7900GT vs. 8600GT


Sep 16, 2007
I can't find a whole lot of numbers comparing the two online but it seems like a lot of people are saying the 7900 is still better. What do you guys think? I'm not too concerned with DX10. Would the 7900GT still be able to play Starcraft II?
Its kind of hard to speculate about a game that isn't out yet...

That said, if SC2 is all you are really worried about - just wait until the game is out and buy then. :)
Is SC2 your only concern or are there other games you're looking at?

Also, have you checked Tom's Hardware VGA Chart to see if it's on there?
Yea...that's really weird..and why is the 7900GT beating the 7950 GX2. I think SC2 is the only game that I'm going to be playing in the near future. I guess the real question I'm asking is if DX10 is going to be that important and if the 7900GT will suffice.
Yea...that's really weird..and why is the 7900GT beating the 7950 GX2. I think SC2 is the only game that I'm going to be playing in the near future. I guess the real question I'm asking is if DX10 is going to be that important and if the 7900GT will suffice.

You call SC2 a game you'll be playing in the near future?

You're aware SC2's release date is still TBA, right? It may not even come out this year.
i thought blizzard had announced it to be released on october...or was that just a rumor...

in any case, i'm not playing any this generation games at the moment. is it worth the upgrade?
i thought blizzard had announced it to be released on october...or was that just a rumor...

in any case, i'm not playing any this generation games at the moment. is it worth the upgrade?

You haven't even stated what you have already, or what you would be upgrading to, so I have no way to answer your question.

And no, there is no official release date for SC2 yet.
The 7900GT is a much better card than the 8600GT. Also, given the fact that most computers in Asia are fairly low-specced and SC2 is heavily geared toward that market, I expect it will be able to run on a wide range of machines, so you won't have to worry about not being able to handle it when it comes out.
i thought blizzard had announced it to be released on october...or was that just a rumor...

in any case, i'm not playing any this generation games at the moment. is it worth the upgrade?

Just wait until a month or so before the game is officially supposed to be released and buy a new card then. No reason to upgrade now so that the card can sit there doing nothing for months and months. In 6+ months time (if SC2 does come out this year) cards like the 9600GT/8800GS/8800GT will be even cheaper, and will be much better than either the 7900GT or 8600GT.
I can't find a whole lot of numbers comparing the two online but it seems like a lot of people are saying the 7900 is still better. What do you guys think? I'm not too concerned with DX10. Would the 7900GT still be able to play Starcraft II?

The 7900 GT can be faster than a 8600 GT, but it depends on the game. Shader intensive games, will run better on the 8600 GT. Other games, will run better on the 7900 GT.

As for StarCraft 2, and since shader use is being pushed forward, I guess you can expect it to be shader intensive, which would lead me to believe that the 8600 GT would perform better.
Since I doubt Blizzard will not include a DX9 path in SC2, I also think the 7900 GT will be able to handle the game, even if not with all the bells and whistles on.

All speculation at this point. You'll just have to wait and see.