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    BlackBerrry Storm 9530 Help

    come on over to the crackberry forum where you will find faster and better help...
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    Blackberry Storm Review
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    Blackberry Storm

    what's a "3G"? :confused: Didn't realize there's a phone called 3G. If you're referring to networks, Verizon has been on "3G" for 3+ years already.
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    Blackberry Storm

    most of Storm's issues are software-based... and the iphone being reliable? ha! tell that to my friend that has taken his in for service 3 times in the past year. I would get the Bold if you don't like the touchscreen on the Storm.... the Bold is a speed demon for power users...
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    Blackberry Storm

    no patch notes yet since it's leaked. Wait for the official one for that. but in general, most users have noticed improvements in : - OS speed - camera speed - stability - battery life - touchscreen responsiveness
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    Blackberry Storm

    I have .83 installed on mine. Overall speed is faster espeically the Camera, which is now usable when you need to take a quick snapshot. There are still some minor bugs and glitches (this is a leaked OS afterall) but the official one should be even better. If you guys go search crackberry...
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    Blackberry Storm

    get the iphone then - it's made simpler to use (even a grandma can use one). don't switch for the bold since a CDMA version will come out soon anyway. I don't get why people switch networks for ONE PHONE (except for the iphone, I guess) since phones come and go but the network is always...
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    Blackberry Storm

    the camera issue is improved dramatically with firmware .83. It is about 2 or 3 times faster when taking shots and the screen doesn't go black anymore - great great improvement. The blurry shots will happen on ANY camera phone when shooting in low light - low light = lens needs to open up =...
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    Post your Mobile Devices!

    nope. I love it. There is a learning curve to get used to it, though, and I know for sure that some traditional BB users will not like it. This phone is definitly a try-first-before-buying type of phone. With recent firmware updates the phone got better and better (and faster) so I...
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    air vents are on the side... and yes it's a dvd/receiver. I think I'll drill some holes on the sideboards to give it more air flow... thanks for the reminder.
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    minor update: built a simple stand and put the JVC main unit right underneath the TV... it may be a LITTLE high for my liking but we'll see how it goes. I plan to make a couple speaker stands so that I can raise the 2 front speakers up to eye-level. *the wide-angle lens made the keyboard and...
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    nice setup
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    Keep 24" or go bigger?

    1080p HDTV
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    Sharp LC32D64U As Monitor?

    I'm using this model as my PC monitor as well and haven't noticed any significant input lag that prevents me from playing FPS (Far Cry 2, COD 5, COD 4... etc). as for PC use... check out this thread: You should...
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    yeah something like that. They're probably the most reliable PC speakers I've ever had... bought them at least 7 years ago, took 'em to 3 different cities during my student years and they still work perfectly even today. They just don't make them like they used to, I suppose :(
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    update... my old speakers broke so I had to buy a new set. Didn't want to spend too much but wanted something that'll do DTS, DD, and has optical inputs. Luckily I was able to find this HTIB set on clearance for $99 canadian at a local shop! Can't go wrong at that price espeically when using...
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    Unofficial [H] 30" Club.. Post your setups!

    pretty sure there are at least TWO threads on this already. but I digress.
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    WipEout HD dated, priced

    one more eye-candy... my current PC wallpaper lol
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    WipEout HD dated, priced

    Just got the game last night and OMFG this game is amazing! I used the photo-mode to take these shots... had to resize them (originally 1920x1080) to save bandwidth: pardon my french but holy shit. Get this game if you have a PS3 and KINDA like going fast.
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    Thinking about the Sharp Aquos line

    no problem with dynamic color ( or contrast i think it's called) on the newer units... you can just turn that feature off from the main menu.
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    Thinking about the Sharp Aquos line

    check this thread that someone posted... I put up some of my pics I don't know if the newer GP3U have the same panels as mine or not, though (but they should be)
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    Anyone useing a 32" 1080p HDTV for Main PC Monitor?

    i also use a 32'' 1080p Sharp Aqous TV as my main monitor and it's been great! Like others mentioned you can just sit back into the chair and can still see the screen quite clearly. playing games on it is a blast too. btw, most newer games allow you switch aspect ratio (to 16:9 which is...
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    Just Bought LG L246WP-BN

    I recently sold mine after owning it for about 1 year... been an excellent monitor for PC (great colors, no ghosting/lag for PC gaming, great viewing angle) and Blu-ray+PS3 gaming.
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    DVI vs. HDMI

    DVI carries only video signal HDMI can carry both video and audio that's pretty much it.
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    Calling all Sharp 32GP3U users.

    yeah... seems fine on my unit. I don't have problems with red blue or yellow text. ignore that white dot near the top... my camera's got a few dead pixels :-p
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    Calling all Sharp 32GP3U users.

    I have the 32D64U which I believe has the same panel as the GP3U... someone correct me if I'm wrong.
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    How's this 32" for console and pc gaming?

    get something that's 1080p or you'll have a hard time looking at your screen, sitting that close to it.
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    24" resolution question

    1920x1200 is the standard res for a 16:10 ratio PC monitor 1920x1080 is the standard res for a 16:9 ratio HDTV there've been some newer monitors coming out now with the narrower 16:9 ratio but you lose 120 pixels on the vertical side compare to the typical 16:10 PC monitors. Not one is...
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    Choosing the best gaming/video 24" LCD

    if you can still find one.... LG L245/246WP-BN.
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    30 inch and up thread! Post Pics of your huge displays!

    Sharp LC32D64U 1080p big screens are nice. very nice. :)
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    old and new old (exactly 1 year ago) new and I thought the 24 incher may have been too big when I first got it a year ago... lol
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    Accelero S1 and 8800GT questions

    according to XFX's website, the warranty is "modder-friendly", so one would think that it covers modding internally(overclocking) and externally(fan/heat sink).
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    8800GT Disappointing Me :(

    My rig = in my sig, no overclocking at all on any of my components (yet), and I play COD4 @ 1650x1050, all settings maxed out, 4xAA, everything on, and I get on average 50fps and I'm MORE than happy with that setting... had an 8600GT 256MB before and I could just barely run it at 1280x800, no...
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    those speakers are :eek:
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    LG L246W

    that would be my post ;) : (the square inside the pictures shows what I see on the LG when the PS3 is hooked up to it via HDMI @ 1080p) I only noticed the overscan after visiting a buddy that has his PS3 hooked up to a Sony XBR4 TV...
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    Is 27-inch too big?

    I have a 24 and at first it felt GIGANTIC but after about 2 weeks or use I actually thought that a 27 or 30 would've been perfect.... so no, a 24 inch won't be too big at all. it also has a lot to do with how close you sit to the monitor, though, so take that into consideration as well. I would...
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    Costco Price Drop

    in your sig it says you have the dell as well... how does this compare to that in terms of color accuracy and sharpness?
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    Costco Price Drop

    omg I'm so tempted... I mean, I love my 24 inch LG 246 but at $499.99 I can SELL my LG and get this one without too much loss... same resolution but 4 inches bigger = I can sit back from my desk even more! :eek: the reviews are mostly positive as well... hmm... How's the brand itself though...
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    LG L246W

    I noted this issue in one of my posts from awhile back: I'd say the word "slight" is an understatement. lol What's strange is that when I set the PS3 to output "1080i", the vertical portion actually displays properly with NO cropping...