AGP and PCI-E on one board??


Limp Gawd
Jul 30, 2004
So I got a AMD fx 62 for xmas and I need a new board. I thought I'd just switch them out and upgrade some ram. But I realized I have an AGP video card and all the new stuff is PCI-E. I really want to replace my motherboard soon but I dont want to spend money on a new video card as well. Is there a board that has AGP and PCI-E for future upgrades? If not what are some boards you guys would reccommend?

Subject: Re: 939-Dual VSTA

This model had been discontinues. Thanks ! !
----- Original Message -----
I'll vouch for the Asrocks 939 Dual SATA2. I was skeptical but they are great boards and run both AGP and PCI-E cards equally as well. There are a couple of other boards about but the AGP ports are often emulated and the performance suffers significantly. As far as I know they are still available.
Radiohead1957 said:
I think you're right. That being the case matrix may be in for a hit in the pocketbook.

True. There is no easy way out for him. Although for the $600 that FX62 costs he could probably go with a C2D mobo, cpu, ram & video card. He can then o/c it and have FX62 performance.
The only problem with the Asrock is it's DDR2 only. That's an additional outlay of cash for him.
lodingi said:
The only problem with the Asrock is it's DDR2 only. That's an additional outlay of cash for him.

no,it's a socket 939,hence ddr1,the am2 upgrade card is ddr2 but not the 939 duals.
Just in case you weren't aware, if you want to use your FX-62 you're HAVE to get DDR-2. The FX-62 (and all AM2 chips) does not have support for DDR1 ram in its integrated memory controller.

So since you're already wanting a new motherboard, and have to get nrew RAM for that FX-62, then you might as well drop some more for a PCI-E card and get a decent system together (not saying Asrock's aren't decent mind you, but it may not be what he wants in the end.)
these asrock boards, they're kinda cool but, they have their fare share of querks, not to mention the chipsets they use are horribly out dated.

I would strongly recomend against an asrock hybred board.
ok why did you buy such an expencive cpu whe you don't even have the ram, mobo and graphics card to run it. secoundly if your buying such a high performance cpu why not get a Core 2 when the lower models perform as well as the fx62. By the way i have a 939 3800 X2 i am not a intel !!!!!!.
chrisewaters said:
ok why did you buy such an expencive cpu whe you don't even have the ram, mobo and graphics card to run it. secoundly if your buying such a high performance cpu why not get a Core 2 when the lower models perform as well as the fx62. By the way i have a 939 3800 X2 i am not a intel !!!!!!.

From the impression I've gotten, the E6600 performs on par with the FX-62 if not outperforms it. So for $600 you spent on the FX-62 plus about $60 you could have bought a $310 E6600 and a new $150 motherboard, a set 2x1GB $200 DDR2-800 ram. And still had the some of the money you were going to spend on a motherboard to buy a PCI-E GPU :)