Dells XPS 600 NOW SHIPPING! for $10k!

Guys buy it up! I want to see it reviewed! lolz.

This sounds like EXACTLY like the MACH systems, but since its Dell it probably isn't BS. I hope it comes with like 20 free games!

Now, the big question - what would you get? The Dell System, a Car, or a down payment on a house?
That system is a little spendy for my blood, especially since it uses an Intel processor that cannot keep up with AMD's current dual core offerings. Plus, I should be able to put a similar, if not better system together for ~1/2 of the price in a few months (4*$500 graphics, $250 PhysX, 2*$300 150GB Raptors, $200 Case, $200 WD HD, $200 for 2GB RAM, $280 X-Fi Sound Card, $300 Watercooling, $200-$300 PSU, $1100 CPU, $200 Mother Board). Plus, isn't the ship date during the mid-end of April. But for those with money to spend, why not. I just like to set my own PC's up.
Hey I just found at - It looks like they are doing a review of the chip thats being used in the new computer. They also claim it can hit 4.26ghz - still looking at the article.
just ordered mine 5 minutes ago...thank god for rich-ass parents who will buy me anything to shut me up

wait....nvm, I forgot my parents are long gone and I'm so broke, I can't even spend the night.
I was going to get one, but when I called the bank for a loan they said that I would have to "drive" it to get the money. Pfft. It has to be a car to get an auto loan, pfft; who the hell do they think they are?!
ahhh, I love reading the fine print:

Intel Pentium Extreme Edition Dual Core Processor....yadda yadda yadda
Overclocked up to 4.26ghz

I'd hate to get one, and then find out my Extreme Edition is running at stock speeds. Haha, then again, if you're blowing 10 grand on a dell, you probably the type of person who won't notice.

"No hunnie, we need to save for his college tuition!"

"I'd rather see him turn pro gamer - and this will get 'em there"
Hrm, looking at the specs:

They're including the new Dell 30" screen, and the Klipsch 5.1 Promedias...

So the PC itself should probably cost around $7500 or so...which is still an INSANE amount of money.

Haha, it needs a 650 watt internal power supply and TWO external 150 watt bricks. That's a Kilowatt of power. Dawmn. I always wanted to see how fast I could get my electric meter to spin.
I didn't realize it came with the 30" screen and Klipsch Pro Media's. That's a hell of a deal then! :D

So the cost of parts for building the PC if bought individually without deals ~$5500 + 30" LCD ~$2000 = $7500. So you would only be paying ~ $2000 for Pro Media's, custom paint job, and Dell 1yr service. Nice!
mashie said:
LOL, nVidia has not released a physics card, only a presentation of how physics can be done on videocards... The Ageia PhysX card mentioned is not part of the specification.

Most notable about the XPS Renegade PR edition is the inclusion of the Ageia PhysX physics processing chip. With GPU designers like NVIDIA throwing their hat into the physics processing arena, things are starting to heat up in this newly created market.

There is some physics card in there.
I think the key to the second quote is "things are starting to heat up in this newly created market."

The Ageia PhysX card is not the same as the NVidia physics announcement we heard recently that uses the SLI cards for physics processing. They're competing standards that need to be worked out once products come to market.
Why would anyone spend that amount of money on a computer?!? I don't care how rich one is, that's a ridiculous amount for a gaming system.
tprox said:
I think the key to the second quote is "things are starting to heat up in this newly created market."

The Ageia PhysX card is not the same as the NVidia physics announcement we heard recently that uses the SLI cards for physics processing. They're competing standards that need to be worked out once products come to market.
The simple fact is that Ageia opened a flood gate and has created interest in physics processing. NVIDIA's goal is definitely to compete for your dollars when it comes to Ageia. They'd rather you spend more money on their products in SLI than to relegate some dollars for a PhysX card.

Nobody's saying you can buy both, but if the opportunity cost of buying a PhysX card means you don't buy that second 7900GT, NVIDIA wants to make sure they don't lose your business.
kangaroo24 said:
Why would anyone spend that amount of money on a computer?!? I don't care how rich one is, that's a ridiculous amount for a gaming system.
This computer is literally the Ferrari of computers. Yes, you can buy a cheaper, more effecient, more practical computer for 1/8th of the price of this computer, but no "normal" computers will come close to matching this computer's sheer muscle.
That's unbelieveable - 10 Grand for a computer. :eek:

In a couple of months you could build it for half that probably. What's the saying -- "A Fool and His Money are Soon Parted". :rolleyes:
^ That's what I'm saying. If you wait a few months the prices will go down, or you can build your own for less.
jebo_4jc said:
This computer is literally the Ferrari of computers. Yes, you can buy a cheaper, more effecient, more practical computer for 1/8th of the price of this computer, but no "normal" computers will come close to matching this computer's sheer muscle. (My take - This must be from a Dell Public Relations hack)

GTFO - Are you serious? This thing can't compare at all to Falcon or Velocity - AT ALL! The 4.26 means nothing compared to an overclocked FX-60 these guys all use, and they have to use external power bricks instead of a decent PSU. Further, only 30 will be made? What is that? It's marketing, that's what, because I bet they can't sell 5 at this rediculous price compare to legitimate gaming vendors. And...I have to repeat they are using an Intel chip and Nvidia/Intel chipset which are in no way competitive with AMD and Nforce/AMD chipsets in SLI.

Let's see them in a single head to head review with Velocity or Falcon - even Alienware - before you defacto crown them as anything but scam artists! In fact, Kyle should start a donation site and we can all pitch in to buy one - oh, if they don't sell out buy noon today as the PR team at Dell predicted. Somebody needs to call them out for this!

This thing is the DeLorean of computers!
You're not getting a QuadSLI system to play at 1024x768 res, no you'll want to play at 253456x157843 WUQX$GTA++ resolution with 166xHDAF/96xTRMSAA on a 300" 0.2µs rt LCD monitor... the [email protected] will do just as fine as the FX60 under these conditions, the GPUs will have to carry the load... anyway I'll wait for the RenegadeGen2 with ConroeXE@4GHz and sixteen DX10 vid cards... powered by a 10kW fuel cell :D
Dell can't fool us. This is straight BS and I hope Chris gets one for testing!

This is just as stupid as Alienware's CEO saying they are not going to change now that they are a Dell brand. Hell, they already outsource the tech support!
and they have to use external power bricks instead of a decent PSU. Further,

Umm, if you buy these cards for any system, that is how they come, with an external power bar since the PCIe lane cant provide enough power alone for them or a 12v rail.
MrGuvernment said:
Umm, if you buy these cards for any system, that is how they come, with an external power bar since the PCIe lane cant provide enough power alone for them or a 12v rail.
Umm, you are wrong. Only Dell uses the external power bricks. FNW, Alienware, Voodoo, Velocity...everybody uses a good PSU and no bricks. Only Dell can't make it work because they use such proprietary crap in their systems.

Do the legwork before you talk down to people.
HappyJack said:
Umm, you are wrong. Only Dell uses the external power bricks. FNW, Alienware, Voodoo, Velocity...everybody uses a good PSU and no bricks. Only Dell can't make it work because they use such proprietary crap in their systems.

Do the legwork before you talk down to people.

Sorry i did not realize that was the case as all i had read about the quad SLI mentioned external power bars so i had done the leg work from all i had read - just seems what i had read was not completle.

Thanks for the clarification.

And all of Dells XPS system i beleive have used Intel boards, until they went SLI now they are using Asus? with the nforce 4 chipset ?

Any one have any idea what company makes dell's PSU's ?
kangaroo24 said:
Why would anyone spend that amount of money on a computer?!? I don't care how rich one is, that's a ridiculous amount for a gaming system.

Exactly what I thought, who does Dell think they're targeting with a $10,000 system? Even rich folk won't spend that much on a system... and why? Because most of are smart enough to know that it will be obselete in 6 months. Besides, people with that much money have better crap to spend their money on, like their mortgage, car note, bills, college tuition, a woman, etc.
Craz said:
Exactly what I thought, who does Dell think they're targeting with a $10,000 system? Even rich folk won't spend that much on a system... and why? Because most of are smart enough to know that it will be obselete in 6 months. Besides, people with that much money have better crap to spend their money on, like their mortgage, car note, bills, college tuition, a woman, etc.

Why people would buy it:

1. 1 of only 30 possibly ever made
2. Rich little kid with Daddies money who doesnt know better (same people who buy $5k Alienware systems)
3. Bragging rights for the system / paint job
4. To some people - $10k is not alot of money

Dell will sell them out if they only make 30.
MrGuvernment said:
Why people would buy it:

1. 1 of only 30 possibly ever made
2. Rich little kid with Daddies money who doesnt know better (same people who buy $5k Alienware systems)
3. Bragging rights for the system / paint job
4. To some people - $10k is not alot of money

Dell will sell them out if they only make 30.
File this under "sad, but true." Too bad I don't know any people like that. I'd build systems for them. I have a friend who does custom auto body who could more than exceed the flame job and with an OC'd FX60 it may not win by much, but it would win so maybe I could charge $10.5K. If only I knew people like that.....
i havent been able to confirm it, but my buddy told me those cases are authographed by mike dell. we had a good laugh about that.
t00thless said:
i havent been able to confirm it, but my buddy told me those cases are authographed by mike dell. we had a good laugh about that.

I wouldnt doubt it. At that price, he better autograph it, and autograph each individual part so its actually worth something in a couple years lol.
Look at the picture with the side removed. Really underwhelming imo. The cards look like they're sagging towards the front of the case, and hey! Is that a virtual boy in there?!

Oh ho, Mr. Dell..
such a shame too, Dell still using a dual core P4EE for a $10k machine. It's going to suck when Conroe comes out and rapes that thing for 1/2 the price.
For that price, Dell should pay someone to fly to your house and kick you in the nuts for paying that much for a computer.
actually i think some super enthusiasts would buy it

it's like an old car really, it's a collecters item almost - I mean that case looks awesome and so does the paint - of course it's an ass load for proprietary shit, but still, some rich computer lover probably bought one for the history of it

they're sold out and externally look really cool (of course it's still some prebuilt dell POS)