F i L

Apr 28, 2005
Hello gyes...Since i fried my mobo(a8n-sli) :D i need a new one,good overclocker..
I am thinking about dfi lanparty ut sli-dr EXPERT but i don't know if i am gonna have probs with my memory as it is kingstom...
Anyone knows if kingstom o/c good on dfi's mobos??
F i L said:
Hello gyes...Since i fried my mobo(a8n-sli) :D i need a new one,good overclocker..
I am thinking about dfi lanparty ut sli-dr EXPERT but i don't know if i am gonna have probs with my memory as it is kingstom...
Anyone knows if kingstom o/c good on dfi's mobos??

What model # is the ram you have.
The way to see if this is compatable with the DFI MB is::
Go to the Kingston website and run thier configerator, or memory finder whichever they call it.
See what model # is guaranteed to be compatable with your MB.
If the memory you have is not the correct model.
Email the support at that website and ask about exchanging the memory you have for the correct model #.
check out dfi-street.com

thh expert is capable of major overclokcs but be aware that it is a headache to work with. seems almost nothing is completely compatible with it.

you must have uber ram, an uber powersupply, and uber luck.
robble said:
check out dfi-street.com

thh expert is capable of major overclokcs but be aware that it is a headache to work with. seems almost nothing is completely compatible with it.

you must have uber ram, an uber powersupply, and uber luck.

No different than a lot of other mb's and performance is superior to most other mb's.
Sure there are tweaks to almost every setting in bios.
Just because thery are available, is no reason to start fiddling with them.
I am running Corsair XMS memory, and a superior powersupply, no different than Abit.
We have had AV8's prior to the DFI mb's and the memory and powersupplies for the AV8's are 100% compatable with the DFI mb's.
bobyjo said:
No different than a lot of other mb's and performance is superior to most other mb's.
Sure there are tweaks to almost every setting in bios.
Just because thery are available, is no reason to start fiddling with them.
I am running Corsair XMS memory, and a superior powersupply, no different than Abit.
We have had AV8's prior to the DFI mb's and the memory and powersupplies for the AV8's are 100% compatable with the DFI mb's.

you may have superior components but not the OP. His kingston ram will give him all kinds of headaches in the expert board.
robble said:
you may have superior components but not the OP. His kingston ram will give him all kinds of headaches in the expert board.

I don't understand what this means:::you may have superior components but not the OP.

the OP is what??
F i L said:
Hello gyes...Since i fried my mobo(a8n-sli) :D i need a new one,good overclocker..
I am thinking about dfi lanparty ut sli-dr EXPERT but i don't know if i am gonna have probs with my memory as it is kingstom...
Anyone knows if kingstom o/c good on dfi's mobos??

^^^ He is the OP in this case.

Kingston is on the NOT RECOMMENDED list for DFI boards. Especially the EXPERT.
http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=24719 look about halfway down the page for memory recommendations. Pick one and pray.
The expert boards are probably more finicky than the earlier release boards. I do know of folks that have had experts and gone back to the earlier release boards prior to the experts release.
After purchasing an expert shortly after release it truly was an experience getting it to run even at stock settings. Then with all settings in bios at defaults I power on one morning and poof my cpu is fried. A bios glitch as per dfi.i had 3 different types of ram before it would boot.the ram settings in bios are very tight and you have to loosen them for almost all ram. IT is very true its not an easy board to setup and alot of hardware is not compatable with it.
I went to dfi for replacement of the board and cpu.they said they would replace the board but no cpu. After 5 of us with the same problem,cpu's fried on boot up with default settings filed a lawsuit against dfi and after 3 months of bickering and threatning to go public with the defective product they agreed to replace the cpu's and give us a board of our choise.
all pre tested by dfi.I choose the venus and had alot of setup problems with ram an so sold the board for 400.00 to a guy locally.
imo dfi is a good company for a certain part of the market.you have to have alot of patience and some money to purchase components that just dont work with the expert.
dfi also admitted during our battle over the expert that it was plagued with problems and should have never been released untill further testing had been done. I get the feeling that alot of dfi board get pushed out the door to fast and don have enough or any qc testing.we become the testers for them
I can get very simular results from some of abits boards and now some asus boards without all the headaches from dfi's models.
No board is perfect on release but i have a feeling that most other companies put alot more time into testing before releasing them to the public.in all reality the expert should have been recalled and from what my lawyer was telling us during the suit process dfi was considering pulling the board for good. I honestly admire the owners of the expert boards that have them running well as they have put alot of blood sweat and tears into there build.
I really believe abit is making a come back to the o/clocking potential of their boards years ago. I have been getting some extremely high o/clocks as of late and their bios is very dfi like as far as settings.ill stick with abit for now as they have never given me the run around like dfi did knowing they had a bad product and wont admit it untill cornered.there should have been a class action suit over the expert board.alot of people have bought the board and had to get rid of it due to its quirkiness.so as a system builder who owns and runs his own company i will never purchase another dfi product or will i use one in a customers build. I talk all who request one out of using it with my experience with such a dishonest company.its not the right way to treat people and you teach companies like this a lesson by not purchaseing their products.
I just hope this is a little insight into the way dfi thinks about their customers. The way they really think...........................................
The very reason I avoided the expert personally. Heard of too many folks haveing too much trouble and these acquaintances are by no means novice builders. They all knew there stuff just couldn't put up with finicky hardware. My first DFI was the SLI all the rest I've acquired are all LP Ultra Ds. Haven't had a lick of trouble with any of them and as you gain more experience the builds go much quicker as you get used to the bios setup.
robble said:
you may have superior components but not the OP. His kingston ram will give him all kinds of headaches in the expert board.

I agree Kingston Memory does not run in a lot of boards.
Abit, DFI, are just two of them that do not like that memory.
I would suggest using a different brand of memory.
Go to DFI Street forums and see which components are the best to use with this motherboard.
Well robble its fairly obvious I like DFI boards just haven't had the nerve to try the expert. You appear to be haveing good luck with yours. If I had to pick my most finicky board it would be the RDX. It just takes a bit of getting used to is all. It appears to be more picky with RAM than any Nforce board I've dealt with recently.
Radiohead1957 said:
Well robble its fairly obvious I like DFI boards just haven't had the nerve to try the expert. You appear to be haveing good luck with yours.

you haven't read any of my recent posts.. I have gotten to where I highly DISliked my expert board. when it worked it worked great but it caused me many headaches.