Water Cooling Kit for Qpack


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 24, 2004
If this is more appropriate for the water cooling section, please move it there, I just didnt know which one will be more appropriate and decided to go with this section.

Anywho, what will be a good water cooling kit for the Qpack. Im looking for something that will get the job done, but doesnt require any modding to be done with the case, and a kit that wont stick like 6 inches out from the back, because the radiator is so big. I want something that will fit in the case perfectly and require no modding. Is there a kit out there where this is possible, if so what kit and where can I get it?
There are kits that take up one cdrom drive bay. Want a link to one of those? I bought one, took it apart, and used it too build my current QPack (check the sig for a link).
That is cool, can link me to a retailer that sells them. I just dont want anything that requires modding to the case, and something that sticks out from the back, top, or where ever.
The Evercool and the Kingwin are the same exact things! Kingwin bought its parts from Evercool! The old Evercool kit, the 101, would lose its settings each time you turned off your computer! The new Evercool kit, the 202, keeps the settings. The Kingwin AWC-1 is probably an exact clone of the Evercool 101. Read the reviews on Newegg and heed the advice given! Do go cheap on watercooling, you could screw yourself over! Plus, a kit like this probably won't work as well as high-end air! Just get a really good heastsink (Zalman & Scythe comes to mind) and be happy. Watercooling kits this small probably won't do well. I only bought my Evercool for the small radiator inside. :rolleyes:
I've used the Evercool 202 kit in 3 PC's now, the latest being a Venice 3000 OC'ed to 2.7Ghz with 1.55 volts and SLI'd 6600GT's. The CPU runs at 38-39C load. The GPU's run at about 45C load.

When I sell my current water cooled SFF, which is decked out with a $300 Swiftech setup, I'm going back to using an Evercool kit, and I'm going to probably custom-make a GPU bracket to fit the water block, which is the only reason why I strayed away from it in the first place..........well that and all the ribbing from the H20 community about using a "kit".

YOU ARE NOT going to fit ANY watercooling kit in a QPack without doing some kind of modding, so just forget about it. Watercooling itself is pretty much for advanced users, so if you're skilled enough to water cool, then you're skilled enough to mod a water cooling kit to make it fit your application.
anything with a single radiator will work fine...you really don't have to do too much modding.. I had to drill two holes, big deal.
Steeeeve said:
anything with a single radiator will work fine...you really don't have to do too much modding.. I had to drill two holes, big deal.


"....wont stick like 6 inches out from the back , because the radiator is so big. I want something that will fit in the case perfectly ......."
That won't fit internally without some MAJOR modding, plus it has no expandability. The Evercool comes with a GPU block..........this only cools the CPU.
MassiveOverkill said:

"....wont stick like 6 inches out from the back , because the radiator is so big. I want something that will fit in the case perfectly ......."
which has also been done...
For a higher end system you could get a Swiftec Setup with a 80mm Rad, and use a 80-120mm Fan adapter. Everything else should be able to fit in the case with a little planning. you could mount the Res on the left side oppisite the Hard Drives, the pump will fit in front of the motherboard.

That's what I did with the stock Qpack 120mm fan and a Black Ice Micro. It was pretty loud due to air turbulance, but it did the job sufficiently (didn't OC).

I put my DVD drive in the bottom 5 1/4 bay and my Hard Drive in the top bay to make room for the reservoir (dual 3.5" floppy bay res) on the side where the hard drive would normally go.

I didn't like the noise so I tried doing a push/pull with 80mm fans with the BIM, but I somehow poked it with a screw and it started leaking. I'm now using an 80mm Swiftech rad now with the push/pull and it's working out very nicely (x2 4200 and 7800 GT in the loop, no OC).

EDIT: I used the 3/8" configurator at voyeurmods.com to pick and choose the parts that I wanted