Upgrade to Vista RC1?


Feb 17, 2006
Im running on windows X64 now, would it be logical to download and upgrade to the new vista beta or would it only cause problems?
Well, first of all, you are running Windows XP 64Bit?

Second, there is no upgrade as of now. It'll be a new installation of windows.

Third, it's a time limited beta.

Fourth, If you don't already have a CDKey, you can only try the new RC1 Beta for 14 days maximum, then it locks you out.

Fifth, what exactly are you asking?
Sixth, Vista 64 is buggy as hell currently, I'd stay await from it for now unless your a masochist :p
Why would you even consider replacing a full OS that you paid for, for a buggy beta with a time limit? I really don't understand this whole Vista craze. Common sense has been thrown out the window long ago.