Catalyst: MMACEPrev.exe error

Most likely one of the settings in the registry is corrupt and when the Catalyst control panel reads the setting from the registry it doesn't know how to handle the corrupt value and crashes.

Only thing I can think of is to search the registry for the value "Catalyst_Version" which will get you to the section where it stores all the CCC settings. Then either look for an entry that's obviously screwed up or just delete the whole key and reinstall the driver again.
I did a search for you on internet for this error. In all cases where this error occurred, it was either due to a reg cleaner program or virus infection in the file. The solution was always to reinstall drivers. Use a newer set of drivers if you can, since it will "orphan" more likely the old CCC.

Also, I remember you had issues with drivers not blurring the image when upscaling from lower resolution. This you can do if you change/lower the mipmap settings in CCC, which is what I believe happens to you with Nvidia drivers. :)
hmmm, found that:

was corrupt i.e had no user permissions. I set myself as the owner and gave full control to my account over the registry key, now I can see what's in the properties key.
but ... no luck
I did a search for you on internet for this error. In all cases where this error occurred, it was either due to a reg cleaner program or virus infection in the file. The solution was always to reinstall drivers. Use a newer set of drivers if you can, since it will "orphan" more likely the old CCC.
no viruses (unless ati releases infected files??), and no reg cleaner was used. For obvious reasons. As noted reinstalling was useless.

Also, I remember you had issues with drivers not blurring the image when upscaling from lower resolution. This you can do if you change/lower the mipmap settings in CCC, which is what I believe happens to you with Nvidia drivers. :)

mip mapping? That issue is not related to texture mip mapping, it's everywhere in the system right from booting up:
a shot of the asus ROG bios POST screen on an ati card

thanks anyway :/
I noticed that this registry folder:

is empty. Should it be?
I noticed that this registry folder:

is empty. Should it be?

Yea mine is as well. I'm thinking uninstall the drivers, uninstall the device from device manager, delete any key where that Catalyst_Version entry resides, then reboot and reinstall the drivers,
interesting, found this:

was corrupt. Fixed it by adding user permissions but don't see a change. Maybe I should logout/restart...
SHIT! That fixed it!

note to other struggling ati users:
you must search for C4.CCCCom everywhere in the registry.
If you get an access denied error, then:

right click the fubared folder
select permissions. you should get another error, don't worry
click advanced in the permissions window
select owner tab
select either your account name or administrators (if you are an admin account) then click ok
click the add button in the permissions window
add yourself, administrators (if you are an admin account), SYSTEM and everyone
for the permissions, I used:
full control for administrators, my account and SYSTEM
read for everyone

do this for every instance of C4.CCCCom that is corrupt.

after that,

open the Catalyst install manager
select repair catalyst install manager
log out / log in again, or reboot. Up to you.

man, I REALLY need to get back to nvidia :)
Cool glad you got it fixed. Though it sounds more like a Windows registry problem than a Catalyst driver thing.. the same sort of thing can happen to any program that gets its registry entries corrupted. You should update that post you referred to and help that other guy out too :)
Cool glad you got it fixed. Though it sounds more like a Windows registry problem than a Catalyst driver thing.. the same sort of thing can happen to any program that gets its registry entries corrupted. You should update that post you referred to and help that other guy out too :)

just to confirm, I updated to catalyst 10.7 today and the SAME #$@%@ happened >(

good thing I can easily find this thread.