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  1. C

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    That's ridiculous. Does your neck ever ache from rotating it to look at all those screens?
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    Dell 2408wfp really not that great? 2209WA Better?

    I have a 2408WFP and also went through the same issue (I was trying to decide whether I should return it and just get the HP 2475W). I ultimately decided to keep it because I really do like it. I'm using it with 2x Dell 2007WFP's (S-IPS) and while you can definitely tell a difference between...
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    24" + 2x 20" WS

    Would you mind taking a quick snapshot of the setup with the 20" in landscape and in portrait? Why did you end up flipping the 20" back into landscape?
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    24" + 2x 20" WS

    I don't really use those USB ports anyways so that doesn't matter too much. Do you have a picture of your setup?
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    24" + 2x 20" WS

    I'm currently running 2x2007WFP but they just don't offer enough vertical resolution for coding. I'm thinking of adding on a 2408WFP and rotating the 20's to portrait mode. Does anyone have any experience/photos of this? A 30" screen is just too expensive for me so I think I'll have to settle...
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    I got my LianLi PC-A05B ! it's Small!

    Cleaned it up a bit more this morning. I decided that I didn't want to move than front fan up to reverse the hdd's so I did the best I could...might end up reversing them later if I can find a sweet grill to put at the front of my comp. Anyways, here are some pics:
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    I got my LianLi PC-A05B ! it's Small!

    Quick question for those of you who reversed your hard drives (I posted this on the v600/a05b hybrid thread too): Did you have to take your front exhaust fan out in order to fit the reversed hard drives? My hard drives won't fit in reverse--they just run into the front fan.
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    Lian Li PC-V600 PC-A05B Hybrid

    Did you guys have to take the front fan out in order to reverse your hard drives? I tried doing that with my a05b but my hard drives wouldn't go in all the way and hit the fan.
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    I got my LianLi PC-A05B ! it's Small!

    Finally got mine up! After the cut: Front: Side (please pardon the dust): Some fresh air for my PSU: The guts: I'm currently using some old UV lights...thinking about replacing them some other color. I really don't want to get blue just because they're overdone but...
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    I got my LianLi PC-A05B ! it's Small!

    :eek: that's beautiful but as someone else asked, what did you use to cut the window? I really want to try to cut a window like that this weekend but I'm afeared that my dremel skills might not be quite up to the challange...and i'm not a huge fan of the enormous bezels on the frozencpu...
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    7900GT vs. 8600GT

    i thought blizzard had announced it to be released on october...or was that just a rumor... in any case, i'm not playing any this generation games at the moment. is it worth the upgrade?
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    7900GT vs. 8600GT

    Yea...that's really weird..and why is the 7900GT beating the 7950 GX2. I think SC2 is the only game that I'm going to be playing in the near future. I guess the real question I'm asking is if DX10 is going to be that important and if the 7900GT will suffice.
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    7900GT vs. 8600GT

    I can't find a whole lot of numbers comparing the two online but it seems like a lot of people are saying the 7900 is still better. What do you guys think? I'm not too concerned with DX10. Would the 7900GT still be able to play Starcraft II?
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    3.0 Dual Core vs. 2.6 Core Duo, Which one to buy?

    core duo all the way
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    Need a good cooler for a 6850

    tuniq tower definitely. I had the same tuniq 120 vs thermalright ultra 120 extreme debate a while ago. went with the tuniq because it was cheaper, comes with a fan + fan controller, and looks better imo $45 @ the egg right now
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    Cheapest C2D That Won't Bottleneck 8800GT

    Would an E4500 be sufficient?
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    Cheapest C2D That Won't Bottleneck 8800GT

    I want to get the Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3L motherboard paired with an Intel C2D processor. What's the cheapest processor that won't bottleneck my MSI 8800GT OC 512MB? I was looking at the E6750 on Newegg for $190, but I might not need that much performance.
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    Best Window Kits

    I want to cut a side window into my Lian Li a05b but haven't ever done it before. I was just wondering what some of you guys might recommend for window kits =)
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    Best 20" Widescreen under $350

    the banding issues were fixed in rev a02. i have dual a04's and they're perfect. only thing i'd recommend above them are the necs which are $360 on newegg right now
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    Any tips on what CPU Cooler to get for AM2?

    i love my tuniq tower. nice and quiet and keeps my brisbane at ~23-25 idle. it's still $45 on newegg right now
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    Tuniq Tower @ 40+ idle?

    Hey all, thanks for your suggestions. I downloaded Coretemeter and it showed significantly lower temperatures. Anyways, I scoured some more forums and found that aBit just released a new BIOS update for my motherboard a couple of days ago that fixed the Brisbane temp errors. Now my...
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    Tuniq Tower @ 40+ idle?

    I've heard the Brisbane's have some temperature reading problems. Could that be the case? If so, how do I get an accurate reading?
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    Tuniq Tower @ 40+ idle?

    in that case would i need to lap my processor too? EDIT: P.S. Is 46-47° around normal for a stock heatsink?
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    Tuniq Tower @ 40+ idle?

    Does that mean I should check to see if the heatsink spread evenly on the processor and the heatsink base? I installed the Tuniq before I lapped it and was getting the same temperatures....that's why I decided to try and lap it. I used 320->600->1000->1500 grit. After lapping my...
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    Tuniq Tower @ 40+ idle?

    Here is my Everest data after about 15 minutes of idle: My specs are: Lian Li a05b ABIT KN9 AMD X2 3600+ Brisbane + Tuniq Tower on crack 8600GT 2gb OCZ Reaper Corsair 520W EDIT: this is also my first build...please help!
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    Tuniq Tower @ 40+ idle?

    Hey all, I just installed a Tuniq Tower on a 3600+ Brisbane. I went ahead and lapped the heatsink pretty well right after I bought it and installed it with some Arctic Silver 5. However, I'm still getting around 44°C idle temperatures with fan speed on low. When I turn it to high it drops...
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    I got my LianLi PC-A05B ! it's Small!

    I just built a rig in one of these babies and wanna add a window in now. Where can I pick up one of these windows? I was also thinking about a frameless window...suggestions anyone?
  28. C

    Help me choose monitors please.

    another vote for the 2007wfp. i had a vx2025wm and then got a 2007wfp...HUGE DIFFERENCE. working on the dell is so much easier on my eyes. but like joemama said, unless you can pay for the nec, go for the dell
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    IP35 Pro or X38?

    This P35 Roundup at techspot reports 51-53 MB/s for each ethernet port. That's megabytes per second, not megabits per second right? If I added on, say...a sound card and a tv tuner...would that noticeably affect my network performance?
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    IP35 Pro or X38?

    I've been scouring the web for a while for a new mobo and I think I've narrowed it seems like IP35 Pro is one of THE mobos to have right now. However, I don't know if I should go ahead and get it now, wait for the X38, or wait for the X38 and hope the price of the IP35 Pro drops then. If I go...