Asus vs Abit


Limp Gawd
Apr 18, 2006
Thinking of buy a new 939 motherboard before they are all gone. Which is better a Asus A8N32-SLI or a Abit AN8 32X. Why is one better then the other? Also what is the max voltage I can set for the CPU when I am overclocking.
They are both good but we had a no. of converts to the abit from the Asus & i don't think that many went the other way ...
Anybody else? I like to hear from the owners of these boards. Also does these board have the same CPU voltage limition that my current board has of 1.5 max.
I am going to watercool this winter and want to get the max out of my CPU.
For S939 I'd say either Asus or DFI. Abit wasn't doing as hot with those boards IMO. If you don't like DFI as a choice, I'd say Asus is your best bet... ;)
Buntz said:
Also does these board have the same CPU voltage limition that my current board has of 1.5 max.
the Abit certainly has 1.8 or 1.9V available (sold my board to go C2D) & 3.2Vdimm.
Id have to say the Asus, one because they are a bigger company, and well known. I have the A8N32-SLI Deluxe and i tell you it is an amazing board. It does every OC that i do just fine. But my 2gb oc XMS helps the OC allot, i would if i were you to go for Asus, but it all depends on your ram for OC'ing. And from what i have heard Abit CAN be picky on some of its ram.
wtburnette-I would love to go with a DFI board,but they do not make one that has 16X on both videocards when in SLI.
Tylerdustin2008- What is the max voltage you can raise the CPU voltage too in the BIOS?
I've had an Asus P4P800 and an A8N-SLI. Driver updates (especially the nforce chipset drivers) are such a PITA that I'll probably not buy another one.
Upriverpaddler-IT does seem like the ATI crossfire boards work better,but I do not want to spend the money right now to buy new ATI video cards that already out dated. WHO knows when ATI will start selling their DX 10 cards. I could get a DFI board with 16X if I did go to crossfire. :cool: Anybody have a DFI Lanparty UT CFX3200-DR, do you like it or not?
I'm an "Abit to Asus" convert.. Not intentionally, just because Abit's high end mobos have stupid features.

My Asus has been extremely reliable, extremely stable, and comes with great software. One of the things I've noticed.

Its a draw IMO which company is better.. For higher end though I would definitely recommend Asus over Abit.
I really would like somebody to tell me what the max CPU voltage is on the ASUS board. PLEASE !!!!! THANKS
Asus for me. ABIT's financial problems have steered me away from them.
mikeblas said:
Asus for me. ABIT's financial problems have steered me away from them.
abit haven't had any financial problems for the last 9 months, instead they have had major investment ...
No problems? How did the TSE investigation turn out?
you seem unaware that abit's mobo division merged with USI ( a $2billion revenue electronics manufacturing company) early in 2006, hence the investment it has had ....
I'm well-aware of it. In particular, it wasn't a merger -- USI bought out ABIT after ABIT rant itself into the ground. While USI is a large company with good contracts, they were also also delisted from the TSE and had their own financial crisis.
Delisting is a temporary action that's done for compliance reasons. ABIT's scandalous past and their buckets of red ink have made them uninteresting as a supplier to me. Universal ABIT's new regime doesn't seem much better to me. Asus is a far stronger company.
Can somebody tell me the max voltage I can raise the CPU voltage on the ASUS A8N32 motherboard to.
If you're interested in high voltage options then go with a DFI. I have several of the Nforce 4 variety and even an RDX200 (ATI chipset) and they are all rock solid. You gotta be savy and know your way around a bios but they are excellent boards once you get them dialled in. If you really feel like starting a fire with voltage options then DFI is the answer. Strictly enthusiasts boards, they don't rely very heavily on OEM sales to stay afloat.