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  1. J

    WTB: cheap PCI Windows 7 x64 compatible video cards

    Hey folks, I need 3 PCI (NOT PCI-E) video cards that have functional Win 7 64 bit drivers. Looking to drop 'em into workstations to add extra monitors. Heat under the same as my forum name, pm me with what ya got; emphasis on dirt cheap
  2. J

    Ratpadz XT

    ah, thanks for the tip, wasn't aware of that. I almost wonder if you could use something like dry silicone spray to reduce resistance. Or a counter-top resurfacer (probably too expensive unless you had a lot of them to do). I've heard of some people using a high grade ceramic tile instead of a...
  3. J

    Ratpadz XT

    new teflon mouse feet would be my first suggestion. <$5 on ebay That's what I did with my g500 - made a huge difference. It won't fix your pad, but it may compensate by letting your mouse move more fluidly over the existing surfance for example: RantoPad Teflon Mousefeet for Razer Mamba /...
  4. J

    Raid1 on EVGA X58 SLI Problem

    Hey folks, I'm attempting to install a new storage array (non primary/non windows) for media purposes on the JMB363 controller for the EVGA X58 SLI board. I set mode to raid in bios, and created the raid1 array in the controller interface prior to windows booting. However, Windows 7 x64 does...
  5. J

    WTS: 3x EVGA 285's

    props for the zip tied exhaust fan. haha. that's awesome p.s. - bump
  6. J

    Mild at least - Raynor Ergohuman ME7ERG $537 shipped

    coupon code was good for black friday only i take it? didn't seem to work for me. looks like a great chair for the price even at $150 tho.
  7. J

    MicroCtr 1920x1080 monitor 21=$99.99,23=129.99,25=149.99. 2x2GB DDR3=$40. NO MIRS

    that 25" is a good monitor if it's the re-branded hanns model I think it is. (someone else can confirm, but I'm 99% sure it's a clone of this: newegg link)
  8. J

    24" 16:10, wanna change with 27" 16:9

    There actually is a model with DVI for $10 more. And the one with just the HDMI ports comes with a DVI -> HDMI cable so you can use it as you would a normal DVI connection. Here's the model with the DVI connector: It really is a...
  9. J

    24" 16:10, wanna change with 27" 16:9

    by switching the aspect ratio, you end up with something more akin to a 25" - the difference isn't worth it. For example, I have that exact same samsung monitor, and I bought a hannspree 25.5 in 16:9, and it's the loss in screen real-estate compared to my samsung was dramatic. I personally...
  10. J

    Advice on shipping a NIB LCD TV

    best advice I can give you is pay for insurance. It's worth the extra few bucks it costs for that peace of mind against the random disgruntled hourly employee that just had a fight with his boss and decides to go ape on some packages. hehe But yah, short of that, best bet is something like...
  11. J

    Much difference between 1920x1200 and 1920x1080?

    I know this thread's a bit old, but in case the OP is still fishing for info, software dev is one of the things I use my setup for, and 1200 is the minimum I would consider "usable" for my left & right portrait units. In fact, I have a 1080 model that's about to go back to the store because of...
  12. J

    Advice: 3 Asus 27" LED or 1 HP ZR30W?

    I'll add my plug for the fight against large monitors in 1920x1080. I didn't think those extra lines of resolution would really make that big of a difference, but when I stacked a hannspree hf255 25.5" (1920x1080) up against my samsung 2443bwt 24" (1920x1200), the loss of screen real-estate was...
  13. J

    EVGA e758-A1 $221.99 shipped

    not sure how [H]ot it is, but I just grabbed an EVGA e758-A1 from tigerdirect/circuitcity for $222. $279.99 minus $30.00 rebate through EVGA + 10% bcb + free ship = $221.99 rebate details are here: hopefully they're good at honoring them...
  14. J

    sli/crossfire support on x58

    Yeah, I'm looking at that one now as well, though the pcie slot speed is a marginal concern, even tho I know benchmark wise, the difference from 16x to 8x isn't all that much, I figure if I'm setting up sli/xfire period, I may as well go whole hog. 'course that's looking like it means a price...
  15. J

    sli/crossfire support on x58

    Yeah, I already have 2 gtx 260 216's I grabbed for $200, so SLI is a short term concern, but I know I'll most likely go xfire for my next set, so I'm looking for both to future-proof a bit. I was actually thinking about that very evga x58 3 way, but was trying (probably in vain) to find a...
  16. J

    sli/crossfire support on x58

    ah, thanks - so all x58 boards support both, but in general, SLI requires the board manufacturer have "paid their dues" so to speak, but crossfire is standard/no license restrictions?
  17. J

    sli/crossfire support on x58

    Hey folks, I'm researching x58 boards for an I7 setup, and I'm curious - if I want to get a board that supports both xfire and sli, is it as simple as selecting a board with the appropriate # of pcie slots? Or is there actual chipset concerns where-in sli may be support and crossfire isn't...
  18. J

    ATI multiple monitor support question

    double post due to ff crash, removed
  19. J

    ATI multiple monitor support question

    Sly pinned it, desktop manager is what I was talking about. It's unfortunate ATI doesn't seem to have an equivalent judging by what you're saying. Thanks for the detailed analysis!
  20. J

    ATI multiple monitor support question

    Hey folks, Odd question - it's been years since I've used an ATI product, and I'm currently working with a bfg 8800 GTS 512 thinking about grabbing a 5770 1gb with the intention of a 2nd down the road if performance becomes an issue. My question is, for multiple monitor setup, does ATI have...
  21. J

    E8400 Temperature problems

    I'm using a Zalman CNPS9700 LED. With fan at 100%, I'm at 43 idle, second core fluctuating between 43 and 48 (seems normal judging by what I've read of others.) Load temps never went above 48/54 Core1/Core2 under Orthos/Prime95 torture test. I'm still fairly sure it's lower than that even...
  22. J

    Computer won't turn on....Power Supply Problem?

    Could be either, but that sounds like PSU to me. I've had a couple MB's die that wouldn't power up, but fans would still spin in those cases for me. Nothing at all, that sounds like a power issue.
  23. J

    I'm so depressed... never saw this coming...

    Late post here, and it may've already been mentioned, but judging by how that drive cage looks, you might be able to just shift it forward a bit. A couple of choice cuts with a dremel on either side at the securing joints, then shift the entire cage up towards the front of your case in (what...
  24. J

    Crucial Ballistix keeps failing on me

    I've been able to get mine up to 366mhz so far, but like the above poster, had to bump voltage to 2.3 to run stable. Tried running 400mhz, but was getting BSOD's. Could be a power supply issue on my end; still running my enermex 420w with my recently acquired e8400/g92. Odd that it took a...
  25. J

    Crucial Ballistix keeps failing on me

    I think I may be in the same boat as some other folks. Can't get my ballistix 1066 ( to post at rated speeds. The best I've been able to post at is pc2-6400 so far. Running an Asus p5b deluxe wi-fi/ap board. Will report back...
  26. J

    E8400 Temperature problems

    Just installed my new E8400 as well. Having similar issues as the above posters. With a Zalman CNPS 9700 LED and AS5, my temps never move from 43c/42c respectively. I sometimes see the second core drop to 41c, but I'm fairly certain they aren't reporting properly. If I slow down the fan to...
  27. J

    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    Inserting reply.
  28. J

    8800GTS (G92) noise @ 100% with stock?

    Oh wow, that's surprisingly good for a stock cooler. I think I'll just skip aftermarket with this one then, good to know they're finally pushing some decent cooling solutions with at least a few cards. Thanks for the info folks.
  29. J

    8800GTS (G92) noise @ 100% with stock?

    Anyone that has an 8800 GTS 512mb/g92, how loud is the stock fan at 100%? And what are your average temps under load? Going to be grabbing the GTS here in a day or two and I'm pondering if I should grab an after market cooler or not. Noise being my primary concern, although load temps equally...
  30. J

    PNY 8800GTS 512mb - $265 AR

    Anyone have experience with PNY's warranty/customer service? Decent, or..? Great deal for sure. Thanks OP!
  31. J

    E8400 to be for sale from newegg "within the hour"!!!

    If it hasn't already been posted, here's a list of Asus boards that support 45nm:
  32. J

    BFG 8800GTS $279 AR ($30) + Ship Newegg

    I'm kind of on the fence myself. It doesn't benchmark much higher than an 8800 gt 512mb but with 8800 gt prices hovering around $250ish give or take a ten'er, I'd probably spend the extra $30 for the gts, but I can definitely...
  33. J

    10% of 199+ Coupon at CC

    what's wrong with trying to save money? heh. pennies add up to dollars over time.
  34. J

    toshiba 42HL167 1080p $1149

    I bought this same model from Amazon last week for $1099 delivered. Was rather concerned after reading the green push issues, but can happily say I don't see any of that with mine. No green push (maybe a *tiny* hint in standard def tv viewing, but I chock that up to sdtv signal), extremely...
  35. J

    Best upconverting dvd player for the $$?

    hrm, almost sounds like ps3 might be my best bet save the $$ on another player; plus consolidate my electronics a bit. friend offered me his for $300, might be worth just killing 2 birds with one stone; bluray + upconvert at the same time. There's no real differences in terms of disc drive...
  36. J

    Best upconverting dvd player for the $$?

    What's a good upconverting player in the ~$100 range, if any? 1080p capability desired. Not that concerned with hddvd/blu-ray right now. Just got the TV, now I'm looking to upgrade my other equipment. Side note for future consideration: how well does the ps3 video processor pull off dvd...
  37. J

    Micro Center After Chrismtas Sale Preview

    how Sceptre as a brand for TVs? Specs on that 42" seem nice for the price; not familiar with the brand from personal experience tho.
  38. J

    Halo 3 Legendary @ Amazon $59.99 NR grab 'er while the grabbin...
  39. J

    FS: Logitech Marble Mouse

    Pm sent.