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    upgrading in the near future... need insites on mobo's

    Hello everyone, I will be looking to get myself a new computer system in the near future... right now i have a dfi lanparty ut cfx3200 dr/g with a 3800 amd dual core cpu. i would like to go with amd/amd2 motherboard and so far not sure what name brand to go with. i like DFI so i was looking at...
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    gd580+ z 5300e+ x-fi fatality

    Okay i have a gd580 digital decoder box, logitech z5300e speakers, x-fi fatality ganer sound card. the other night i put it all together and got it all to work i was using the flex jack from xfi card to the digital decoder. i was able to get dolby digital to light up on the decoder...
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    need help with receiver

    Okay, i guess i do not understand what i thought i knew... I have a xfi-fatality pro gamer sound card, i also, have logitech 5300e speakers... i have that all connected to my pc for gaming... with that said, if i buy a receiver and connect my sound card to the receiver, then connect the...
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    motherboard sound vs. xfi

    wow didnt think anyone was going to answer back.... well, here is my deal, i only game on the pc, i watch movies on the tv. so with that said... i just feel right now with my xfi card and my logitech 5300 speakers i feel i am missing something from what i have... so since i bought all this stuff...
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    motherboard sound vs. xfi

    this is so darn confusing.... so if i take my onboard sound which has spdif which is digital right? so if i take a receiver that does dolby all i have to do is connect from the mother board sound to the receiver then connect the speakers to the receiver???? can i do the same thing with my xfi card?
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    motherboard sound vs. xfi

    i have a dfi lanparty cfx-3200 dr, which has the built in karajan 8.0 channel sound... i have not used it yet i used my old audigy 2zs and now i use my xfi fatality extreme gamer pro card... i still have yet to get a receiver to go digital but i was wondering about the karajan audio that is...
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    decent cheap receiver

    Anyone know of a decent, cheap receiver that can be used for hooking up fiber optic connection?? the receiver i currently have does not have the fiber connection just coax. i wanna get one for my pc setup. i plan on connecting my xfi fatality pro sound card to the receiver, then the receiver to...
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    Need help with digital decoder

    Hey everyone, I am thinking about upgrading my sound system for my pc. I have a creative labs xfi fatality pro the 139.99 one. I also, have the logitech z5300e speakers. sounds decent i just redid my os and used the youp-pax xfi2 drivers for vista 32 bit. So now i wanna see what can i do...
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    what happened to my cpu

    Last night i got home and still not able to over clock my amd x2 3800... i was able to the other night... i got up to 2.8 mhz.. i tried different memory configurations.. the only thing i have not tried is clearing cmos and leave the memory at default and just change the cpu settings to see if i...
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    what happened to my cpu

    no before i was able to oc at 266 and 400 but now i cannot since i just left my two 1 gig memory chips... but before i was able to oc with any other combo of my memory but if just oc with two 1 gig chips it wont oc... i just noticed this right now i and i cannot see if that is the problem till...
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    what happened to my cpu

    well, i turned off the pc and removed the cmos battery to clear it and i am able to start the pc back up again.. so i know the cpu works but even though i can get back started up i still cannot over clock now.. this is my first dual core processor so i do not know maybe if i blew out one core...
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    what happened to my cpu

    Well, i just bought a new amd 64bit x2 3800 939 cpu chip. got the pc running decided to oc it. wasnt doing bad. i was able to get up to 2.8.... then it locked up so i went back into bios and lowered the settings. now the cpu wont oc at all... i cannot go up to 2.8, 2.7, 2.6 i have not tried 2.5...
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    Crreative drivers for x-fi on win xp 64bit

    so in other words you really are not gaining any better sound or special features between cl drivers or youp pax drivers?>??? do youp-pax drivers work on xp?
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    Crreative drivers for x-fi on win xp 64bit

    what about the youpax drivers? are those better then the actual creative drivers from there site ?
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    Crreative drivers for x-fi on win xp 64bit

    What drivers are you using with your x-fi card with either windows xp 64bit or windows vista 32 and or 64 bit?
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    Crreative drivers for x-fi on win xp 64bit

    I just went to creatives web site to see if there were any new drivers for winxp 4 bit but the latest driver download is from oct 30 2006... is there other drivers that are being used? on my win vista 64 bit i used youp-pax 2.0 should i use that instead of using the oct 30 2006 drivers? or...
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    nvidia gfx5500

    thanks guys just wanted to make sure
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    which would be better to go with

    i have two gfx 5200 video cards and i have 1 ati radeon x800 which would be better to use on my dfi lanparty cfx3200 dr?
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    nvidia gfx5500

    I just realized i have two gfx 5500 cards... i was wondering if i use those two cards on my dfi lanparty cfx3200 dr would that be better then running a power color ati radeon x800 graphics card ? thanks
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    wondering about driver detection software

    I just installed vista 32 bit, i for some reason even though i installed all the drivers for my hardware. i still feel like not all drivers are updated or installed wether it be my motherboard, dvd burner, chipsets, directx ect..ect.. So i did a google search on driver updating programs...
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    Memory arrrggghhh

    I dont understand... Why is it everytime i need memory its a chore to search and find something in a reasonable price range. not too long ago i bought a dfi lanparty forgot the model number but costed around 100 dollars.... well, i then find out my memory wont work with the board wasnt sure if...
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    Quick question before i do a clean install again?

    Okay, I finally went ahead and over clocked my amd 64 3500 cpu from 2.20 to 2.75... i was gonna go more but then i thought why push it. Now i wanna wipe out my os and start from scratch. but i have a choice to go with now either vista 32 bit or vista 64 bit. Which should i go with? i will be...
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    wanna upgrade today... but cannot make up my mind!

    okay ... i wanna upgrade either my cpu or memory. Which would bring me more of a benifit then the other? i was thinking of adding another 1 gig stick of memory or getting a new cpu ( amd x2 64 bit 3800 939 cpu ) if i get the memory i would have total of 3 gig of ram instead of my 2 gig i...
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    wanna upgrade today... but cannot make up my mind!

    you dont think i will see any performance improvement if i just go with a another 1 gig stick of pny memory for now until i save up money for the 4400 or the 4600?
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    wanna upgrade today... but cannot make up my mind!

    Okay i have a dfi lantparty cfx3200 dr mother board. love the board! but i feel that i have a $100 dollar steak but am still eating 99cent whoppers... i only have a amd athlon 64 bit 3500 cpu and my memory is not something to be proud of. my memory consists of 2 gig or 1x 1024 of pny memory...
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    tweak program decision

    I am wondering which program out there is preffered or is really good for tweaking a power color ati radeon x800 gto . i have only tried just the stuff you get from ati's website and have so far read into ati's tray tools, omega driver's but there not for vista 64 yet. I was also going to try...
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    The first game you have ever played

    the actual first pc game i played was King's Quest from SIerra games on an old 386 machine back in the 80's i wanna say
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    Help with a .bc! file

    Okay, i am having problems with a .bc! file. i downloaded the complete file, it has 82 rar files except when i try to extract the first rar file it says error. when i check the file size it is 0bytes. well, the other night i had downloaded the same thing except it downloaded everything and has...
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    how to use daemon tools

    once i install a game and then run it, my pc runs so slow starting up the game... i am not sure if this is caused by running vista 64bit cause i have noticed some games i have to right click on the game icon and go into compatability and check run as admin or check the run under win xp .. would...
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    how to use daemon tools

    i was wondering if this happens to anyone else who uses daemon tools. i just downloaded daemon tools latest version last night and i went ahead and mounted a game and installed it but everytime i try to run the game the computer runs slow as heck now. after i install the game while its mounted...
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    Vista 4gb ram , crackles and pops turn s/w and h/w off to fix but only 3gb ram :(.

    how do you get the card to just see 4gb ram and not eax? is there a way to turn the ram on and off?
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    creative drivers or asio drivers

    opps. sorry audioguy, i am just gonna be gaming and listening to music... i just thought those were some solid sounding drivers that kick creatives butt... does anyone know of drivers better then creatives or do i just have to use em?
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    creative drivers or asio drivers

    Anyone? i'd really like to know which driver is better asio or cl
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    creative drivers or asio drivers

    Okay i went ahead and loaded the youp-pax rev 2.0 with the drivers it came with... works great so far. just wondering if asio drivers are better to go with instead of creative drivers... or can one use the asio drivers with an xfi card? if anyone can let me know if i am better off with the...
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    5.1 sound but only getting 2.0

    lol.. i thought i was lacking some great feature or what not .. okay good im good to go.
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    5.1 sound but only getting 2.0

    okay, last night i reinstalled vista 64bit and put youp-pax software and driver for my xfi card. works great! except that at first i was only getting the left and right speakers. well, i messed with settings and nothing. so i then looked at the wired remote that connects to the bass box. by...
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    X-fi drivers do we have options?

    wasnt sure if anyone uses or heard of them. I just found out about them and i have been reading about sound cards and speakers for the past month. so there is no big noticeable improvments then darn, i was hoping it would be impressive over creatives own drivers but i will try it out tonight
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    X-fi drivers do we have options?

    Well, i just installed vista 64 bit and wanted to make sure i have all the latest drivers. well, while looking at creatives x-fi drivers for vista, i came across an option and not sure if many people have heard of it yet. i came across this link about another x-fi driver, but not from creative...
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    Vista 64bit install problem ?

    I was all excited last night to get home and install windows 64bit, right now i have the 32 bit version running and had no problems. What happens is i run setup while in vista 32bit os and an error comes up saying not compatible version. something along those lines forgot to write it down. but...
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    which x-fi drivers work best

    Installed windows vista 32 bit and loaded creatives newest drivers but i am gonna try vista 64 bit tonight and reading into drivers i will need i came across a site talking about xfi2 drivers... there is a guy that either hacked or tweaked x-fi drivers... its called --- youp-pax-- drivers...