Question regarding Raid 0+1 array


Feb 17, 2006
Right now I have 2 Raptor 74 Gb running in a Raid 0 array. My question is firstly, how much of a performance decrease will I experience going from the Raid 0 to a Raid 0 +1 with the 2 74gb raptors and a 150Gb Raptor as the backup. Additionally, is it possible once I already have an array tha tis formatted and running with an OS to add the third drive into the array and copy all of the current data over or is it necessary to reformat and reinstall the OS with the new Raid array? Thank you.
0+1 requires 4 drives, you can't do it with 3.

i wouldn't normally use a raptor as a backup drive; but in your case, you'll need to get two more.

if this is just for your OS and programs, i would just make backups on an external drive and don't worry about 0+1 on the system.

changing the array without destroying the data really depends on the controller you're using. generally, if it's an onboard controller, you will need to reinstall.
Ok, So maybe I'll get one of those Maxtor One-Touch dealies or whatever. My other question is, if I have my data backed up and my raid array crashes and I replace the drives, is it possible to just copy all of that data from the backup back onto the Fresh new drives?
sorry, the array actually didn't crash it was a SATA cable that came loose so I kind of stopped following tha tother thread, I'm usually not a forum jerk... Thanks guys :)