Possible PDA application? need advice.


Feb 17, 2006
Ok, So here's the deal, I'd liek to do some word processing at school but a laptop is expensive and I think a little excessive for this application.. Is it possible to obtain a PDA which you could plug a little fold-up keyboard (full size) into and do word processing on the PDA? What I would like to be able to do is just have the little PDA and fold-up keyboard with me, pull them out and take some notes on it during class (screen size isn't that important) and then when I get home be able to either by network or USB transfer the docs from the PDA to my PC. If this is possible I'd like to know, I'd also like to know which PDA or brand of PDA's wold be optimal for this application... Thanks in advance.
I just got a program called DataViz Documents To Go with my Palm TX (still can't figure out if it's the full version or just a trial though). It does just what you're talking about, for word, powerpoint, and excel. Check it out.
cool, I was looking at one of those HP Pocket PC's as far as the PDA goes, is that a good choice? What else is there out there?
I don't have any experience with pocket pc's but I've used Palms for a number of years and they've always worked well for me. My advice would be to look for a bunch of reviews and see which would be better suited to your needs.