creative drivers or asio drivers


Mar 28, 2007
Okay i went ahead and loaded the youp-pax rev 2.0 with the drivers it came with... works great so far. just wondering if asio drivers are better to go with instead of creative drivers... or can one use the asio drivers with an xfi card? if anyone can let me know if i am better off with the creative labs or the asio drivers that would be great... i was thinking i could use the youp-pax software and not install the drivers it comes with but install asio instead... thanks
ASIO driver are used for low latency recording. Are you talking about using driver within a recording program? -If so then yes ASIO would be preferable
opps. sorry audioguy, i am just gonna be gaming and listening to music... i just thought those were some solid sounding drivers that kick creatives butt... does anyone know of drivers better then creatives or do i just have to use em?
They are not drivers in that sense. If your looking for alternative drivers try Youp PAx they are supposed to have a decent set-so I have been told.
They are awsome drivers for Audigy and Live series. Don't work for the X-fi's, Real shame they are great sounding drivers and they are very useful for music creation. Everytime you mention KX driver though you get some idot who says they don't support EAX or something equally stupid about the Kmixer -Yeah they say that they don't and they are NOT supposed to. if they read the info you see what they are for. They are music Creation drivers, this they kick butt at, that DSP page is killer. I used Audigy 2 with KX drivers for adding real time effects to my mixer for guitar and vocals. ~147 realtime effects and you can write your own. Yeah they got potential. This is just my opinion though.