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  1. T

    Sigh, Sony will win this round..

    The Wii looks like great fun, but I can't see myself playing a game for two hours moving my arms around like that. Games must either be short, or have frequent save points. That, or everyone's going to be pretty buffed after a few months on the Wii. :) Offtopic, but do you think they'll have...
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    C++ Help <3

    I <3 Beej's Guide to Network Programming
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    Quick and dirty .htaccess question

    Does this help?
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    Linux Kernel development

    Linux Device Drivers 3rd Edition: is published under a creative commons license. It's a good book for starting to look into the kernel and device drivers.
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    How to setup a incoming mail server behind a dynamic IP?

    1) test your mx record using the dig tool from the command line: dig This verifies that you have the right IP address. The ANSWER flag up top should have a number greater than or equal to 1 there. dig mx This verifies that the MX record that you get...
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    How to setup a incoming mail server behind a dynamic IP?

    The hostname it wants is the hostname of the email server (most likely, your that you want your mail to go to. It will look up what the IP address is.
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    Civilzation 4?

    The multiplayer is definitely much better too. You can jump in and out of a game and AI can play for you while you're gone. Multiplayer is also much more stable than before. I like it much better than Civ 3, and the changes do make you play it differently. Team play is great too if you want to...
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    budget is open i need huge pro LCD.. ???

    I second the multiple monitor suggestion.Two (or three) 24" monitors will give you all the space you need for watching charts, and if you don't like using all of them when playing games, you can just use one. One 24" for gaming should be sufficient since you like your current montior, and the...
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    Multiple Signals on One Cable

    Technically, broadband means that the system has a "large" amount of bandwidth (frequency bandwidth, not data rate). The opposite of baseband communications is bandpass communications. The opposite of broadband communcations is narrowband communications. Marketers liked the term "broadband" and...
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    How do I get started in programing?

    I would vote for Python as a starting language, strictly from the standpoint that you have a nice development environment to start with (IDLE), the choice to run a "program" or run the syntax in command line, and you don't have to screw with the intricacies that can come with C or C++...
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    Am I being port scanned right now?

    Don't forget Tivos, X-boxes, and Vonage routers.
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    PS3 Displays

    I wonder if some games will use one display for the viewport and one display for controls. I could see getting a great 1080p display (40-50 incher or so) for the view, and connecting a monitor to the other port for status information, a control deck, or something like that, in which case, a nice...
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    Oblivion - Am I doing something wrong?

    Yeah, there's a pretty big disparity between tanking the trolls and casting on them. After trying to tank them (lvl 8 heavy armor + longsword/shield) and using up all my turpentine on two trolls, I gave up and used my frost staff from the mage guild. Burned the whole staff over all 6 of em, but...
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    Dells XPS 600 NOW SHIPPING! for $10k!

    I think the key to the second quote is "things are starting to heat up in this newly created market." The Ageia PhysX card is not the same as the NVidia physics announcement we heard recently that uses the SLI cards for physics processing. They're competing standards that need to be worked...
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    Direcway Satellite Internet

    A friend of mine moved off Directway to a local provider that serves WiMax. It's an 800 dollar radio, but he swears by it now. This is probably a shameless plug(sorry!), but here's a link to his podcast showing a picture of his antenna and a link to NHWISP, the provider. If you can find a...
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    Wonderfull Program for People who have more then one computer a desk

    I've been using synergykm for running synergy on my mac for a while now. It definitely helps when configuring. I've run into a few minor issues when running synergy (far end would not give me back my mouse without hitting the scroll lock key a few times, etc), but all in all it's a wonderful...
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    Where to rent a PC for a week?

    These guys might be able to help you. They're predominantly a Mac shop though they have PC's there too. It would probably be quite pricey. QuickLink menu -> TSP Services -> Equipment Rental on the left menu -> contact their sales people for more info on...
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    BF2 Red Tag Bug: Do YOU experience it?

    I've had the bug and killed people with the bug before 1.2 patch. After the patch, I've only seen it happen once or twice. It seemed to me that the bug happens sometimes when I was switched over to the other team by the server in the middle of the round. It must not update correctly on the...
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    Water Cooling Kit for Qpack

    ^^ That's what I did with the stock Qpack 120mm fan and a Black Ice Micro. It was pretty loud due to air turbulance, but it did the job sufficiently (didn't OC). I put my DVD drive in the bottom 5 1/4 bay and my Hard Drive in the top bay to make room for the reservoir (dual 3.5" floppy...
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    Biostar 6100 Ethernet problems

    Had a problem when a friend came over with his qpack with biostar 6100-939. Apparently flashing the BIOS changed the MAC address so the two were identical. Definitely caused flakey network behavior. Had to manually change the MAC on one of them in Win XP to something different.
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    Best GPU Block for GTX.....

    I just received a MAZE4 GPU cooling block for my first try at a WC setup. I got the BRASS version because I thought it looked cool. After receiving it, it seems awfully heavy for a block that hangs on the video card. Is it really a problem, or am I worried about nothing? I'm worried that if...