Asus Xonar DX, 2.0 -> 4.0 speaker fill?


Limp Gawd
Jul 28, 2004
Anyone know where this option is, I can't find it on this apparently awesome soundcard and I miss the option from my Realtek Onboard.

Want my music / youtube videos to come out of all 4 speakers, anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Where's the option.
Mirroring channels I guess is just something most audio buffs have no interest in.

How do you mean? I want my music to sorround me, I have 5.1 speakers I should be able to use at least 4 of them for music, especially since all 4 are identical speakers on an expensive HT receiver.
I think audio enthusiasts like listening to all the content in their music. Mirroring channels creates destructive interference and you lose a great deal of the frequencies in the audio signal.
Ok well, I don't believe that for a second and it sounds like rubbish frankly.
Other cards support it and the least they can do is provide the option, thus far I can't find it.
depends how you are connected:
enable Dolby Digital Live

enable Dolby Pro Logic IIx

It's an advanced card, so the options are there but you need to know where to look :)

EDIT: you're running off a receiver? You have that option on the receiver itself if it's worth anything! Plus, the processing of even a budget home theater receiver will be better than any sound card.
Well your expensive receiver should have a 5 channel stereo option.
I am using analog cabling and my receiver should not be fiddling with the signal.
You can only get 4 channel surround out of the Xonar from a stereo source by having the DS3D GX mode enabled. IMO this sounds like crap (but then I'm a stereo over surround sound fan). You'll also need to select 8 channel input if you wish to use the rear speakers rather than side (games for example output to the rear, not side). This means the Xonar will be upsampling to 4 extra channels that you are not using, resulting in loss of sound.
You can only get 4 channel surround out of the Xonar from a stereo source by having the DS3D GX mode enabled. IMO this sounds like crap (but then I'm a stereo over surround sound fan). You'll also need to select 8 channel input if you wish to use the rear speakers rather than side (games for example output to the rear, not side). This means the Xonar will be upsampling to 4 extra channels that you are not using, resulting in loss of sound.

That info is not completely accurate. Gx mode is an emulation of creative's x-fi system. Gx would only kick in if you enable x-fi in a game otherwise it's useless. For general "fake" surround sound dolby pro logic needs to be set.

If 8 channel surround is enabled and a 5.1 speaker setup is connected (6 channel surround) the rear speakers will be detected as side speakers, screwing up the audio. Could explain why you don't like surround sound ;)
I am using analog cabling and my receiver should not be fiddling with the signal.

By analog, do you mean you are outputing stereo from the Xonar card to the receiver via an RCA cable? If so, then only the receiver can up-mix the sound to 4 channels, via some version of Dolby or DTS processing. The audio card can't output more channels than are physically connected (unless you are using digital).

If you have multiple channels connected via analog then you should be able to set your speaker config (through Windows) to 5.1, and the Xonar card to 5.1 and it should do what you are looking for (assuming the receiver can handle multichannel analog input).
He wants his sound card to do it instead of his receiver.

Even if the effect is the same. He just doesn't want the receiver to touch it.

I knew a guy once who refused to touch any metal doorknobs, thinking they were dirty. He would take his socks off and use them as gloves to open the doors.
use speaker shifter in xonar audio center thing
move back speakers up by the fronts
Most music (except for very few SACD type stuff) is recorded and mixed for 2 channels for a reason. Playing it through 4 channels, 6 channels, Prologic etc. ruins the imaging. 4 channel SACD mixes are also meant to have slightly different rear speaker positioning than standard 5.1 setups -- more behind rather than to the side. It is also possible to have interference created (lookup wave interference patterns) by playing the exact same track out of multiple speakers. If you are sitting in the wrong place it can sound out of phase or just weird.
He wants his sound card to do it instead of his receiver.

Even if the effect is the same. He just doesn't want the receiver to touch it.

I knew a guy once who refused to touch any metal doorknobs, thinking they were dirty. He would take his socks off and use them as gloves to open the doors.

And the socks weren't dirty?