am i getting too old for gaming?

neostars said:
Many people who don't play games think that games are still for kids.
Well they still live in the "stone ages".
The term games, feel like something teenagers and young kids do.
What they don't understand is that Video Games have grown up.
Majority of games now are so complex, that it targeted at adults, not kids.
Games are a form of entertainment and an enjoyable one too.
I be gaming until I can't see and hear anymore.

You've totally and utterly missed the point.

It isn't the fact that ppl think games are 'immature', it's the fact that alot of ppl don't have the time to when they get older. Priorities change, that's life.

I stress alot as it seems some of the older here do seem to put the hours in, this totally depends on what ppl have going on in their lives.

It'd be interesting seeing the ages of ppl on the forum. This particular section will be mainly younger I'd hazard a guess.....
To put it bluntly, you aren't a very competitive or perhaps skilled gamer. Assuming that everyone who kicks your ass, or has a high rank, is some jobless welfare case is pretty ignorant...

Also to those declaring going outside, working out, lifting weights, doing karate, and playing sports is their reason for sucking at video games, perhaps you will always suck? Its not a fucking do one or the other thing... You CAN goto the gym, play sports, be in a club, volunteer, have a full time job, have a wife, friends, and kids, YET still take top frags every map, have more than a few thousand points, and raid with a lvl 60 character in WoW...

Thousands of people do it like this and don't start preaching to others about the importance of " getting sunlight " when they get their ass handed to them in some multiplayer game.

I'll choose having a full time job, wife, kids and pwning whiny bitches online.
I fail to see what difference it makes being good or bad at gaming online... or that it makes you too old for gaming. Play games you enjoy, don't worry about the kiddies. In life there will always be someone that's better than you at something. Why let it get to you.
nobody_here said:
what i wonder is what sort of responsibilities do you have? i mean, not to call you out, but, seriously, what kind of life do you have to have this much time to play games to be so good?

i think i have figured it out for the most part

i have come to the conclusion that the vast majority of people into this gaming thing either A. have no responsibilities or no social life outside of gaming, or B. are in the 12-16 yr old range and have nothing better to do with their time and mommy and daddy "afford them" the time and things to spend their days accomplishing nothing

i personally want to spend time with things that really matter, like my career, my wife, and my kids, because when the day is done, video gaming achievements get you nowhere in life unless you happen to be that one single guy that happens to be "the best", and even then, it wont carry you through life, even Wendell will need a real job or career at some point ;)

I don't have as many responsibilities as you....because I don't have kids. But I do have a wife and a full time job that I work at least 45 hours a week. I also have an older corvette that I'm rebuilding the motor in my garage. (learning as I go) building a 383 should have about 425HP. :D

I lift weights and bench press 315lbs.

I enjoy camping on the weekends occassionally, and fishing.

I visit family at least one weekend a month.

I go to church on Sundays and Wednesdays

I have a boat I like to take out in the summer as often as I can

I mow the yard

I watch the stock market WAY too much

I have two cats

I own and maintain my own my wife.

etc,etc, etc.....

I tell you all this to let you know that I don't just sit around and do nothing but play games. My 3700 gamer score is not impressive at all, nor does it mean that I play games to death. Like I said you can get 1000 points in some games in 10 hours.

Playing through Kameo took me about 14 hours = 600 points
Playing through Fight Night Round three took about 10 hours = 1000 points
Playing through Tomb Raider took about 10 hours = 600points
Playing Texas Holdem for about 6 hours = 150 points
Playing Burnout Revenge for about 15 hours = 120 points
Playing Perfect Dark Zero for about 15 hours = 130 points
Playing Feeding Frenzy for about 1 hours = 120 points
Playing Call of Duty for about 15 hours = 150 points

etc, etc, etc. look at the descripancy in points per hour....some games give you much more than others...Games like PGR3 which you mentioned you've played are really stingy on points............

I guess I'm just saying that having a higher gamerscore than you doesn't mean that that person has no life.
Its not that your too old for gaming its just that your gaming habits will change as you get older. I can attest to this now having a child of my own. I was extremely competitive beforehand, especially playing Unreal Tournament. But all truth be told, like many other things in life sometimes you can lose the fun out of it when you become too competitive that you take things too seriously. Bottomline, I enjoy more what little game time I have now and really don't care if I get my butt handed too me in a game, thats not the point of playing anyway :D
Psychotext said:
How much do you weigh and is that with free weights?!?! :eek:

yes with free weights, but not quite as impressive since I weigh 230lbs.

anyway.....that post above wasn't to brag, (there are others that would benchpress more and weigh less) --------------just to show the OP that someone can have an average gamerscore (3700) and be into a lot of other things.

My friend bought an xbox360 with two games and in the first day -----I kid you not he had 750 points....

Archaea said:
yes with free weights, but not quite as impressive since I weigh 230lbs.
That's a damn site better than most on this site could hope for. :D
Astrogiblet said:
One thing I've noticed, is 10-12 year olds are AWESOME at games for some reason.. I dont know if its something pre-pubescent or what.. but they just KICKASS at games.. A LOT of the more 1337 gamers I find are in that age range..

Damn right. My son is 10 and it takes me everything I have to beat him.
I am 35 years old and still game most everyday. I can't devote the time I used to so it is short bursts of gaming. I also have converted from PC gaming to console. It is more comfortable on my couch then at the computer for hours. I have been gaming for a lot of years and just keep moving along wit the changes. I seem to be able to hold my own in everything but FPS games on the consoles. I am just to used to the keyboard and mouse.

Like the others have said don't put to much weight on the gamer score. Who really gives a shit in the grand scheme of things. Get with some older gamers, play to relax and have fun. I used to play with these fellas, bunch of over 30's that enjoy gaming.
Astrogiblet said:
One thing I've noticed, is 10-12 year olds are AWESOME at games for some reason.. I dont know if its something pre-pubescent or what.. but they just KICKASS at games.. A LOT of the more 1337 gamers I find are in that age range..
twitch games maybe. i am quite sure i could take a 10 year old to the cleaners in a rts or something like that
Martyr said:
twitch games maybe. i am quite sure i could take a 10 year old to the cleaners in a rts or something like that
I'm teaching my kid puzzle games and Mini-RTS's now and he's 3. When he turns 10 I'll PM you :D.

My gamerscore is about 4000 right now, and it's no biggie. I say my skills are way above average for almost any genre, but I don't strive to be a point whore.

The OP shouldn't feel bad about not gaming much. It's life. The time you get is the time you get. There have been times where I don't game just because, so don't force it. Spend time with the fam and if you can bring them into gaming.

A family that games together, stays together!!

(I am surprised we didn't get the GenMay thread lock yet... as this is borderline.)
lol, funny post but rings very true in many ways. I am 33, with a wife and 21 month old. You just realize what is most important and that is your family. I probably spend a couple hours per week gaming (only PC). My other time is spent exercising and with family (outside of work).

I also find I enjoy single player games because they are just more convenient. I play at my own pace, don't have to put up with stupid, immature kids online, and can actually enjoy it.

To the OP, you've just hit a rite of passage that shows you have priorities in line...unlike many others who would neglect their family and go wait in line for a PS3 or something crazy like that.

Congrats, you're doing well:)
they dont have lives if they play that long....

dont sweat it, youre a busy man because you have a family. Think of the time you get to play 360 as a reward, dont think of playing as something you HAVE to do
JaYp146 said:
Same goes for CSS. They're incredibly abrasive and unforgiving towards n00bs ...

Everybody's a n00b sometime, guys. Don't pick on people, it's not nice. :rolleyes:

In my experience, the real pro's are pretty chill and laid back. it's the kids that play 8 hours a day, are only decent (only because they play 8 hours a day) that are annoying little fucks with no pubes.
I am 35, wife, kids, work 5 days a week, each day 12 to 14 at works, 3500 achievement points.

Used to be hardcore MMORPG'er playing EQ, EQ: Kunark: DAoC, EQ2. Barely touched WoW (played to level 48). Started gaming 20 years ago, playing Snake on Apple ][.

Now I don't "long" for gaming so to speak. Back then, peers played games so I played games and discovered that it was fun and we had common interests. Life moves on and everyone is busy at work, trying to achieve something in their career, have their own family etc etc etc.

I still play games. I suck ass at GoW deathmatches. I play for fun, not for the competiveness anymore. Can never afford 8 hours gaming session a day. 30 mins a day after work... after all the kids are sleeping ... before sleep.

I think it is just normal that you stop playing 8 hours a day as you get old. Nothing to be ashamed of. No need to envy those who plays 8 hours a day. Heck ask those 12 years old to look at my bank account and see if they can achieve that.. :D
sabrewolf732 said:
It's the kids that play 8 hours a day, are only decent (only because they play 8 hours a day) that are annoying little fucks with no pubes.
Allos said:
Heck ask those 12 years old to look at my bank account and see if they can achieve that.. :D
I don't know... there are some pro gamers earning major cash! :D
ojax said:
To put it bluntly, you aren't a very competitive or perhaps skilled gamer. Assuming that everyone who kicks your ass, or has a high rank, is some jobless welfare case is pretty ignorant...

Also to those declaring going outside, working out, lifting weights, doing karate, and playing sports is their reason for sucking at video games, perhaps you will always suck? Its not a fucking do one or the other thing... You CAN goto the gym, play sports, be in a club, volunteer, have a full time job, have a wife, friends, and kids, YET still take top frags every map, have more than a few thousand points, and raid with a lvl 60 character in WoW...

Thousands of people do it like this and don't start preaching to others about the importance of " getting sunlight " when they get their ass handed to them in some multiplayer game.

I'll choose having a full time job, wife, kids and pwning whiny bitches online.

Your case is pretty ignorant as well. I use to be very skilled FPser but I also played a lot yes now that my tastes have changed to other games I am a mediocre player at best. If your saying that time spent does not equal better performance you are smoking crack. I'm not saying that there isn't naturaly skilled players, but those "naturals" are few.

If you are doing all those things I doubt that you sleep, but most likely you are lying through your teeth. Nothing personal but your post is really transperant.
nobody_here said:
or is it just my age? am i just reaching that point where my kids will be waxing my ass soon?

Try playing single-player games?

If you are going to judge yourself against the other 200 million gamers in the world and you only play 2 hours a week, prepare to be disappointed. So then, why compare yourself? If you are playing games and having fun doing so, frankly that is all that matters. If you are having trouble getting through a game and are getting frustrated, just hit Gamefaqs.
I think it really depends what type of games your playing and with who... I am now 22 and have found games to be a little less fun unless im playing with my buddies or doing games that truely have strategy and make you think. Im playing less FPS games and playing more RTS games. I think even 10 years from now I will find RTS games more enjoyable then the average shoot em up fast reflex shooter.
Wrench00 said:
Your case is pretty ignorant as well. I use to be very skilled FPser but I also played a lot yes now that my tastes have changed to other games I am a mediocre player at best. If your saying that time spent does not equal better performance you are smoking crack. I'm not saying that there isn't naturaly skilled players, but those "naturals" are few.

If you are doing all those things I doubt that you sleep, but most likely you are lying through your teeth. Nothing personal but your post is really transperant.

Where the fuck did I say time doesn't help your performance? Read really closely, I didn't imply that at all.

My point was that stereotyping the people that kick your ass in these games as jobless, no life, 12 year old losers is fucking pathetic, ignorant and is just WHINING. That was entirely my point.

To respond to me with such skeptisism and rudeness Wrench00, you likely suck, and felt threatened by me. You are also seem jealous that someone can work, have a wife, have community involvements, and still log into a deathmatch server and start taking top frags... and for that, I feel sorry for you... Yeah I do sleep well at night, knowing I don't need to blame things for sucking. Especially things that every mature, responsible adult has in their life.

You say to do all these things, I must not sleep? What the hell man, you can't have friends, a job, a wife, be part of a club and not be able to sleep at night? Is that too many things for you to handle? Maybe you should be more concerned about that, than flaming me because you felt threatened.

I'm 26 and understand perfectly well how work, being married and having responsibilities can take away from playing these games. Obviously I'd be more competitive if I played for hours everyday, but of all the clans, scrims, tournys, ladders, and LANs I've been a part of throughout high school and University, I'm able to be a competitive player, and most times take top 3 on the scoreboard after some warmup. This is normal, and many friends and co-workers are the same way. We all have commitments in life, making time for gaming, something I'm still very passionate about, is important to me.

Now personally, I like to blame my poor performances on weekend alcohol intoxications, and bad ping... :)


p.s. The best FPS gamers aren't 12 years old, this is just another excuse for sucking... somehow convincing yourself its some young, teet-sucking child with all the time in the world, rather than a 26 year old with a wife and job thats kicking your ass, makes you feel better I'm guessing...
I started to feel like I wasn't enjoying the usual fragfest as much as I used to, (I'm 38, married 2 kids... new dog!) I have never played video games for bragging rights but for my own enjoyment. I stick with a few dedicated servers on the PC, and played GRAW with a bunch of people from this forum and it makes all the difference in the world. You can talk to other players with the same level of maturity, you can let them know that your wife, or kid is also playing which keeps the smack talk to acceptable levels and they understand when you have to turn the console off and go to bed (even if your not sleeping). I think it just takes a little extra effort to keep the games enjoyable, and I wouldn't worry too much about gamerscores.
i have 27700 ponts and i have a wife a house to take care of. i have a decent social life with my car club etc. its just depends on what you like. for one i dont like going to the bars anymore. another one i hardly watch any tv at all. just a very few select shows. sometimes i dont game on some days others i game 2-3 a night on weekends may be more just depends on whats going on. this winter i plan on learning how to snow board.

gaming comes and goes for me some times i get hardcore and other months i hardly do it. just depends on whats going on.
Nope, you're not too old until you say it. But I gotta say that it sucks to be beat by 12 year olds.