Buy 3g now or wait until 4g for price drop


Dec 31, 2009
A 3g can be had on ebay for around $200 right now but would it be worth waiting until the 4g's released to see if it gets cheaper or is that a good price

plan on unlocking it and using with t-mobile
It's all just rumors right now, yes it's likely Apple updates the phone again this year as it has in years past.

It is however not a sure thing that the new phone will be unlockable right away or even anytime soon after the update, also know that you won't get 3G speed on T-mobile because they use a different frequency than AT&T and than what the iPhone's 3G radio even supports, regardless of what iPhone hardware you use on T-mo, you'll only ever get 2G/Edge speed.

Your best bet for a sure unlock and usability is a 2G of a 3G iPhone with 3.1.2 firmware or earlier.
thanks which is better the 3g for about $200-250 or 3gs for 350-400

don't care about 3g speed and don't play games
I might be wrong but I think the 3g has the same spec as the 2g version except for the "3g" internet. If it does, dont even bother with the 3g. The 3gs is sooooooo much faster. My gf's 3gs make my 2g feel like shyt. Just opening up the sms windows feels like forever.
3G won't work on t-mobile's networks. The phone will, but you will only get Edge, not 3G speeds.
Been through that CKMorpheus, but the 3G phone is a tad bit faster than the 2G phone processor wise, but the 3GS is *much* faster, not sure either are worth the prices above, but meh, that's not my value to determine.
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Do not buy 3g whatsoever. No multitasking.

Oh, and the 3g is not faster than a 2g. They use the exact same processor.

Multitasking might not be a killer feature for him, also as he'll be unlocking, he'll be jailbroken, so he might take that route instead.

3G has longer battery life, higher storage capacities, GPS, stuff the 2G lacks but the 2G is at a point where the unlock hasn't changed, although they will not be supporting it with upcoming firmwares.
Wait until the next phone is announced in June and then snag a 3GS when people start selling theirs.

EDIT: Or check out the HTC Evo for actual 4G.
i was in the same boat as you , and decided to go with the 3gs. I never looked back and im soooo happy with it!
3gs but make sure you get one manufactured before june 2009!! I got a recently manufactured 3gs and unfortunately it has the tethered jailbreak issue :(
I don't know if the 3g tmobile speeds are slower. Maybe just in the US? I have an iPhone 3g which I got through an AT&T contract in the states. Then I moved to Germany, unlocked my phone and switched to tmobile germany. I am still getting 3g speeds. As for the original question, I would not buy a 3g since I feel it is too slow. I would wait until the new phone this year (hopefully) then buy a price dropped 3GS.
you should wait. I just got a iphone 3g but with a new contract i'm guessing the 4g will cost around $199
If it were 6 months away, I'd say go for it. Being that it's likely just a couple of months until the next iPhone is announced, sit on your hands!