Best s939 Mobo


Jan 31, 2002
As the subject reads. What is the best s939 motherboard on the market? I figure that i'll upgrade to a s939 Dual Core proc and get the best mobo to support it, and then later next year make a jump to an Intel quad core system.

So, opinions?
best for what? overclocking? SLI/XFIRE? what?

I believe that the best overall board is the dfi ultra d

btw s939 wont support quad core
If the A8N32-SLI Deluxe works, it's beautiful.

If not... :p

One of the MSI Diamonds, can't remember the exact model, was also highly recommended.
Never owned one, but I have to say DFI as well. But one thing though.. If you're planning on getting a new mobo and DC X2/Opteron, THEN going quad core Intel later on, why not just go Core2 Duo now? Granted you'd have to get new memory now, but you'd have to going QC anyway.

You could easily get a 6300 or 6400 and a nice board + the requisite DDR2 (generally cheaper than DDR1 these days) now, and already be ready to go QC once they become (realistically) affordable.
Another vote for a "best 939" board being one of the DFI boards. I'm on my first one and I have never seen anything like it. It's so solid that it's scary.
Nvidia chipset: Asus A8N32-SLi Deluxe

ATi chipset: DFi LANParty UT CFX3200-DR/G


BTW if you thinking of "later" as in two years,
then sure, go ahead and buy a s939 system.

But if "later" means in less than a year,
go buy a conroe rig, since it'll be better for the money
if you are buying a complete new rig.

By the looks of it you might already have s939 system
or it might be s754... well if you want to use most of the
parts you already have, then go s939.
I've currently got 939 parts. But I suppose since I would be buying a new mobo and proc... it wouldn't hurt to buy a gig of DDR2 and just set myself up with a C2D system now and just use that platform to move into a quad-core...

Damn you people and your sensible advice! :p
EvilGenesys said:
I've currently got 939 parts. But I suppose since I would be buying a new mobo and proc... it wouldn't hurt to buy a gig of DDR2 and just set myself up with a C2D system now and just use that platform to move into a quad-core...

Damn you people and your sensible advice! :p

In that case, I recommend the Asus P5B Deluxe... :D
dont you guys expect DDR2 prices to come down though? so it might be possible to save on ram by waiting?
my favoreties are the asus a8n-sli deluxe and the dfi-lp-ultra d .

the 939mb's should be fully developed by now so there should be plenty of good mb's for it that should run very well with a x-2 .

for a all new build though i would go with a core 2. :cool:
tylerdustin2008 said:
A8N32-SLI Deluxe My board is AMAZING. It takes my 4400+ X2 to 2.6 on air.
my x2 3800+ did 2.85GHzon air on my AN8 32X without pushing it too hard ...
My vote is for the Asus A8R32-MVP.

Absolutely a perfect board IMHO.

The other board mentioned above are not too bad either.
wtburnette said:

I'll have to vote a STRONG NO for that one.

I have it. When it works it's beautiful. But it is the biggest pain inthe ass MB I've ever worked with.

Skipping all the many many hours of headaches it has already given me..

TODAY.. I buy a second 7900gt off ebay to go SLI.

I try it out first single to make sure it isn't DOA. well it doens't work. I thnk great DoA vid card.

Put my original back in. EXACT same thing.

Check out DFI street and find I'm not the only one with the same symptoms I'm getting - 3 leds and no power to the vid card.

only answer? RMA the board.

Called the guy I bought the card for and he swears up and down the card worked great when he pulled it out of his rig a week before he shipped it to me.

tried my original card in another machine and it worked fine.

not to mention that I can't shut down my computer and turn it on again for an hour unless i turn off hte power supply and hit the powre button then turn on pwoer supply and hit the on button again.

This board is a mofo headache.

I came into this forum to check and see what other MB I can replace it with as I'm sick and tired of it.
robble said:
I came into this forum to check and see what other MB I can replace it with as I'm sick and tired of it.

I replaced mine with the ASUS in my sig. Nice and easy, and running faster than my DFI ever did.
If my DFI doesn't "reset" by tomorrow morning I'm buying an Asus tomorrow during work.

This MB has pissed me off for the last time.
robble said:
I'll have to vote a STRONG NO for that one.

I have it. When it works it's beautiful. But it is the biggest pain inthe ass MB I've ever worked with.

Skipping all the many many hours of headaches it has already given me..

TODAY.. I buy a second 7900gt off ebay to go SLI.

I try it out first single to make sure it isn't DOA. well it doens't work. I thnk great DoA vid card.

Put my original back in. EXACT same thing.

Check out DFI street and find I'm not the only one with the same symptoms I'm getting - 3 leds and no power to the vid card.

only answer? RMA the board.

Called the guy I bought the card for and he swears up and down the card worked great when he pulled it out of his rig a week before he shipped it to me.

tried my original card in another machine and it worked fine.

not to mention that I can't shut down my computer and turn it on again for an hour unless i turn off hte power supply and hit the powre button then turn on pwoer supply and hit the on button again.

This board is a mofo headache.

I came into this forum to check and see what other MB I can replace it with as I'm sick and tired of it.

Sorry to hear about your problems with the board dude. I've never had one single problem with my board and a buddy of mine who uses one in his rig has never had any issues either. With any board there will be a certain percentage that have problems for one reason or another, unfortunately. I agree it's a picky board, but once the settings are right and everything, it's solid as a rock, at least in my case. Hope you have good luck either getting your board fixed or replaced.
As far as buying boards for AMD based systems goes, i've always been a fan of Abit or Asus. They have always given me the best performance, and never an ounce of trouble that I wasn't asking for.
I'd go with the Epox I have (NF4 Ultra) - because the DFI boards are way too complicated, and the Epox can do 300 mHz bus no problem, plus it's like $25 cheaper.

Abit used to be great, now they seem problematic. Asus is still good.
ok I installed the ASUS a8n32-sli deluxe tonight. was very easy to swap even with the water cooling. did NOT reformat or even delete drivers. 2.5 hours after opening the case to start the swap i'm running happily at 300x9.

i did have to reactivate windows though.
robble said:
ok I installed the ASUS a8n32-sli deluxe tonight. was very easy to swap even with the water cooling. did NOT reformat or even delete drivers. 2.5 hours after opening the case to start the swap i'm running happily at 300x9.

i did have to reactivate windows though.

Is it typical that you don't have to do a fresh install on motherboard swap? The one time I tried that I couldn't boot to Windows.
Varmint said:
Is it typical that you don't have to do a fresh install on motherboard swap? The one time I tried that I couldn't boot to Windows.

If the mobo is using the same chipset and most of the integrated devices are the same as well, then not doing an OS reinstall is perhaps okay. Myself, I prefer to do a Windows reinstall anytime I change anything as major as a mobo. I've never swapped for a mobo with the same chipset before though. I guess as long as it's running fine and there are no conflicts, it's okay... ;)
General Crespin said:
If the A8N32-SLI Deluxe works, it's beautiful.

If not... :p

One of the MSI Diamonds, can't remember the exact model, was also highly recommended.
The ASUS owns, but I got rid of it in the process of deubugging a build recently. I replaced it with this BFG mobo. It is nice. Asus one was better though.
One more vote for the Asus A8N32-SLi Deluxe.

While I agree the DFI NF4 boards are great, that is if you can get one that works. It may take a few RMAs to get to that point. I have a Lanparty NF4 SLI-DR setting in a drawer. I gave up after the first RMA. I'm old and life is too short to put up with the aggravation.

I switched to the A8N32-SLI Deluxe and never had so much as a hic-up. It cold boots, it warm boots, it runs, and it shuts down when asked. Ahhh, back to enjoying the simple pleasures of life.
DFI NF4 Ultra series all the way. You gotta be fairly savvy and know your way around a bios but once you get them dialed in they are rock solid. I have no experience with the Expert series but do own several including the RDX200 and none of them have ever given me a harware problem, just user error issues. They OC like the wind as well but you can't scrimp on the power supply.
Really, I think it comes down to how much time you want to spend tweaking. The SLi-DR I just traded off ran rock stable since its inception (I was on the preorder). The ASUS I put the rig on is faster out of the box, and all I did was set the HTT way up.
I just snagged an Opty 165 ccbee 0615epmw....I'm thinking I might put it on an A8N32.
If you go with the DFI, you'll need top-shelf/high-end PSU and RAM, otherwise you'll spend inordinate amounts of time dealing with cold-boot issues. Even then you might still get them, i.e. power comes on, fans spin, 3 red LED's on mobo, and no POST. Everything else about the MB is just fine, but the cold-boot issues can really frustrate a person when they pop up, especially at a lan party, lol.
reswob said:
I just snagged an Opty 165 ccbee 0615epmw....I'm thinking I might put it on an A8N32.

Was it from Newegg? Is that a better stepping than CCBWE? how high do they go?
It was from a local store. No idea how high it will go. I just hope it works when I get my mobo lol.
I freakin' love my LP UT CFX3200-DR. Only had it a little while and already have it taking a beating with all sorts of benchies and real tasks. My opty + DFI = a match made in heaven. I dont even have fantastic ram but it runs like a top.
The MSI diamond plus is the best one I've used. It actually has a usable SLI configuration if you want to use your PCI slots, unlike the Asus. It's just laid out better and overclocks just as well.