X-fi drivers do we have options?


Mar 28, 2007
Well, i just installed vista 64 bit and wanted to make sure i have all the latest drivers. well, while looking at creatives x-fi drivers for vista, i came across an option and not sure if many people have heard of it yet. i came across this link about another x-fi driver, but not from creative itself. here is the link http://forums.creative.com/creativelabs/board/message?board.id=Vista&message.id=13550

I have not tried it yet but i did download it last night gonna try it tonight when i get home. but just wanted to know if anyone has used it or heard of it or if it is worth it or not. thanks
I use them for Vista. I'm not sure whether the drivers themselves are any improvement over the creative ones, but you get all the creative applications - which is awesome.
wasnt sure if anyone uses or heard of them. I just found out about them and i have been reading about sound cards and speakers for the past month. so there is no big noticeable improvments then darn, i was hoping it would be impressive over creatives own drivers but i will try it out tonight
It's not a big difference because the youp-pax drivers are leaked drivers from CL itself, which then are customized, removing the 'bloat'. They're similar to the omega drivers for ati.