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  1. K

    Project: Liquidmod 10th Feb

    look's good, but what the hell is that discoloration on the MOBO near the CPU,RAM and Silver heatsink????
  2. K

    Second HDD not reading???

    I will try that, thank you. Anything else that it could be if that is not the case? Now that I think of it, no I didn't partion it, I just partioned the 36gb since it did that for the xp install.
  3. K

    Second HDD not reading???

    Yesterday, I helped build a friends computer, and well... here are the specs... Asus A8n32 sli Deluxe Asus ATI X1800XT VGA Corsair 2gb XMS (LED lights) RAM Sony DVD-RW Some cheap brand of a DVD-ROM WD 400GB 7,200rpm HDD WD 36gb 10,000rpm HDD Ok..... I hooked everything up, ran...
  4. K

    Would 1 Koolance Be Enough for computer&360??

    Well I would get 2 exos2 , just for bragging and bling factor I guess. And from reviews I read it's much better than the exos1. So that would be the case. I am thinking that 1 exos2 and their seperate radiator would be just fine. I don't even know if I am going to end up going this route...
  5. K

    Would 1 Koolance Be Enough for computer&360??

    Ya, that is what I am figuring, if I just add another radiator that should be fine right??
  6. K

    Would 1 Koolance Be Enough for computer&360??

    I am really starting to think about putting my 360 and computer in one case kind of.. I am not going to go into detail since this isn't case modding, and I haven't figured out exactly what I would like to do yet. But I do know for sure that I want to watercool my 360 and my computer. My...
  7. K

    Ninja case - finishing within the week (56k beware)

    It's ok if it is, they are still ninja's! hahaha
  8. K

    Ninja case - finishing within the week (56k beware)

    Nice work indeed. I love ninjas. But isn't that ninja cutout actually a TMNT(TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle)? That's kinda what it looks like, but that's just me?
  9. K

    Nvidia 7800 GT accessories? + xbox360?

    Well the only thing I know of working, is a VGA adapter, with the av plugs. And that is lik $50, but I figured since I have something kind of like that, I would try it. But if it isn't going to work, then it is hopeless.
  10. K

    Nvidia 7800 GT accessories? + xbox360?

    Sorry guys I suck at explaining things... So I made this quick pathetic looking diagram to try and explain it.... better. [/URL][/IMG]
  11. K

    Nvidia 7800 GT accessories? + xbox360?

    I never though of this, and I have yet to try it, but before I go hauling my 360 and unplugging to put near my computer.. There is this video component cable that comes with the video card, that has one side component, and one side AV plugs? If I hook up the av plugs to that, and hook the...
  12. K

    Project: Lamniforme II

    Starting off in the right direction so far, I hope to be as lucky as that one day. Looking great man! keep up the good work!
  13. K

    Abit An8 qestions

    I had that problem with mine too, all I did was disable the beep, and put the fan on the sysfan connector, and just kept a keen eye on the CPU temp. Tried calling abit, and the guy I got couldn't even speak english! I was so pissed.
  14. K

    New half life 2 mod out? How to install?

    Yup, I tried that immediately after I made my last post. Thanks for all the help guy's I really appreciate it!
  15. K

    BFG 7800 GT OC VS XFX 7800 GT OC, Which is better?

    I have the BFG 7800 GT OC. I love it! best (when new) $500 I have ever spent. Not to mention, I think it has some kind of limited lifetime warranty. I had many problems with my games, and I always thought it was my gfx card? So I took it back to best buy 2 times, within like 9 month's or more...
  16. K

    New half life 2 mod out? How to install?

    I can't figure out how to run it!? I did exactly what you did, but I don't see any .exe file.
  17. K

    New half life 2 mod out? How to install?

    awesome I will try that when I get home, thanks!
  18. K

    New half life 2 mod out? How to install?

    I saw there is this new hl2 mod out, and it looks funny and fun as hell! But I have no idea how to install it? could anyone help me with this? I looked for a how-to, but couldn't find anything on google, other than that same mod, and how to add new maps downloaded. BTW, I did see the post...
  19. K

    New case for Xbox360?? Anyone?

    Ya making it smaller would be a problem, but if it was water cooled that should allow my to run it cooler. I am expecting the case for me to build will be costly, but I don't want it too look like an actual computer, just a nice "console" like case.
  20. K

    New case for Xbox360?? Anyone?

    I sold my orginal. So that's out of the questions, and yes the power supply will have it's own case as well. Well probably inside of it, but cooled down tremndously.
  21. K

    New case for Xbox360?? Anyone?

    no no, sorry I should have been more clear. I saw that, and that was pretty sweet. But I mean a whole new case! like a computer case, or a slim case... nothing having to do the orginal product, except internals I guess.
  22. K

    New case for Xbox360?? Anyone?

    When I first got my 360, and realized how hot it run's. I immediately wanted to make another case, but since it's so damn expensive, I won't be doing that till my 90 day warranty is up, so until then I have to think of designs to make the case. Even though it won't be as cool as say that DOOM...
  23. K

    My half life 2 keep's freezing all of a sudden?

    I was thinking about that, but you don't need to uninstall your drivers in order for that to take effect though.
  24. K

    My half life 2 keep's freezing all of a sudden?

    i haven't messed with anything for a while, i even just got back with a new video card. and that's not a problem. SO brand new bfg 7800 gt, with updated drivers. Im thinking about reinstalling hl2. but I will await to do that till tommarow. Any other possiblities?
  25. K

    My half life 2 keep's freezing all of a sudden?

    I haven't played Half life 2 for a while, I have been playing CS:S for a long time, almost like I am addicted. haha, but now I just re-installed HL2 because I had to re-format my HDD, and now it gliche's alot in little area's, and it freeze's after so long of playing. I am so lost, I can still...
  26. K

    I cannot get rid of this pop-up (right forum?)

    I did get it too turn off, and you were right, it was the old OS XP Sp, so I went into the servicereg, and fixed it manually, and then downloaded SP2. All better now. Thank you for all your help. Really appreciate it.
  27. K

    I cannot get rid of this pop-up (right forum?)

    already did that. this happen's all the time, after I re-format my hdd. after a while it just start's to disappear. But I wanna know why it is there to begin with.
  28. K

    I cannot get rid of this pop-up (right forum?)

    This is my first post, and Hi to all. I read the rules admin's, and it said no discussion about your ad's... This is one way before I even signed up here. I don't if this is the right forum or not, admin's please feel free to move is need be. I re-formated my hdd for like the 6th...