sli/crossfire support on x58


Sep 22, 2006
Hey folks,

I'm researching x58 boards for an I7 setup, and I'm curious - if I want to get a board that supports both xfire and sli, is it as simple as selecting a board with the appropriate # of pcie slots? Or is there actual chipset concerns where-in sli may be support and crossfire isn't, and vice versa?

ah, thanks - so all x58 boards support both, but in general, SLI requires the board manufacturer have "paid their dues" so to speak, but crossfire is standard/no license restrictions?
I would get this board, EVGA x58 3 way SLI.

I have the the EVGA x58 SLI LE, which has been a great board, however, the PCI-E slots are x16, x8, x4, x8. If SLI is of no concern to you, then I would just get this board. Cheaper and looks good too. ;)
Yeah, I already have 2 gtx 260 216's I grabbed for $200, so SLI is a short term concern, but I know I'll most likely go xfire for my next set, so I'm looking for both to future-proof a bit. I was actually thinking about that very evga x58 3 way, but was trying (probably in vain) to find a cheaper option that OC's well and supports both.
If you want cheaper, then I would just go with the SLI LE, it's 199.99 with mir at newegg right now. :D The step up is 249.99 with mir.
Yeah, I'm looking at that one now as well, though the pcie slot speed is a marginal concern, even tho I know benchmark wise, the difference from 16x to 8x isn't all that much, I figure if I'm setting up sli/xfire period, I may as well go whole hog. 'course that's looking like it means a price premium. x58 boards are pretty pricey across the board. I was actually thinking about that open box asrock x58 extreme at newegg, but reviews are all over the place, not too sure I want to skimp that much with quality hardware for everything else. plus, OC/reliability seems too spotty with that one.
Not all m/b came with native X-Fire and SLI support. I had to flash my X58 series board, which came from the factory with X-Fire only, using a later bios version within the SLI series of the same board to get both. Having said that both work great.