACEPrev.exe error

    same problem as this guy: specs, os in sig... please, somebody recommend I uninstall all drivers and run a registry cleaner. :D Need to get back to nvidia...
  20. M

    $2500...which company should get it?

    I'd probably go with maingear if I HAD to, although I hate the gigantic size of their cases. The Shift looks like it's the best pre-built system out there. Personally, I'd go for a Sager, but that's just my preference for size talking.
  21. M

    Things vista was better at?

    DreamScene! Don't understand why it was scrapped on W7, kept me awake at work :D
  22. M

    $2500...which company should get it?

    If you don't want to try the DIY route, why not go for a desktop replacement? Much sexier than a boring pre-built PC, the specs are insane for a notebook at $2.5k and you will have a much better chance at selling it in...
  23. M

    The I Wish I Knew Then What I Know Now Thread will save your sanity. and: will make you feel all good inside while watching upscaled SD video
  24. M

    The I Wish I Knew Then What I Know Now Thread

    #1 putting together a clean htpc with a watercooling kit, an extended size 850w power supply and all the hardware IS A BITCH! #2 Taking apart said HTPC for whatever reason IS A BITCH TOO! worth it though :D
  25. M

    Asus Xonar DX, 2.0 -> 4.0 speaker fill?

    depends how you are connected: SPDIF? enable Dolby Digital Live analogue? enable Dolby Pro Logic IIx It's an advanced card, so the options are there but you need to know where to look :) EDIT: you're running off a receiver? You have that option on the receiver itself if it's worth anything...
  26. M

    SSD which one? so confused..

    intel probably has the highest standards where product testing is concerned among current ssd drive manufacturers. SSD being a really new technology for the consumer market, I went with stability, and chose the 160gb for it's high write speeds.
  27. M

    Quiet card for HTPC gaming at 1080p?

    DXVA is free anyway, heh, any graphics card capable of dxva will support it. CoreAVC's upscaling is much better than DXVA though, only downside to it in the past was that it was software only. Hardware acceleration was added via CUDA, so it's basivcally CoreAVC quality upscaling (much better...
  28. M

    Best remote to control PC from the couch?

    the one i got is a combination rf/ir. rf for pc, ir for other devices
  29. M

    Best remote to control PC from the couch?

    OP: you should have gone for an RF remote, no line-of-sight nonsense you get with IR remotes. I got one with learning, 5 profiles and motion sensing!
  30. M

    Quiet card for HTPC gaming at 1080p?

    I own an htpc. My previous gtx280 was very quiet after setting the fan at 50% speed. My current 5870 is just as quiet as the gtx280, on auto fan speed. Either will work great, but I feel that nvidia offers better features for an htpc's other functions, namely playing movies. CoreAVC...
  31. M

    Phase change major parts? Cpu+gpu+chipsets

    I got a hold of a lian li v2000, and was thinking of going phase change for my next build. Was wondering if it's possible to set up a kit that cools more than just the cpu? I also wanted to know how quiet a phase change system would be, hoping for a system that runs 24x7 with very high...
  32. M

    Buy 3g now or wait until 4g for price drop

    3gs but make sure you get one manufactured before june 2009!! I got a recently manufactured 3gs and unfortunately it has the tethered jailbreak issue :(
  33. M

    Case selection - ATX+SSD

    huh? The Lian Li PC-A05NB is a 19" case while my Silverstone is a 17" case.
  34. M

    Case selection - ATX+SSD

    why not go for an ATX HTPC? Mine can take up to 10.5" gfx card (gtx280/gtx480/5870), a water cooling kit and a bunch of hardware (check my sig). Removed the drive bays and use one 3.5" for the SSD and one 5.2" for the 1tb hdd. It's actually easy to find a black htpc case with removable drive...
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    ASUS ARES True Dual 5870 Spy Pics

    is that thing actually smaller than a 5970?? That's impressive.
  36. M

    Ipad question to actual users.

    compatibility is the other side of the coin. Since html5 requires a browser upgrade, I am guessing it will be as prevalent as flash in... 5 years? It's still a neat toy to play around with. I might cook something up for a client if it gets more hype, on the level of SilverLight.
  37. M

    Sound card with GOOD Windows 7 64 bit support?

    Asus Xonar. It has pretty good x-fi emulation too, I was finally able to play MGS2 on post Win XP os's using Creative's ALChemy app and xonar's x-fi emulation mode. Oh yeah, the main selling point of the xonar for me was it's solid support for Dolby Digital Live. For guys like me who hook up...
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    Ipad question to actual users.

    jay2472000 has a point, wifi is way slower than usb especially for anything above 90mb.
  39. M

    Ipad question to actual users.

    html5 the way of the future? bah! I'm a web dev, and I can tell you without software tools html5 is not going to make a big dent in flash's dominance anytime soon.