Search results

  1. D

    Any older gamers out there?

    41 here. I have been playing video games since the Odyssey. I think I have had every game system that has come through since then. I still most every night. WOW, SWTOR, some stuff from GOG, etc. At this point my...
  2. D

    Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga for $6 @Amazon DD.

    $6.00 games? I never turn down that deal. Thank OP
  3. D

    What do you use your tablet for?

    I have an iPad 2 and the closeout Touchpad. iPad I use for all the typical things, reading, browsing, music, games, comic books. PDF football playbook are great and Amplitube is just plain awesome also. Touchpad I take out into the world with me because if it gets stolen it only cost me 100...
  4. D

    Macbook or Alienware

    I am having a dilemma. I am looking for a new laptop computer and am not sure if I want to go with the Alienware M15x or a macbook pro. I have an iMac that I use for everyday computing, like email, word processing, music, keeping track of an organization that I run, etc. The mac does a great job...
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    Splinter Cell Conviction Collector's Edition Xbox360 $31.49

    You are right. Some of the USB drives are broken, but you may get a working one...Bonus!
  6. D

    iPad apps you like

    So far I have: Pandora I use this on my iPhone all the time and love it on the iPad. Sam and Max: Chapter 1 Have not dug into it yet but so far it looks great and it IS Sam and Max. Minigore HD looks great, the controls are intuitive and its fun. I also have iBooks and a Shacknews app.
  7. D

    FREE: Peggle Nights from PopCap

    Got it. Thanks.
  8. D

    New iPod Shuffle

    This looks like a case of trying to innovate when there was really no need to. Maybe that is why they had a quiet release. Or was it not quiet? I had no idea something like this was coming.
  9. D

    *WARM* GATEWAY P-6831 FX $689.99

    It is bad that your laptop died. I have had the same laptop for a while now with no problems. Just the luck of the draw I guess. I do feel for you and your experience with tech support.That is shitty. With that said you gave people an opposing opinion which will help in their decision. Just...
  10. D

    Refurb Apple iBook G4 at $329.00

    I guess I am not seeing your point here. Like I said I have this same computer. I do light stuff on it. Use it for travel, haul it around the house, etc. For 330 bucks it is a steal. It is like a netbook with benefits.
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    Refurb Apple iBook G4 at $329.00

    I have had one of these for years. Great little computer that has survived many many the bathroom :) Good Deal IMHO. Link
  12. D

    Program for bike registration

    I am looking for a program that I can use to log bicycle registrations. Simply the name, address, phone, bike info and reg sticker number issued. Does not have to be extravagant but needs to have a decent look up system, preferably by the issued number. Any ideas?
  13. D

    Gateway P-6831FX Review

    Just take the game you want to the register with you and it rings up $0.00.
  14. D

    Gateway P-6831FX Review

    I pulled the trigger on this today. I was at Best Buy and they had a few in stock. I debated a bit because while I do have a gaming system that is adequate to play all games out there I am in need of a portable system for an upcoming surgery that will lay me up a while. So far so good. It took...
  15. D

    "touch" iPod

    I bought the 16gig a couple weeks ago and I do like it. The entire experience is very smooth and very nice. BUT.... For the price I would have liked some other features. That is why I am holding out for some third party apps to fill it out a bit. I know it is what it is, a multimedia...
  16. D

    Xbox 360 Sucks Stupid Xbox

    I opened my 360 and reseated the heatsinks over the CPU and GPU with some new thermal compound. Put it back together and it works like a charm. No extra cooling at all. I had sent it back for the free fix the first time. Three months later it died again. Cost me 130 bucks or more to get it...
  17. D

    Xbox 360 repair story

    Bullshit. If I pay 300-400 bucks for something I want to use it the way I want, even if that means leaving it on for extended periods of time. I do nothing to my 360 besides play a game every now and then and it sits on a shelf with plenty of ventilation. It has been returned twice. Obviously...
  18. D

    My 360 Died!

    I am on my second 360 too. :mad: The last one cost me 130 bucks to get fixed. BUT, after some digging around I found that the a lot of times the three red lights is nothing more than a bad fan. I did check my fans before sending it out and one was not running. I still sent it since I had...
  19. D

    First time build. Feedback wanted.

    Setting up to build my first HTPC. It will be hooked to a sharp aquos 32 in. lcd that has HDMI, s-vd and rca inputs. Will be used for web surfing and some gaming (rts, some fps, etc.). If you could give me some feedback I would appreciate it. I have been out of the PC building realm for a little...
  20. D

    What Mac do you use?

    20 in. iMac Intel and an iBook G4.
  21. D

    iTunes volume very low

    It seems that if I play a song in iTunes the volume is very low with the volume cranked. If I play the same song in VLC it is very loud. Is there some setting I am not getting that is cutting the volume? I have adjusted Sound Enhancer but that does very little to boost it up.
  22. D

    Switchers: Where are you now?

    I switched about 6 months ago. I had never even used a mac before I got an iBook G4. I only bought that after reading a lot and my dell died. At that point I was still using an XP desktop. I finally got the nerve and bought the 20 in. Intel iMac. I am loving it. Everything is just perfect...
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    Cell phone and MP3 Player?

    I use the LG VX8300 with a 1 gig micro sd card. Has headphone jack and the external speaker is actually very nice sounding. Seems to do the job for me.
  24. D

    Looking for an Ipod Shuffle (first generation)
  25. D

    Well That Sucks....

    I sometimes think there is a tag on all electronics saying "Please initiate self destruct sequence on date of purchase."
  26. D

    PC Gaming vs. Console Gaming whats your pick?

    I have been leaning toward console gaming lately. It is nice when things just work out of the box and I can lay on the couch and relax while playing. I do miss mods though that on a PC would be plentiful. I will give it time and there will be mods for console games....and then we get...
  27. D

    COD3 Xbox 360 vs PS3 vs Wii

    I actually thought the Wii looked ok. As for sharpness and detail I was impressed with the 360. I have both a 360 version and the Wii version and the difference is in the way the game is played for me. I can live with muddier graphics on the wii for the way it is played.
  28. D

    Wii bundle on Amazon... HURRY!

    40 bucks for a 1 gig SD card? Seems awful steep since I got one for 14 bucks.
  29. D

    am i getting too old for gaming?

    Damn right. My son is 10 and it takes me everything I have to beat him. I am 35 years old and still game most everyday. I can't devote the time I used to so it is short bursts of gaming. I also have converted from PC gaming to console. It is more comfortable on my couch then at the...
  30. D

    Took my 10 yr. old camping

    ..well actually my wife did. My son is like his dear old dad, an avid gamer. So yesterday the family got up and went to breakfast. About 10 am we decided to drive by the local wal-mart and see if anyone was camping for the wii. Lo and behold there were at least 5 people in line. So my wife...
  31. D

    My PS3 pics

    Very good idea. Donating to Child's Play is the best idea so far. That would make some kids day.
  32. D

    Wii not living up to it´s marketing

    Sounds like you should get yourself a 360. You will be happy.
  33. D

    EBGames, Florida. Gears of War Related

    I live in the Northern most area of PA and preordered mine at an EB in the Southern Tier of NY. Went to get it today they said ti would be in tomorrow. canceled the preorder, went to Best Buy and scored a copy. EB told me their shipment was not on time or something. Sounds like an entire EB...
  34. D

    What Video Game podcast do you listen to?

    Played (Shacknews gaming podcast)
  35. D

    Madden 07 thoughs 360 NO NO

    I have to agree with you. From what I have played the defense is just tough to do anything with besides let the AI take over and when the play happens hit B get close and tackle. Maybe I just suck but when my son and I play and it is 50-40 at halftime something must be wrong. He just hits a...
  36. D

    This is a thread for people who have quit WoW

    After quitting WOW I started working out and worked off that gut from sitting around all night eating and playing games. I also started a local football eague for the area youth. With the time involved in this starup project I have no time to play WOW. I also bought another guitar and play that...
  37. D

    Team fortress 2? What the ...

    Just buy ther disk if you are worried. I see all addons and mods they offer for sale on steam also on the store shelves.
  38. D

    OSX multimedia players and gaming results with MBP

    I have iTunes set to place all cd's of a like band in a folder. Such as folder Metallica will have Master of Puppets, lightning, etc. This is done automatically when I add them to itunes. After checking it is in itunes, preferences, advanced, Keep itunes music folder organized.
  39. D

    PC Games being released unfinished...An Opinion Piece

    Titan Quest. Good game when you can play it. Buggy buggy buggy. If you dont agree take a look at the forums they are overrun with people having crash issues among other things. I do have to agree though that it has nothing to do with piracy. Reasons vary for why people do it but they do.