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  1. Z

    NEED HELP, New computer problem

    So I built a computer for my grandfather, it's like the 10th I've built so I know what I'm doing, im pretty savy to it. However, everything is hooked up and I turn it on, the fans light up for only a sec, it's just a burst of light and on-ness for 1 second, then it doesn't turn on. Here are...
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    Need help with spyware

    Alright, my ex-girlfriend's dad had a Trojan horse virus and like 10 serious spyware programs, I unhooked his DSL and got the virus and almost all of the spyware gone, except 1 program. it has warnings that pop up all the time at the bottom right of the screen, and makes the desktop blue with a...
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    Major display problems, help!

    I recently did a hard shut down of my system, upon turning it back on my display theme had reset to default. When I loaded in TF2 everything goes fine except turrets deploy visually very slow, almost like concept art animations. The main thing is that in other games such as Crysis beta there...
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    RAID Failure, Help

    Hm, well, if the sytem gives out I'm just gonna say screw it to these ones and buy one of those new 120 GB 10k ones, Raid makes these things twice as unpredictable as they already are.
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    RAID Failure, Help

    Ok, so for about a year now I've had 2 74GB 10K Raptors running in a Raid 0 array in Windows X64 SP1. One of the drives was brand new while the other was already a ayear old, so they are now 1 and 2 years old, respectively. Recently, it's locked up a few times, only once on the desktop but a...
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    Keys wont work, please help!!

    bumpity the bumishness of the bumpificationalizaional bumpness
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    Keys wont work, please help!!

    hoo, bump, up the bump, say hoo haa up the bump
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    Keys wont work, please help!!

    Im at work and my boss was just closin a program and suddenly the only keys tht work are the windows key, caps lock, scroll lock... None of the functional keys like the letters or even enter key will work, additionally when clicking on the different icons they will be highlited and then you can...
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    PDA web browsing

    First off, what's the range on bluetooth? If i wanted my PDA to be hoked up to the internet via a bluetooth hub on the my PC is this possible and if so, then back to the first question of how far is the range of bluetooth, would it be better to just have a 802.11G hub? Also, I know HP's pocket...
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    Possible PDA application? need advice.

    cool, I was looking at one of those HP Pocket PC's as far as the PDA goes, is that a good choice? What else is there out there?
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    Possible PDA application? need advice.

    Ok, So here's the deal, I'd liek to do some word processing at school but a laptop is expensive and I think a little excessive for this application.. Is it possible to obtain a PDA which you could plug a little fold-up keyboard (full size) into and do word processing on the PDA? What I would...
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    Catastrophic computer deathmeltdown!

    Well, that could be the cse except that it's 200 degrees the second the PC boots, I turn it on and go strait into the H/W monitor in the bios and it's 200 degrees, and it doesn't deviate more than 4 degrees from that temperature with each refresh/poll. The computer was previously have a bios...
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    Catastrophic computer deathmeltdown!

    I guess I can try flashing new bios, it was having a problem before and a bios flash fixed it, only problem with reinstalling the OS is that I was trying not to have to reformat the HD, although I guess it's not that big of a deal... anything else anyone can think of that might be the problem?
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    Catastrophic computer deathmeltdown!

    Well, it's not quite as crazy as the title but I've been having trouble with a system I built for my uncle. it's an Abit KV7-V with a Sempron 2600+ I believe, 512 MB with a radeon 9200. I can get more details if you need. Anyways, starting a few months ago it would just shut down and reboot...
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    8800 GTX X64 drivers?

    bumpity bump ta bump tha bump
  16. Z

    8800 GTX X64 drivers?

    I was just on Nvidia's site and the driver set for 8800 GTX said it was x32 only, is there currently an x64 edition set of drivers in the beta stage or am I jsut SOL until Nvidia gets off their ass and makes an x64 edition set of drivers?
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    Match my ram

    Well, I've got 2x512MB sticks of Corsair DDR500,some of their flagship stuff from before the DDR2 revolution, I'm trying to find where I can buy more of this ram so I can be up to 2 GB and meet some gaming demands.
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    Too early for DX10 card?

    I looked at the program, I'm confused though, I have to apply to be in their program first and then buy from one of those approved vendors and I'm good?
  19. Z

    Too early for DX10 card?

    I was considering purchasing a beefy new DX10 card for my comp to last me a while. I realize the 8800 GTX just hit the market, and it's faster than a speeding bullet, but if I wait a couple of months will ATI or NVdia be releasing 1 GB DX10 cards? I don't want to buy this card and then have...
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    DX10 only with Vista?

    I looked over some DX10 threads but couldn't find the answer, I don't want to spend 8 trillion dollars on a completely new system, but i want to run DX10. If I get one of those 8800 series, or any of the other DX10 cards that will be coming out, will DX10 be usable in windows xp aswell? Or...
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    Mac adding mobile graphics DX10 compatible?

    Well, I just checked out the KillerNotebooks website so now I'm torn between the two. I like the Mac operating system and the bootcamp possiblity so I can do some gaming, but for the same price I can get the KillerNotebook with has a 7900 GTX 512 MB in it. The other consideration is that I...
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    Mac adding mobile graphics DX10 compatible?

    oh, well ya, when it comes to the ATI vs. Nvidia flame wars. However, when comparing one ATI card to another running the same driver set it can definately provide an idea of the relative speeds.
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    Mac adding mobile graphics DX10 compatible?

    is the mobility X1600 256MB DDR really that slow? I know in one review that ran World of Warcraft at fairly high settings (which can be a graphically demanding game with bloom, etc., despite the cartoonyness) and they said that only at the quality optimal settings did they experience any FPS drop.
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    Mac adding mobile graphics DX10 compatible?

    really? Well I'll have to do a 3dMark test and see.
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    Mac adding mobile graphics DX10 compatible?

    ya, I'll go with the 15". But I definately think the GPU is powerful enough to run modern games on the 17" with great detail. I mean, it is the 256 MB x1600, granted it's the toned-down mobile version but it still probably packs more of a bunch than my X800 XT
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    Mac adding mobile graphics DX10 compatible?

    Well, I'm gonna be runing bootcamp and windows, but it was described to me that Unified shaders is the sign of a DX10-compliant card, so I guess I'll go with the MacBook pro, I still want to go down to the apple store though and check one out. The other thing was, and I guess I can look for...
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    Mac adding mobile graphics DX10 compatible?

    Do you have any actual press to support the 2+ years, or could you explain to me based on the industry and logic why it will be that long? I mean, if ATI produces mobile DX10 for PC's pretty quick, which I'm sure they will, why not for apple?
  28. Z

    Mac adding mobile graphics DX10 compatible?

    I was considering getting a Mac Book pro wish I would install bootcamp on so I could do some windows gaming from time to time, afterall, they got those beefy Mobile X1600 cards. here's the thing, I'm waiting to upgrade my PC till the release of the DX10 compatible cards, should I do the same...
  29. Z

    HD Gaming? confusion galore...

    Well, I was looking at those 32" Sharp Aquos HDTV LCD's. Here's the thing, I wanto to get the 1080p one for quality, but do I need to have a Hd tuner built in? Is gaming really even in HD or not? I'll only ever use this monitor for computer gaming so is it necessary to have the tuner or will...
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    Wait for DX10 to upgrade?

    I've heard rumors that the video cards being released now, like the X1950XT etc... Aren't going to be DX10 ready when it comes out sometime around Vista. First off, is this true? And if so, would it be a better idea for me to wait to rebuild my system until after the DX10/Vista release?
  31. Z

    Flickering problem please help

    Ok, this is actually my parent's computer that has been having this problem. There is nothing wrong with the monitor... but.. the colors will flicker, and I dont mean on and off but will rather change hue suddenly and be either tinted blue or green etc.. The video card is a Radeon 9200, are...
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    Considering Purchase of MacBook Pro

    ok, now, the HDD in the Macbook is going to come pre-formated with Mac OS X installed correct? So how would I also install XP? Would I need to reformat or just modify the partition or can is it an XP emulator you install within Mac OS X?
  33. Z

    Considering Purchase of MacBook Pro

    I was thinking of getting one of thsoe 15" MacBook Pro's with the 2.16 Duo in it. My question is this, up until this time in history I've always been a loyal PC user, and I will continue to use PC desktops, however all PC laptop owners I know experience MAJOR performance hits after a short...
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    Question regarding Raid 0+1 array

    sorry, the array actually didn't crash it was a SATA cable that came loose so I kind of stopped following tha tother thread, I'm usually not a forum jerk... Thanks guys :)
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    Question regarding Raid 0+1 array

    Ok, So maybe I'll get one of those Maxtor One-Touch dealies or whatever. My other question is, if I have my data backed up and my raid array crashes and I replace the drives, is it possible to just copy all of that data from the backup back onto the Fresh new drives?
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    Question regarding Raid 0+1 array

    Right now I have 2 Raptor 74 Gb running in a Raid 0 array. My question is firstly, how much of a performance decrease will I experience going from the Raid 0 to a Raid 0 +1 with the 2 74gb raptors and a 150Gb Raptor as the backup. Additionally, is it possible once I already have an array tha...
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    Raid Question

    Well, my Raid 0 74 GB raptors gave out, the system froze and then upon restart it just said scanning for drives and then system disk failure. It booted a little while later but quickly crashed again. they're under warranty, so no problem, but my question is, for the purpose of data security if...
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    Sharp 32 Inch Aquos

    Any comments or recomendations? I was considering buying the 32" Sharp AQUOS HDTV for my gaming rig, is it a smart buy? Thanks in advance.
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    42 inch Plasma, or not?

    well, I've been browsing on Newegg and found a nice panasonic 42 inch plasma with a DVI hookup for around 1,399. My question is, does it truly provide the better gaming experience? If i looked at a 42 LCD next to a 42 Plasma, on oblivion or CS;Source or whatever would I really be like "wow...
  40. Z

    Upgrade to Vista RC1?

    ha, alright, forget it. I'll just wait until the full release