Would 1 Koolance Be Enough for computer&360??


Oct 28, 2005
I am really starting to think about putting my 360 and computer in one case kind of.. I am not going to go into detail since this isn't case modding, and I haven't figured out exactly what I would like to do yet. But I do know for sure that I want to watercool my 360 and my computer.

My question is will the new koolance (can't remember the part#, but it's the one that sit's on top of the case and the lines run through the back of the comp) be enough to water cool both? if I get just one radiator? or should I get two one for each system??
i would doubt you'd get good performance from the exos2 and 4 blocks. you'd best have two loops. one for the 360, and one for the pc. keep in mind, all 4 (cpu x2 and gpu x2) will be putting out quite a bit of heat to dissapate into one low flow unit.
Ya, that is what I am figuring, if I just add another radiator that should be fine right??
The exos 2 will handle that load fine i think. I mean it's not going to blow you away temp wise, but it will be better than air cooling.

What you might consider is looking into the exos 1. Those can be had rather cheap now...maybe one for each, price might turn out to be similar.
Well I would get 2 exos2 , just for bragging and bling factor I guess. And from reviews I read it's much better than the exos1. So that would be the case.

I am thinking that 1 exos2 and their seperate radiator would be just fine.

I don't even know if I am going to end up going this route or not, it is just a thought.
I think an extra radiator would be a good idea. Depending upon the components in the computer loop you could be looking at dissipating upwards of 400W, which would not be ideal for the one radiator in the Exos 2. The flow should be well enough considering you shouldn't have long lengths of tubing from one to the other since they will be in the same enclosure.
p0intblank said:
Koolance claims that the Exos 2 can dissipate 700+ watts of heat.

At what temperatures? It can dissipate 700W, anything more and the coolant begins to boil? The amount of heat a radiator can dissipate varries by the coolant temperature, and the ambient air temperature. If you stuck an EXOS in a room that was 0C and ran coolant that was 80C through it, it would dissipate a whole lot of heat. My point was not that the Exos would not be able to dissipate 400+ W of heat, just that the temperatures would likely suffer greatly.