Can u take a look at my system


Limp Gawd
Apr 23, 2003
And help with upgrades? I KNOW I want to upgrade the CPU, and think I have to do the MOBO as well because of the socket.

Here is what I got:

AMD 2800+ (Its served me well for a few years!)
Shuttle AN35N-Ultra (Socket 462) NVIDIA nForce2 Ultra 400 ATX AMD

NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT 256 AGP (I wont upgrade this for another year or so if possible)
SB X-Fi Audio
2 gigs ram (Corsair)
80 gig IDE HD Caviar

Dont care much for overclocking (srryy), just want nice out of box performance.
Will spend up to $400 for CPU and MOBO, will consider more if other parts required.
Will the new mobo force me to get a PCIE card and SATA hard drive?

Thanks in advance. :cool:
Tims, the 4600 windsor is only $3 more, is that a better one? Or is toledo something special.

The 4400 has 1 meg of L2 cache. The 4600 has 512k. Some say the 1meg is better. I have the 4600 and like it. But I have a pretty good oc on mine. But the 4600 is 2.4 gig, so if your not going to oc.
I have lots of experience with the Asrock 939 Dual SATA2 motherboard. I run 2 24/7 both with stout overclocks. I bought the first one before Nvidia bought ULI and the second one after the purchase. To the best of my knowledge these boards ae the only boards that will run both PCI-E and AGP cards well. There are a few 939s with AGP ports but most of them use a type of emulation to interface with the AGP port and performance suffers miserably. I have run mine with both flavours and neither one suffers at the expense of the other. I usually turn my noe up and hybrid boards of this nature but am glad I went ahead and went with the Asrocks for the same reason you would ($$$ in investing in a new vidcard when you can't afford one). The Asrocks are very nice and the ULI chipset OCs well to boot. Good luck in you quest.