Vista 4gb ram , crackles and pops turn s/w and h/w off to fix but only 3gb ram :(.


Limp Gawd
Aug 6, 2006
I did a post on the creative forum and wasnt much help... ive emailed them and didnt even get a reply. I emailed asus and they sent me a new beta bios for my board which didnt fix it. Basically since i installed 4gb ram ive had non stop crackling and pops in vista. It runs fine in xp.... i had s/w mapping on in my bios to get 4gb in vista and 3gb in xp. Xp ran fine and always has. So i turned s/w off to give it a try and bingo it fixed it. So since i got no mapping for above 3gb ram turned on in my bios im only getting 3gb ram in vista but atleast i have sound. Any word on when creative are planning to fix it? Its not like i need 4gb ram right now but i will one day. Does any1 here know a fix?
Are you running Vista 32bit? There is a known issue with running 4Gb of Ram with the X-Fi cards, but it mainly affects 64bit users and EAX. You might also try to launch DXDiag and turn hardware acceleration off since Creative uses OpenAL for hardware EAX support. Hardware acceleration was disabled with Vista. Seems all the sound card manufacturers have yet to figure out a good plan for Vista support going forward.
yeah i got 64-bit but it crackles even just in windows sound when i let it see 4gb not just eax :(. And theres no hardware accel option in dxdiag in vista.
how do you get the card to just see 4gb ram and not eax? is there a way to turn the ram on and off?
I ment it crackles in windows sound as well not just games with eax. And as for 4gb ram you need to turn s/w and h/w remapping on in ya bios to use over 3gb. When its turned off it gives u only 3gb. But as above as soon as i turn these options on to use my 4gb ram my x-fi goes to crap. And its not my board coz asus have tried different bios versions with me via email that arent even on the site.
Sorry to hear about your troubles. It sounds like memory re-map on your motherboard may be the issue here. Did you try to move your X-Fi to the bottom PCI slot? Also, you said that Asus sent you an updated Beta BIOS that should address this issue and doesn't. This shows they are at least aware of the problem but have yet to solve it 100%. From what little I know of memory remap, it takes all of your hardware and shoves it past 4Gb for memory mapping, and some hardware doesn't like this. The X-Fi cards seem to be really finicky about address space past 4Gb on AMD platforms. My next obvious question would be, did you try the YouP PAX Software Suite 2007 drivers? Some folks were reporting better results with these drivers.
They didnt send me a bios that was aimed at the problem , they just said try a different one to see if it works lol.. and yeah ive tried different slots. And no i havnt tried any 3d party drivers since i use alchemy for eax etc.
You might need a Larger Power Supply. I saw 2 guys on other forums I visit and 3 I know personally get 550W+ PSUs and had fewer Problems. 8800GTX and 4GB draws a lot of power. Try something like this? Just IMHO, I'd not use anything less than a 550W PSU.
Ram doesnt use much power at all (4 sticks ddr is about 28 watts)... and i dont wanna sound rude but its not the psu if its only on a certian o/s :p.
Hmm, for some reason, I thought the YouP Pax drivers supported EAX extensions through Open AL. At any rate, might be worth a shot since nothing else seems to address this.
Hmm, for some reason, I thought the YouP Pax drivers supported EAX extensions through Open AL. At any rate, might be worth a shot since nothing else seems to address this.

They do support EAX but only after you install ALchemy, just like with the drivers Creative have released.
Ram doesnt use much power at all (4 sticks ddr is about 28 watts)... and i dont wanna sound rude but its not the psu if its only on a certian o/s :p.

Yes but the 8800GTX sure does. Removing some if the RAM and having it work is also a hint.
Yes its a hint its a problem with the drivers in vista soon as u go over 4gb lol... theres alot of posts on the creative forum about it from different ppl. Its not the damned psu im sick of defending it lol i hooked up my old 500w just to power the card ages ago to test if it was the psu and its not. Its got 34a on the 12v and the reconmended is only 30a. Over time it may die due to transitor aging but atm while its new its fine. I can even overclock the gtx. Gonna try a few different pci slots and those drivers , let ya's know how it works out.
That pack seems to be working , turned on s/w and h/w remapping to get my 4gb going and all seems good so far.
Look dammit I just offered a suggestion, not an authoritative fix, geesh:rolleyes: "You might need a Larger Power Supply". Now do you know what the hell might and try mean?
@Rothius, Glad you got it fixed.:D If you have futher issues let us know.
Vista, is what quite a few people are interested in -atleast when talking about older hardware...