This is a thread for people who have quit WoW

I quit a few months ago. I firmly believe raiding is the WORST time waster ever. 5 hours wasted so 3-5 people out of 40 get an item. I hated it... I think its funny how addicts try to justify it.

I feel much better after quitting. I don't have to attempt schedule things around a raid that I'll probably miss and I don't have to worry about being kicked from a guild for attendance.

No regrets, but I might just try the expansion and then quit right when the raiding begins again.
Lol at that shirt I quit for about a year. I didn't see what the big deal about the game was until I started on a server where not everyone was really high. Now I actually get help on quests. Either way I played because my summer has been fairly boring. WoW is a great time occupier in my opinion and I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't drop a few pounds because of the bad eating habits I had. Now I'm not bored, so I don't eat when im bored.
Namork said:
The fact that you still look forward to any MMO shows that you didn't learn your lesson. It's ok, lots of people have that problem. Play Progress Quest, its like the nicotine patch for MMO's. You get all the stat grinding, without wasting your time.

You could say that about any game or genre. :rolleyes: I've been playing these games for years and I've nearly played them all. You'd think I'd get tired of this genre but I enjoy playing MMOs for the most part.
phobic said:
You could say that about any game or genre. :rolleyes: I've been playing these games for years and I've nearly played them all. You'd think I'd get tired of this genre but I enjoy playing MMOs for the most part.

You could say that about any genre, but you'd be wrong. Thats why I only said it about MMO's. MMO's rely on you having invested too much time into your character, and having too many "friends" to quit. They are eleborate graphical chat rooms that make you feel commited to a character on a screen that you've spent too much time with. Not to mention I hate the fact that it takes no real skill to play those games. I'll admit, WoW was better in that area. I played a Hunter up to 60, and a Warrior up to damn near 50 before I quit, as well as having sampled most of the other classes. But I still can't honestly say any of it took "skill". They took tons of time. And some of the encounters took a deal of strategizing pulls and stuff. But once the battle was joined, it was really pretty simple, and mostly revolved around how much equipment I'd grinded to get. You'll probably try to debate this, because it's a hard thing to define what "skill" is. But to be honest, any game where your character learns the "skill", instead of the player, is about where I draw the line, and I think it's a logical place to.

Some games are worse about this than others. RPGs, of all sorts, are generally terrible about it, but in theory they have stories to make up for it. Action RPGs and MMO's are probably the worst offenders, because are just pure grinds, no story worth mentioning. Real time strategy, I'd say this falls in the midrange of skill, but it at least takes thinking on your feet, if not reacting on them, to do well. First person shooters, naturally, are all skill. Typical action games like God of War, Devil May Cry, etc, also almost all skill. But MMO's? It usually comes down to having invested enough time to get the best equipment, or exploiting an imbalance. The only factor involved in how "good" you play, is time. And the current MMO market is afraid to change this, because thats just what the pathetic MMO fans have come to expect. It's a genre that in my experience, only attracts the talentless and the friendless.
I quit back in March or April. At the time I had 3 level 60s wearing tier 2 and I'd been playing for the last 10 months. My /played was something stupid like 100 days (Which is pretty scary given that's 1/3 of the 10 months in realtime).

I allowed WoW to make a serious mess of my life and you know what, I blame no-one but myself. I know I have an addictive personality (used to be an alcoholic, still smoke) but I still let myself get dragged in. By the end I was staying up until about 5am to raid pretty much every night (American servers, I'm in UK).

I'm still recovering from the damage now:

  • My relationship with my better half still aint quite right
  • My business almost went bust, and I'm only just clearing the backlog of work that I failed to do
  • Got myself in debt (cos I wasn't working enough)
  • Lost a lot of weight (not eating properly when playing) and my physique went to hell
  • Still not as socially active as I was before I started playing

More than any of that, I'm F*CK*NG P*SS*D off at myself that I wasted 10 months of my life doing something so pointless. On the bright side though, once I quit I never thought about it again. I do still miss some of the people I played with, but some have stayed friends outside of the game. Let me make it clear again though, this wasn't the game's fault, it's nothing but a flaw in my character which I will freely admit to.

[Edit - Sorry to insert a serious post into a funny thread. ;)]
Namork said:
.... They are eleborate graphical chat rooms that make you feel commited to a character on a screen that you've spent too much time with. Not to mention I hate the fact that it takes no real skill to play those games.
FACT! HAHAHAH nice one =)
i stopped playing when I moved into a new apartment. just got tied up with moving things, busy with work, etc. then another game distracted me, and then a girl. I've been getting an itch to play games (i seriously haven't played anything in 2-3 months) but it won't be an MMO game.
I quit back in June and sold the time for $1200 USD got nearly $1400 CND for it. The person I sold the TIME to got the account banned a day later, luckily I was able to get the money off my paypal account before he tried reclaiming it.

WoW ruined my life, I have not worked in 2 years since the games releases back in November of 04, I put so much time into playing WoW I lost friends gained about 2 tons. Since I quit, I feel as though a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I spend most of my time working now and review new hardware I can recommend to my customers, I re-opened my business and now spend most of my time with family and friends.

With the money I got from the sale of my 60 Uber DPS Warrior I was able to upgrade the hell out of my system. Bought a AMD Athlon64 X2 4800+, Asus A8R32-MVP Deluxe, Crossfired X1900XTX's, Soundblaster X-FI Fatal1ty FPS and an OCZ GameXtreme 700WATT PSU, I am awaiting the release of ETQW so I can own some face. THE GAME IS DONE!!!! THERE IS NO NEED TO DELAY IT TILL FEBRUARY OF 2007!!!!

For those that are about to venture into the WoW Universe a warning, unless your rich or live in your parents basement like myself and have zero friends and care nothing for your family I suggest not joining in the evil know as WoW, it will consume your soul.

Edit : In the end I was part of probably one of the worst guilds in WoW history, the guild was going nowhere, there were probably a good 15 to 20 very good players and the rest just wanted to tag along to get loot and put no effort forward to help the guild out, I left along with the guild leader and a few others to try and start a hardcore raiding guilding but the server I was on was full of nothing but tightly knit groups that were too scared to start anything new so that failed. I attempted to get in with other guilds that were progressing more into the game and faster then the guild I had left but I was unable to joing any other guild because of the one I was previously in would go around and tell guilds not to take me... I am happy to say that my old guild is probably the worst guild on the server now, they can barely progress into Naxx while other guilds on the server have killed around 6 to 7 bosses already. In the end I thank my old guild for my decision to leave. For those in the guild that had the skill and talent to progress as far as they did I have no bad feelings towards them, for the other 90% of the guild, see you in hell.
Psychotext said:
More than any of that, I'm F*CK*NG P*SS*D off at myself that I wasted 10 months of my life doing something so pointless.

Don't look at it that way. Some might tell you that this is all pointless. Some might tell you to learn from it. Some might say that it was a good memory and be all nostalgic about it. WoW is a glimpse of the futility of doing anything in this life. It is a frightening thought, is it not?
I quit about a year ago, my friends did too. They however have recently started playing again and while we are on vent its hard not to want to play with all your friends talking about it.

I quit as the #1 warrior on my server, MT for guild, most this most that. I was a hardcore player, since then i've doubled my income and now im working on my CCNA/P

I sold my acct to a buddy for 125 bucks

He sold it 6months later for 600 and gave me a cut
I'm quitting the game and preparing to sell off the account. Its fun...but at 60 and the fact i'll never see naxx (something i've truly wanted), i'm done. played the game on and off for 2 years, i've lost interest. I need the money to prep for the new games and give myself to refocus.
Umi.Ryuuzaki said:
I'm quitting the game and preparing to sell off the account. Its fun...but at 60 and the fact i'll never see naxx (something i've truly wanted), i'm done. played the game on and off for 2 years, i've lost interest. I need the money to prep for the new games and give myself to refocus.

My reason for quitting was I saw all the content(including Naxx) and none of my friends no longer play. So what's the fun?
I played the game for about a year on and off, I got really bored with it the first time and quit for awhile, then came back when some of my friends started playing, and quit late in June because I couldn't stand the people, the game mechanics and the drama that was developing between people I knew.

Best. Decision. Ever.

First off personally I have no idea why I started playing, I guess I though it was going to be awesome, instead it was some 'Rinse and Repeat", ugly looking game. I wholly regret ever paying for it. Not to mention the fact that people who play it take it WAY to seriously, to the point of death threats.

It's an unoriginal idea simply playing off the Warcraft theme and marketing itself as an "easy mmo" to people who want to play MMOs without the drudgery, which seems odd because I always thought MMOs and drudgery went together like peanut butter and jelly. :D

Anyway Warcraft did 2 things for me, 1) It showed me how evil MMOs are and to never play them again. 2) That I have so many better things to do with my time then pay money per month for a game who's whole purpose is to hit predetermined levels with predetermined stat sorting and lack of character design and evolution. Not to mention the grind for gear.

Spending 4 hours outside, reading, working out, whatever. > World of Warcraft
I probably should have sold my chars, but that didn't seem fair to the people I played with. Would have been pretty odd for them to see "me" walking around and I didn't want to do that to them.
I do play WoW, but I don't see how you can let yourself go that bad. I have a girlfriend, I work, I go out A LOT and I work out. I know when enough is enough, when I need to go to bed/work/girlfriend/ with friends. The people I play with are from my work as well. I just don't understand how you can get THAT involved. I'm not critizing anyone, by any means, but that's crazy. But congrats on quitting. :p
UberGeek427 said:
I do play WoW, but I don't see how you can let yourself go that bad. I have a girlfriend, I work, I go out A LOT and I work out. I know when enough is enough, when I need to go to bed/work/girlfriend/ with friends. The people I play with are from my work as well. I just don't understand how you can get THAT involved. I'm not critizing anyone, by any means, but that's crazy. But congrats on quitting. :p

That's what seperates you from HAVE things you can do. I'm from Chicago and I had a great social life up there. I then moved to Mississippi and there is ABSOLUTELY JACK SHIT TO DO HERE

So I picked up WoW(My first MMORPG not counting Ragnarok) and thought it was great because when I started I was playing with a lot of friends. The game pretty much became the only thing I spent my free time doing, because there was literally nothing better to do.

I do exercise and have a fiancee, but social life is still zip zilch without WoW :eek:
MrFace said:
That's what seperates you from HAVE things you can do. I'm from Chicago and I had a great social life up there. I then moved to Mississippi and there is ABSOLUTELY JACK SHIT TO DO HERE

So I picked up WoW(My first MMORPG not counting Ragnarok) and thought it was great because when I started I was playing with a lot of friends. The game pretty much became the only thing I spent my free time doing, because there was literally nothing better to do.

I do exercise and have a fiancee, but social life is still zip zilch without WoW :eek:

I'm in Rhode Island.....haha. I live out in the country. I recently was in a car accident, in which my car was totalled and I have a severely messed up back now. The three weeks that I was out of work, all I could do is play WoW and the girlfriend would come over. But I'm still waiting the insurance check for my car, so I'm carless right now. So believe me, I know how it is. Luckly I have some awesome friends/girlfriend who make me get out of the house. :p
MrFace said:
That's what seperates you from HAVE things you can do. I'm from Chicago and I had a great social life up there. I then moved to Mississippi and there is ABSOLUTELY JACK SHIT TO DO HERE

So I picked up WoW(My first MMORPG not counting Ragnarok) and thought it was great because when I started I was playing with a lot of friends. The game pretty much became the only thing I spent my free time doing, because there was literally nothing better to do.

I do exercise and have a fiancee, but social life is still zip zilch without WoW :eek:

I understand what you say about Mississippi. I lived there as a poor kid for a year without so much as a NES to play with. No phone either. If I wanted some social contact I'd have to ride my bike a mile to my friend's house just to see if he was home. I think I just rode my bike and and played with my dogs. WoW is terrible, but man, I don't know what else I'd do in your position.

Anyway, I got lucky. I would probably still be playing, but my job sent me away on business. I've been working nights for 3 months, making raiding impossible, and my hotel connection has too much lag to play anyway. After a couple of weeks of not playing I realized what a waste of time it was and canceled my account. Since I quit I've gotten in better shape, played a bunch of games I'd missed out on, and I've spoken more with my friends and family than I had in the whole year and a half I had been playing. It's amazing how much of my life I ignored and how much sleep I lost so that I could play that stupid game.
I quit, not because I disliked the game, but because of burnout, in December. I was in a pretty good raiding guild, I was an officer and primary raid leader. It was lots of fun. Stopping wasn't bad, because I was burned out and just didn't want to play anymore, so it didn't hurt to not be.

However, Just recently my buddy at work keeps talking about the game, so it got me interested again. I'm now back and hooked just as much as ever, I'm just not raiding much. I'm playing with lots of crafting, soloing, some grouping, and AH money making.
I played WoW from the first day of release till late January this year. I was a Warlord Undead Priest with 6/8 tier 2 (when a full set was rare.) I had quit my job and was jobless for a year. Also had to drop all of my classes in the fall '05 semester due to me rarely attending class while I was honor grinding to rank 13. Now I've got a fulltime job and last semester I passed all 4 of my classes with a great GPA. I also gained a ton of wieght since i spent literally 1/3 of my life playing WoW for over a year. I weighed 249 (6' 4") in january and now I'm down to 185.
After quitting WOW I started working out and worked off that gut from sitting around all night eating and playing games. I also started a local football eague for the area youth. With the time involved in this starup project I have no time to play WOW. I also bought another guitar and play that a lot.
There was a time I still checked the webpages but even that has slacked off. I really didn't miss it until I read this thread :p
So if i leave WoW i could cure cancer!

I have to farm shards for tonights AQ40 tho, oh well.

Moderation people to much of almsot anything is bad for you.
Quitting WoW was one of the best things I have done. When you reach lvl 60, the games goes from fun to stressful. RAIDS/GREED/RAIDS/GREED/RAIDS/GREED

To me, the community in WoW was nonexistent. It is every greedy bastard for himself.
ok time for me to add my input...

So before I played WoW I thought that MMO's were a waste of time and money and I didn't think that having a full time job and playing an MMO was something people are actually able to do.

I started playing WoW when after I quit a job I had for about 8-9 months. (quit for personal reasons). Last day was a friday and that weekend I was going over to my friends apartment to game and have a good time. Well I found that my one of my friends bought WoW a few days before and started playing. So that evening my other friend (both of my good friends are roommates) went out and bought a copy for himself.

I was unsure if I wanted to buy the game so I used one of their 10 day trial keys to play. Well I got hooked. That was around May 05

I spent the next 9-10 months playing WoW, leveling, and learning just about everything about the game and playing with Mods/addons. The 3 of us started on a PVE realm, they re-rolled on a PVP realm, blackrock, and I continued on the PVE realm till lvl 40 where I got bored and re-rolled. The 3 of us transfered from blackrock to bloodscalp when they had the free transfer.

I quit for about 2 weeks when Serious Sam 2, Quake 4, and Fear all came out, played them. Then went back to WoW.

I decided that I was only going to have 1 toon so I could put all my time into it. So I have a 60 night elf warrior. Level's 1-59 is where this game it at.

Lvl 60 is a double edge sword. You think finaly I got to lvl 60, but now fucking what. I can spend my time working in PuG's for the dungeon set/tier 0.5, I can work on rep and professions, PVP, or joining a raiding guild. lvl 60 is where the real time sink is.

I quit playing for 2 months around feb this year because I needed to get a job, got a good job, then started playing again about week after 1.10 came out. Then got into a raiding guild. Dealt with all the drama and bullshit of that, it was fun, but it still was work. (that raiding guild had too many warriors, so there was always issues of who got to raid what and when) Got to experience all of MC many times, ZG, Onyxia, some of AQ20.

That was on the realm bloodscalp. When the paid character transfers opened up I decided to leave the realm because of the general people on bloodscalp, the guild drama from all the raiding guilds, and the lack of recruitment for warriors for other guilds, and because of many issues I had with the raiding guild I was in.

I transfered to Ner'zhul after doing some homework. I like the realm but after transfering I couldn't find a raiding good that was recruiting warriors (unless they were full tier 2 and was ready for AQ40 and Naxx) So I decided to quit again and probably wait till the Burning Crusade hits beta then start playing again.

I'm in the strange spot where I don't want to quit the game forever because I haven't experienced all of the end-game content and I want to get better gear. CT Profile and I like raiding and the community from being in a guild and all the random stuff that goes on in guild chat and vent/TS. but I'm getting tired of some problems I see in the game.

The problem I have came across is that where is usually too many warriors, hunters, and rogues. Sometimes too many mages, and usually not enough priests and druids. So you basicly have to fight to get into a raiding guild. You either have to go with a guild who can't even clear ZG by themselfs or be a bench warming in a large guild. It really sucks. There is a major inbalance in the game once you hit lvl 60.
Seelenlos said:
So if i leave WoW i could cure cancer!

I have to farm shards for tonights AQ40 tho, oh well.

Moderation people to much of almsot anything is bad for you.

Yeah we're gonna down that wretched bug family.
I played WoW since launch and was in beta near the end. Quit earlier this year for the same reason I quit EQ, and EQ2. Burnout and timesink and whenever personal stuff came up, my friends would lvl way past and then it just became pointless. So I left my Lvl 59 paladin to my friend to take over (just like I did my lvl 40 Wiz in EQ) and haven't missed it since. I've played UO, EQ/2, WoW, and CoH. CoH is the only one I have kept, as I can pop back in and do some quick mindless stuff, or if I got the time do something bigger I can do a AV or TF.

Been reading the Eve Online forum here and it's making me want to do a free trial to see what it's like...... But no more WoW for me...
I quit WoW when my lease ended at my last apartment. I moved into a new place, hit the gym, dieted and went from 215lbs (6'4) to 185lbs in 3 1/2 months.

Life is much better outside of my dark room, and out of my miserable computer chair. Sadly, millions of others are still trapped in the zone.. and they're paying for it.
Hi my name is shaggymcp and I have a problem.... (errr had )

I quit due to problems and bordom.

I had a 60 mage, 60 hunter, 52 pally, 3 lower than lvl 20 chars on Khazmodan, and on bloodhoof i had a 30 rogue. For the tech problems I quit because when i started to play the game at first, i got recommended by blizzard to Khaz Gorath ( oceanic server ) and I am in Orlando FL...... and it was fine at first, but at the time that i joined, is when blizz started doing the free 10 day trials, and everyone joined up on Khaz and its like 25% austraillian and like 75% american, and the lag got horrid and unbearable, thats when i tried going to Bloodhoof. Then they came out with the character Xfer thing and when I read the price for Xfer'n a char, it pissed me off alot, cause they recommended me to that hell hole.

My other problem was WOW after lvl 60 just becomes a grind to get better gear, and thats it. PVP is meh at best in wow, and everytime I loaded up I started to feel like I was waisting my time, so i quit. I have not had a single urge to go back and its been about 1 month now. My addiction has ended, and i will not get back in to this type of game, it really does take over your life and its not healthy.
I gained 50lbs of muscle and got down to 4% body fat.

I started a new business and am making enough to buy a Lambo and Ferrari.

I got a couple of hot chix as well.

Life is good

:cool: :p

Amazing what quitting WoW can do :D
Played WoW for a year. Lvls 1-59 were fun. Instances to me were a thrilling experience. Learning Molten Core with an inexperienced but fun guild all the way to Rag was a hell of a trip. BWL is where fun died and dramafests, greed came to play. AQ nailed the coffin.

Initially I took a committed two week break to get final projects and exams done without interference from the game. I went on one more raid before I thought to myself that there's a lot more to living than raiding, waiting in line for PvP, and pharming. I have no desire whatsoever to get back in the game although I do like to see the progression of my guild and the forums are always fun due to the trolling

Things I miss: Arathi Basin, and my guild
Things Ive gained: A lot more time and freedom. No longer do I need to log in my character at a certain time or face the consequences. Also regained my ability to run a 5k :p
LordBritish said:
I gained 50lbs of muscle and got down to 4% body fat.

Umm... I'm assuming it's a joke post but just in case... 4% is way too low. I dropped to 7% once and started injuring myself regularly. Had to put fat back on so I could keep training (ignoring the fact I looked so drawn people kept trying to feed me!). :)
I quit after the first free month because the game sucked in my opinion.