Sound card with GOOD Windows 7 64 bit support?

Colonel Sanders

Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 26, 2001
My original Audigy 1 is getting really long in the tooth and I'm sick of the garbage Windows 7 driver supprt. Why are even some of the biggest sound card manufacturers like Creative Labs and Asus treating Windows 7 like some kind of limited beta release? It's the PRIMARY OS being sold on almost all PCs these days, yet these companies are treating it like some kind of "we'll provide no support and only beta drivers out of the kindness of our hearts for you daring Windows 7 users" nonsense.

/rant... anyway, is there a soundcard out there that has truly good and (mostly) bug free Windows 7 drivers? I'm looking for a card good for gaming mostly, and I'm not interested in 8 bazillion inputs/outputs or a headphone amp (unless there's one that has all this stuff out there in the <$100 range)

Considering all of the shit Creative takes for their drivers, surprisingly enough I actually haven't had a single problem with my X-fi Xtreme Music in W7 64bit.YMMV of course. I had a few problems with it back in the days of XP and early Vista but since then it's been rock solid.
Considering all of the shit Creative takes for their drivers, surprisingly enough I actually haven't had a single problem with my X-fi Xtreme Music in W7 64bit.YMMV of course. I had a few problems with it back in the days of XP and early Vista but since then it's been rock solid.

Funny you bring up the xtrememusic because my won't work at all in win7 64-bit. My newer x-fi titanium pci-e works just fine but not my xtrememusic. My friend has the slightly newer pci xtremegamer and he has the same problem. Ideas?
I got a Xonar ST a couple of weeks ago and have had no issues in Windows 7 64bit or 32 bit either.
In a basic functional sense, I haven't really had any issues with my Asus Xonar D2X under 7/x64...apart from a known microphone input issue and some weirdness with directional audio in World of Warcraft. That said, due to that I am currently using my X-Fi Elite Pro with daniel_k's tweaked driverset--it literally would not install things properly using either the official Creative package or the PAX custom package--and it's behaving wonderfully.
Asus Xonar. It has pretty good x-fi emulation too, I was finally able to play MGS2 on post Win XP os's using Creative's ALChemy app and xonar's x-fi emulation mode.

Oh yeah, the main selling point of the xonar for me was it's solid support for Dolby Digital Live. For guys like me who hook up their pc to a home theater system via SPDIF it's essential.
I have a Musiland Monitor 02 US with Windows 7 64 and it is working flawlessly. It sounds absolutely fantastic with my HD580s. It is an external card with a dedicated power supply that supports asynchronous jitter-free USB playback as well as ASIO. Has been compared to units costing ten times as much on
And lo didst the digital out to a receiver come forth and it was good. No longer did the people have to futz about with Creative's crap. And there was much rejoicing. :p