PS3 Displays


Apr 1, 2006
This is a question about what monitors people are going to get or if they could afford what they wanted, what they are getting. Seeing as how the PS3 is going offer 2x HD outputs, what monitors or TVs do you all plan or would LOVE to have hooked up to this beast when she is released.

X-Box owners or Playstation 1, 2, and 3 haters go somewhere else plz! ;)
Most people, probably 98% of the people will NOT be getting two20, or 24, or 30 inch displays to play the PS3 with. Thats just too much money, probably won't be as practical as you thought it would be, and require more space and head turning.

The end results will be, People will get 1 HDTV and they will definitely make the push for HDMI to be the main input type. So, I figure, someone like me, a few months removed from college, the choice would probably be a display 26-mid 30s inches in size, and push for the lowest response time, best color reproduction, greatest TV comb filter that reduces the greatest noise and shows off the best video picture quality. It doesn't have to be the best in any one category as that is hard, but good in Most category.

Also, if you are going to have a dedicated ps3 player, something alike a 26-30 inch display, nothing larger, I could see people getting a widescreen cathode ray tube. Something not rediculously large but have the benefits that CRTs have. That is, Best picture, response, video quality in the business.

We'll have to wait for OLED and see if they could get the response time lower than 2MS, and SED to see if their high aspirations turn out to be true. IF so, than, if they are in a good price range than they would definitely be the frontrunners.
powerincarnate said:
Most people, probably 98% of the people will NOT be getting two20, or 24, or 30 inch displays to play the PS3 with. Thats just too much money, probably won't be as practical as you thought it would be, and require more space and head turning.

The end results will be, People will get 1 HDTV and they will definitely make the push for HDMI to be the main input type. So, I figure, someone like me, a few months removed from college, the choice would probably be a display 26-mid 30s inches in size, and push for the lowest response time, best color reproduction, greatest TV comb filter that reduces the greatest noise and shows off the best video picture quality. It doesn't have to be the best in any one category as that is hard, but good in Most category.

Also, if you are going to have a dedicated ps3 player, something alike a 26-30 inch display, nothing larger, I could see people getting a widescreen cathode ray tube. Something not rediculously large but have the benefits that CRTs have. That is, Best picture, response, video quality in the business.

We'll have to wait for OLED and see if they could get the response time lower than 2MS, and SED to see if their high aspirations turn out to be true. IF so, than, if they are in a good price range than they would definitely be the frontrunners.

Lol...did you read my question, it was more like a "what if " question, like what IF you could afford it...
IF you could afford anything.. you would probably get 2 of everything that money can buy... that's an unrealistic question you're asking.
I wonder if some games will use one display for the viewport and one display for controls. I could see getting a great 1080p display (40-50 incher or so) for the view, and connecting a monitor to the other port for status information, a control deck, or something like that, in which case, a nice dell 24 incher would be perfect.
My dream display would be a 50-60" 1080P plasma but thats just not something I could afford any time soon. Realistically I would probably try to get a 50-60 DLP rear projection screen (I hear they lag in games though) or a 42+" 720p plasma (1080p is enough to make a difference IMO, especially on such a huge screen and with upcoming blue-ray tech)

I am in the same boat pretty much. I have a 20" old Sony VVEGA tv sitting in the closet and my 2405FPW. I rarely watch TV and the movies I do watch I watch on the dell.. I am in sore need of a TV but I haven't found anything in my price range (sub $2500)
You wont see developers making use of 2 screens regardless of how much you want to believe it. It simply wont be worth the time for the less than 1% of people who might actually use it.
Its another useless extra, just like 1080p support. You wont see games running above 720p either, maybe1080i* on rare things here or there. That will be more a fill rate issue than anything else though afaik.
Ya, the devs have already called BS on the 1080p games for the ps3, so duel 1080p is out of the question.......unless it's tetris in 1080p.