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  1. R

    q6600 vs q9450

    I use both 6600 and 9450 chips and fold. A 9450 running stock speeds will complete a unit in the same amount of time as a 6600 clocked to 3ghz. Just my two cents.
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    Q9450 new revision

    Well I've been rnning my Rev C1 9450 in an Asus P5K Premium WiFi mobo for several weeks now and have noticed one thing. It may be the settings I'm useing for memory or something but the 9450 at stock FSB and multi (2.66ghz) will crunch a FAH WU in the same amount of time as a Q6600 running at...
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    Confirmed: Q9450 not fully compatible with ASUS P5K and others

    When I first obtained the wifi I couldn't get it to boot with the 9450 and had to swap a 6600 into the board which ran fine for a couple of weeks under load so I knew that the board was fine. Flashed the bios to the 0612 before trying the 950 again, swapped in the 9450 and it ran fine but my...
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    Confirmed: Q9450 not fully compatible with ASUS P5K and others

    I had one hell of a time with my 9450 on the P5K Premium WIFI but evetually got things sorted out with the 0612 bios. Runs like a charm now.
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    dfi nf4-d memory question?

    Keep in mind that Dual channel memory controllers found on todays CPUs rather than the motherboard itself can be rather finicky when it comes to memory. If you can afford it you may indeed be in for a pleasant surprise if you invest in two identical sticks. They will result in a much more...
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    AGP and PCI-E on one board??

    I think you're right. That being the case matrix may be in for a hit in the pocketbook.
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    DFI RDX200 interesting problem.

    Got this sorted out. Apparently all the RDX boards crash using speedfan MBM everest etc. I has something to do with the way the monitoring programs scan the SMBus which causes the system to crash immediately. Speedfan can be used but must be modified so that it doesn't scan the SMbus. I was...
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    AGP and PCI-E on one board??

    I'll vouch for the Asrocks 939 Dual SATA2. I was skeptical but they are great boards and run both AGP and PCI-E cards equally as well. There are a couple of other boards about but the AGP ports are often emulated and the performance suffers significantly. As far as I know they are still available.
  9. R

    AGP Skt 939 any still available

    Heres a good option. The Asrock 939 Dual SATA2 or the 939 Dual SATA2 VSTA. These boards have both AGP and PCI-E graphics slots and both perform equally well. Its most likely the only board with both kinds of slots where both PCI-E and AGP both work very well. There are a couple of boards with...
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    DFI RDX200 interesting problem.

    A friend of mine asked me to buld him a computer and he already had the mobo CPU RAM etc so I undertook the task today. CPU 939 3200 DH-E6 2X152MB Hynix RAM 6600gt PCI-E vid card Mushkin 550watt power supply (must say I'm extremely impressed with this unit) LG DVD-RW Samsung Spinpoint...
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    Well robble its fairly obvious I like DFI boards just haven't had the nerve to try the expert. You appear to be haveing good luck with yours. If I had to pick my most finicky board it would be the RDX. It just takes a bit of getting used to is all. It appears to be more picky with RAM than any...
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    The very reason I avoided the expert personally. Heard of too many folks haveing too much trouble and these acquaintances are by no means novice builders. They all knew there stuff just couldn't put up with finicky hardware. My first DFI was the SLI all the rest I've acquired are all LP Ultra...
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    biostar tforce 6100 939 mATX

    Usually when they stop like that its immediately after the bios has detected that the temps don't require the fans to be running and shuts them down. It sounds as though you may still be missing something in the bios but I'm not familiar with the board. Wisk I could be of more assistance but it...
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    ASRock 939Dual-SATA2

    I wouldn't worry about the AGP drivers unless you started having problems down the way but they should prove problematic or haven't in my past dealings with the board.
  15. R

    Should I max out my MOBO to 4 GIGS or not????

    Sure it would be cool but if you aren't gonna use it why bother 2 gigs is plenty for any operateing system. XP 32 bit won't even recognize all 4 gigs, XP 64 bit will support all four gigs and I'm sure vista will but this fella ain't goin anywhere near vista till the bugs are all ironed out. When...
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    biostar tforce 6100 939 mATX

    You tried running the board outside of the case in the off chance you have a short somewhere. Fan headers don't often go bad. Is there somewhere in the bios to check to be sure they are not disabled for some reason. There are a few boards around like that.
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    ASRock 939Dual-SATA2

    Great boards, simple setup even for a novice outside of the chipset driver installation. They are pretty much the only board that will run either AGP or PCI-E without performance compromise.
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    ASRock 939Dual-SATA2

    Great boards, simple setup even for a novice outside of the chipset driver installation.
  19. R

    Asus vs Abit

    If you're interested in high voltage options then go with a DFI. I have several of the Nforce 4 variety and even an RDX200 (ATI chipset) and they are all rock solid. You gotta be savy and know your way around a bios but they are excellent boards once you get them dialled in. If you really feel...
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    The expert boards are probably more finicky than the earlier release boards. I do know of folks that have had experts and gone back to the earlier release boards prior to the experts release.
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    Best s939 Mobo

    DFI NF4 Ultra series all the way. You gotta be fairly savvy and know your way around a bios but once you get them dialed in they are rock solid. I have no experience with the Expert series but do own several including the RDX200 and none of them have ever given me a harware problem, just user...
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    MB problem?

    Not really thats fairly self explanatory in that it states its an issue with the hard drive but that isn't going to set off any alarms. Is there any way in your bios to increase the alarm threshold to a higher temperature? The power supply could be at issue but if its in good order and the...
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    Hers another very viable solution. Have you taken a look at the Asrock 939 Dual SATA2. I have two of them I bought because of the AGP issue as well and they are both great motherboards. There are a few motherboards with both AGP and PCI-E video slots but there is usually a tradeoff when it comes...
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    MSI neo4 platinum audio issue

    Did you have the case wires connected improperly or was it simply a matter of having a "positional" earphone plug. It could have been either one.
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    Will my motherboard boot up if the bios does not support X2 Dual Core?

    you'll be good to go. When installing the chip make certain that the bios has ACPI enabled and download and install the AMD dual core optimizer software from AMD. The board will boot. It shouldn't give you any problems.
  26. R

    Can u take a look at my system

    I have lots of experience with the Asrock 939 Dual SATA2 motherboard. I run 2 24/7 both with stout overclocks. I bought the first one before Nvidia bought ULI and the second one after the purchase. To the best of my knowledge these boards ae the only boards that will run both PCI-E and AGP cards...
  27. R

    Dfi 939 Mobos

    If you know the RDX is in good working condition its a good deal if you're looking to save a few bucks. I have been using one for about a month (picked it up on eBay for a song) and have been very pleased with its performance thus far. The setup was fairly straightforward and unproblematic...
  28. R

    Best way to hold a CPU to clean it?

    I always hold it by the very edge making sure to to give the pins a very wide zone of cleance (as much as my fingers will allow). The alcohol swabs you can by at drug stores are excellent (abrasive enuff to remove compound but no so abrasive as to mark the surface of the processor. Iusually use...