Switchers: Where are you now?

I dunno, I was an OS X for a long time, enough to get really comfortable with it. However, I have always liked Windows better. I don't know why, maybe it goes back to the 3.1 days when I was first introduced to Windows. OS X is a great OS, don't get me wrong, but something was missing. So I switched back to Windows. Why?

Maybe it was the almost non-existent crashes, viruses or spyware. Maybe OS X was too perfect of an OS. Maybe I just don't like perfection.
As I Lay Dying said:
it has 'flip-3d' or something along those lines, which takes the windows and arranges them one behind each other, and then you scroll through them, like flipping through cards. I think its a crappier version, but apparently, a long time mac user, said it was better then expose, I think thats bs.

I think it's worse than Expose too. Windows might have the 3d factor, but I change windows much more easily in OS X than I do in Vista RC2. Vista might have the 3d thing going on, but that doesn't make it easier to use than OS X. With 'Spaces' coming in Leopard that will work hand in hand with Expose for window management across multiple desktops, Vista won't have anything on OS X.

I'm working with my Comp Sci professor to get a scholarship towards a Apple Premier Developer subscription, using the recent adaption of the Intel architecture and increased sales of Macs, especially in Academia as my reasons to want to try it.
Optional87 said:
I think it's worse than Expose too. Windows might have the 3d factor, but I change windows much more easily in OS X than I do in Vista RC2. Vista might have the 3d thing going on, but that doesn't make it easier to use than OS X. With 'Spaces' coming in Leopard that will work hand in hand with Expose for window management across multiple desktops, Vista won't have anything on OS X.

I'm working with my Comp Sci professor to get a scholarship towards a Apple Premier Developer subscription, using the recent adaption of the Intel architecture and increased sales of Macs, especially in Academia as my reasons to want to try it.

i've never relaly used a mac for long-term, other than on my mum's so don't be upst by me. i tihnk that the upcoming spaces thing is a great feature, brillaint for my kind of computer use. but i don't think that expose is quite up to scratch. for me its just an inconvenience sometimes, cuz it just pops up and everything changes when i just accidentally move the mouse into the corner.

the windows flip 3d feature i admit is mostly eye candy, i mean alt-tab does the exact same thing. having said that, it does let users quickly and easily see programs, and exactly what their windows look like, and its also got a relatively large preview which just makes life easier. i've never been a fan of alt-tab. and a bit of eye-candy doesn't hurt.
I've been considering trying Max OS X. Is there any way to install it on an AMD Athlon 64 system? I can purchase a copy off of E-Bay to make it legal (won't buy from the Apple store, WAY too much), and I have seen people who have ran it on Intel based PC hardware. How would I go about this.
OS x86 is the thing to search for. Im not sure how stable it is, or how much like the actual OS X it is, but if you wanted to get a feel for it on an x86 computer other than buying one from Apple, that would be how to do it.

but i don't think that expose is quite up to scratch. for me its just an inconvenience sometimes, cuz it just pops up and everything changes when i just accidentally move the mouse into the corner.
That corner feature is not a standard thing, its a setting. You can change that easy in the system preferences.
Optional87 said:
I think it's worse than Expose too. Windows might have the 3d factor, but I change windows much more easily in OS X than I do in Vista RC2. Vista might have the 3d thing going on, but that doesn't make it easier to use than OS X. With 'Spaces' coming in Leopard that will work hand in hand with Expose for window management across multiple desktops, Vista won't have anything on OS X.

I'm working with my Comp Sci professor to get a scholarship towards a Apple Premier Developer subscription, using the recent adaption of the Intel architecture and increased sales of Macs, especially in Academia as my reasons to want to try it.

I have seen what spaces looks like, I myself prefer compiz approach, where each space is a face on a cube. In compiz there multiple exposes, like expose on the current workspace, expose on all workspaces, expose on current monitor, and expose on current window, any if leopard is gonna have an expose across all spaces?
after going and trying XP again on my Macbook, I am never going back. I simply can't go without Expose.
As I Lay Dying said:
I have seen what spaces looks like, I myself prefer compiz approach, where each space is a face on a cube. In compiz there multiple exposes, like expose on the current workspace, expose on all workspaces, expose on current monitor, and expose on current window, any if leopard is gonna have an expose across all spaces?

VirtueDesktops is pretty close to the Compiz setup but for OS X, window dragging doesn't work 100% though so that's what it's missing. I've tried leopard and spaces as well on my MacBook for a weekend but went back to 10.4.8. Leopard is nice and it's going to be awesome, but the developer copies (the mac teacher here let me give it a run) have a few small things that i don't want to mess with, like having to swap my trackpad drivers with those from a 17" MBP in order to get two-finger right click, and lack of updates and compatibility by some pieces of software. Without those things I don't want to run it in prime time on the machine with which I do all my school work.

Time machine worked well but was sort of slow (like the graphics moved slowly, probably not optimized for GMA950 yet.)

Spaces was cool and worked nicely, but VirtueDesktops works just as well on 10.4.X systems.

Updates for other programs don't seem to work while Leopard is the main system.

The new Mail system is cool and works well, as does the Safari plug to make a webpage a widget, that was nice.

I'm excited to see how spaces evolves and if some third party group turns it more into the Compiz style system.

Either way Expose is something I *really* like and It can't get anything but better.

Oh yeah and the above guy with expose woes, his question was answered about the mouse corner thing being a system preferences, and you'd probably like it a lot better using the keyboard controls as I do, the corner thing is annoying to me too, and that's why I don't have it enabled.
agreed I hate the corner thing to, on my main setup I had it so expose current desktop was top left, and expose accross all desktops was top left, gah it got annoying when I tried to use go to the sys tray or the menu.....
If you guys don't like the way Expose pops up when you move the mouse into a corner, you shouldn't have enabled that setting.

It's not even that way by default. You (or someone else on your computer) enabled that setting.

Bitching about it is akin to complaining about Microsoft because you disabled Java in IE and now you can't view some web pages.
Rocketpig said:
If you guys don't like the way Expose pops up when you move the mouse into a corner, you shouldn't have enabled that setting.

It's not even that way by default. You (or someone else on your computer) enabled that setting.

Bitching about it is akin to complaining about Microsoft because you disabled Java in IE and now you can't view some web pages.

no one is complaining, we are just in agreement the corner option is annoying. We all have turned off the option. And I was speaking about compiz/beryl and that is turned on by default, also one cannot try out features without enabling them.
I fully switched when the Intel iMacs came out in Feburary 2006. I bought a Core Duo 2GHz / 2GB Ram / 256 MB x1600 and Love it. This is my 2nd Mac.

I previously bought a 1.33GHz G4 iBook in October 2004 just to toy with it. It was brand new, but I used it in addition to my PC. I was using my Uber 1337 PC less and less until I didnt use it at all. I stoped playing all my games and just said to hell with it. All i need is a Mac.

Now I play games on concoles again <3 Thank God. And let my Mac do my computing.

My next mac purchase will be when Leopard comes out, and I will get whatever the best mac is at that time. Macs are Addicting - iBook came first, then this iMac, then the iPod... etc etc :D

OSX is where its at, but thats not why I love my Mac. Its the way it looks. Its sleek white, Clean, no stickers or bulky anything. Just smooth and nice.
As I Lay Dying said:
no one is complaining, we are just in agreement the corner option is annoying. We all have turned off the option. And I was speaking about compiz/beryl and that is turned on by default, also one cannot try out features without enabling them.

Is it turned on by default?

I've installed OS X at least four or five times since Expose was released and I never remember disabling the corner option once.
Rocketpig said:
Is it turned on by default?

I've installed OS X at least four or five times since Expose was released and I never remember disabling the corner option once.

on osx it is off by default, but I am talking about beryl or compiz on linux which has an expose feature, which is what I was talking about, and praising apple for coming up with an awesome feature.

btw anyone using firefox 2.0, foxpose now works on it, yes....
As I Lay Dying said:
on osx it is off by default, but I am talking about beryl or compiz on linux which has an expose feature, which is what I was talking about, and praising apple for coming up with an awesome feature.

btw anyone using firefox 2.0, foxpose now works on it, yes....

Ah, okay. Ignore me, I'm drunk and can't read.
Ordering a zalman cooler for my 7900GT so it isn't so loud in OS X.

Installing OS X on my PC has been a blast.

edit: I have a macbook, too.
RaphaelVinceti said:
OS x86 is the thing to search for. Im not sure how stable it is, or how much like the actual OS X it is, but if you wanted to get a feel for it on an x86 computer other than buying one from Apple, that would be how to do it.

That corner feature is not a standard thing, its a setting. You can change that easy in the system preferences.

well yeah. i mean like i said, i haven't realyl used a mac for long, and not for full-time use anyway so i mean there's a lot i don't know.
DaCoOlNeSs said:
after going and trying XP again on my Macbook, I am never going back. I simply can't go without Expose.

Im the same way. I find myself hitting F9 or going to screen corners often when im at work on XP.
My first Mac was a PowerBook G4 I bought about 18 months ago. I'd had an iPod for a year before which really made me sit up and notice Apple. It's always been working alongside my Gaming PC doing anything that isn't gaming (surprise) or downloading. Since bought a couple more iPods, found I only use the gaming PC for Counter-Strike and decided that I'm going to get a 24" iMac in January to completely replace my PC. Going to keep my Dell 24" LCD for dual-monitor goodness though =)
Hi there.

I became a part-time switcher November of 2005, so a little less than a year. I say part-time because I have 12" maxed-out Powerbook, and my main rig is an AMD setup in my sig. I fell in love with the OS and the included software, such as Garageband because I am a musician. I bought Logic Pro and use it. Sure, after a few tracks the Powerbook begins to strain itself, but I got the PB for note-taking in school, and because I wanted to familiarize myself with "the other side".

I've built my own rigs for years. My current setup is watercooled, etc..... but I've grown tired of all the tweaking, benchmarking, overclocking, etc... I don't know why. So my next purchase will be a Mac Pro. I am waiting, however, for second revision machines to come out, and I will not buy it until Leopard comes out. By that time there should be more processor selections as well, maybe even some quad-core goodness.
I switched about a month ago to my MBP C2d. There has been practically no learning curve (normally, I was trying to hard and not being able to accept that it was just THAT easy) and the single mouse button is no problem. I am a complete mac convert now... I just wish they had a more gaming oriented machine I could buy...
I bought a Mac Mini to try it out. It's neat and all but I miss having control over my hardware. And while there were aspects of OSX that are much better than windows there are still features it lacks that windows have.
I even picked up some fat OSX Tiger books to learn and subscribed to Macworld and Macaddict magazines.

But a month later I just sold it on ebay and invested the money back into my PC. I'm enjoying my new video card more.
Archer75 said:
I bought a Mac Mini to try it out. It's neat and all but I miss having control over my hardware. And while there were aspects of OSX that are much better than windows there are still features it lacks that windows have.
I even picked up some fat OSX Tiger books to learn and subscribed to Macworld and Macaddict magazines.

But a month later I just sold it on ebay and invested the money back into my PC. I'm enjoying my new video card more.

That was very vague, I'd like to know what features you were missing from your PC besides, say, the ability to overclock.
No thumbnail preview of video files. Opening up a preview of photos only let me look at that photo. Then I shut down preview and open it up again on another photo. And so on.
In windows I double click a photo and a preview window comes up and then I can just arrow back and forth through all of my photos easily.
I had to get a 3rd party app called Xee to allow this in OSX.

I hated how iphoto wouldn't let me organize my folders the way I want. It imports things the way it wants and won't let me touch them. Now i'm talking about the files and folders within the iphoto folder and not the app itself.
In windows I use picasa and I can just put my folders the way I want and when I launch the app it simply adds them to the library without rearranging all my folders.
I had been working with automater to get iphoto to do what I want but never quite got the full functionality that I wanted.

It was about two months ago that I sold it so I don't remember all of the issues I ran into. But in the end there was nothing about it that made it any better than windows for me. Windows is very stable for me, I don't get viruses or spyware. And I have complete control over my hardware.
Archer75 said:
No thumbnail preview of video files. Opening up a preview of photos only let me look at that photo. Then I shut down preview and open it up again on another photo. And so on.
In windows I double click a photo and a preview window comes up and then I can just arrow back and forth through all of my photos easily.
I had to get a 3rd party app called Xee to allow this in OSX.

I hated how iphoto wouldn't let me organize my folders the way I want. It imports things the way it wants and won't let me touch them. Now i'm talking about the files and folders within the iphoto folder and not the app itself.
In windows I use picasa and I can just put my folders the way I want and when I launch the app it simply adds them to the library without rearranging all my folders.
I had been working with automater to get iphoto to do what I want but never quite got the full functionality that I wanted.

It was about two months ago that I sold it so I don't remember all of the issues I ran into. But in the end there was nothing about it that made it any better than windows for me. Windows is very stable for me, I don't get viruses or spyware. And I have complete control over my hardware.

Did you ever just select all in the folder then choose the folder option "view slideshow" that's what i do... and from there i have more control over viewing photos in sequence that i do in xp...

and the thumbnail preview of videos and images is coming more in leopard now that leopard is including the CoreAnimation development utility.

but yeah it seems like you tried and it just wasn't your thing. i've found the big book to be more of a hinderance than an actual learning utility, there's too much info and a lot of weird info that i won't be usin any time soon in it than if i were to just use my notebook and learn on the way.

i don't miss the hardware controls personally, but that's because getting obsessed with tweaking and performance in the PC realm means a lot more money spent to get it just right...
Optional87 said:
Did you ever just select all in the folder then choose the folder option "view slideshow" that's what i do... and from there i have more control over viewing photos in sequence that i do in xp...

The slideshow features doesn't give me the functionality that I want. The same thing is present in XP but I don't use it there either.

I would say that what OSX really needs is a complete overhaul of the finder. I have heard that would happen in leopard.

But like I said before, I like to be able to have control over my hardware. Build my own systems. Grab any video card I want and use it(can only do that on a mac pro). Would be nice if apple would come out with a tower like the mac pro but let it use Core 2 Duo processors and standard DDR2 ram and sell it for cheaper. Then I could have more of the hardware control i'm after.
Archer75 said:
The slideshow features doesn't give me the functionality that I want. The same thing is present in XP but I don't use it there either.

I would say that what OSX really needs is a complete overhaul of the finder. I have heard that would happen in leopard.

But like I said before, I like to be able to have control over my hardware. Build my own systems. Grab any video card I want and use it(can only do that on a mac pro). Would be nice if apple would come out with a tower like the mac pro but let it use Core 2 Duo processors and standard DDR2 ram and sell it for cheaper. Then I could have more of the hardware control i'm after.

Agreed on the Finder overhaul 100%. I'm using Path Finder in the meantime until Apple gets around to it. I'm not sure why you complained about getting Xee, as it's a wonderful application.
I switched 3 months ago, I do still use windows, but not because I want to, it's because I have to. Macs rule! I started out with a $5 powerbook g3 pismo that I bought that wouldn't boot, I upgraded it to OS X 10.3.9, and then I got an imac g3, and then I bought a powermac g4 dual 1Ghz only 3 weeks ago, and I love every one of them. I'm typing this on my g3 powerbook right now
After looking at iPods for a small time, I found interest in Macs. I bought my iBook G4 about a year and a half ago (March 05) just to have knowledge about the Mac platform but fell in love with it. I had a real nice gaming PC at the time but wound up using my laptop more than my desktop . . . go figure! :D It was about September of 05 that I bought and put together a $1,700 gaming PC only to find that I was using my iBook more and playing CSS . . . that's about it. Talk about a waste of money huh?

I wound up selling those parts and getting enough money to buy a Core Duo iMac 17". I was so happy when I sold everything and was able to purchase my iMac. Now I am fully switched over to the Mac side of life.

Mac for work, XBOX 360 for play. Life is sahweet!!
I use both PC and Mac but I use PC the majority of the time. Meh... I dont care one way or the other :)
I've had my macbook for a few weeks now, and I very much enjoy using it (besides the dead pixel :mad: ). However I still find myself mostly using my desktop, as it's just easier. That said, I expect to be using the macbook much more frequently come January when I start full-time grad school :cool:
Slartibartfast said:
I've had my macbook for a few weeks now, and I very much enjoy using it (besides the dead pixel :mad: ). However I still find myself mostly using my desktop, as it's just easier. That said, I expect to be using the macbook much more frequently come January when I start full-time grad school :cool:

You should have taken that thing back immediately... I would not have accepted it with a dead pixel.
Optional87 said:
You should have taken that thing back immediately... I would not have accepted it with a dead pixel.

I got it through my cousin via the EPP, 10 day only return policy. It died shortly after the 10th day :rolleyes: I have shit luck with LCD's, my nice expensive Viewsonic 19" (VP930b) has one right in the middle of the screen, but they only accept returns at 8 dead pixels.
Slartibartfast said:
I got it through my cousin via the EPP, 10 day only return policy. It died shortly after the 10th day :rolleyes: I have shit luck with LCD's, my nice expensive Viewsonic 19" (VP930b) has one right in the middle of the screen, but they only accept returns at 8 dead pixels.

Have you called AppleCare about it?
Slartibartfast said:
No, I haven't really. Think it's worth a shot?

Got nothin' to lose by trying last I checked.
oh god I'm picking up my macbook tonight, and the thought of a possible dead pixel just entered my mind, Thanks guys :p

If there is one, don't they have a dead pixel policy or do they accept returns or exchanges if you're "just not satisfied?"
Mine is BTO macbook so I am kind of wondering.
GnomeCop said:
oh god I'm picking up my macbook tonight, and the thought of a possible dead pixel just entered my mind, Thanks guys :p

If there is one, don't they have a dead pixel policy or do they accept returns or exchanges if you're "just not satisfied?"
Mine is BTO macbook so I am kind of wondering.

they do returns within the first 10 days minus a 10% restock fee or something along those lines. I believe you can exchange if your screen is messed up like that though. I have no dead pixels on mine and I just bought mine over the counter using student discount at the Apple Store at the mall near my home.
I switched about 6 months ago. I had never even used a mac before I got an iBook G4. I only bought that after reading a lot and my dell died. At that point I was still using an XP desktop. I finally got the nerve and bought the 20 in. Intel iMac. I am loving it.

Everything is just perfect about the operating system and the computer itself. There is a bit of a curve when it comes to windows entertainment files (WMV, WMA) but after a short bit of research all is ok.
Also getting used to the way things are installed uninstalled took a little getting used to. The drag and drop of almost everything is great.
Overall I am loving the mac and will most likely keep it as my main operating system.
I am getting rusty on my windows know how though and I am supposed to keep up the computers at work. It is tough when you rarely see a windows operating system.