My half life 2 keep's freezing all of a sudden?


Oct 28, 2005
I haven't played Half life 2 for a while, I have been playing CS:S for a long time, almost like I am addicted. haha, but now I just re-installed HL2 because I had to re-format my HDD, and now it gliche's alot in little area's, and it freeze's after so long of playing. I am so lost, I can still play CS:S just fine, it's a little glichy, but that is because I think of the server, it only happens on certain server's anyways.

I am lost, I just realized that my driver's weren't updated, so I did that. and it still make's no difference.

I used to be able to play just fine. I am lost on what to do? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.
Have you updated the game using steam? That and the newest drivers will go a long way to eliminating possible problems.
I hadnt messed with Half Life 2 for a while either until the Lost Coast came out. I had huge stuttering and corruption problems in game. It turns out that I had reflashed my BIOS earlier and forgot to turn Fastwrites off.
i haven't messed with anything for a while, i even just got back with a new video card. and that's not a problem. SO brand new bfg 7800 gt, with updated drivers.

Im thinking about reinstalling hl2.
but I will await to do that till tommarow.

Any other possiblities?
I was having huge problems with HL2 freezing up with looping sounds. I uninstalled my video card drivers, ran Driver Cleaner Pro 1.2, and reinstalled the latest ATI drivers (actually, the Omega drivers based on Cat 5.10).

All works well now.
I was thinking about that, but you don't need to uninstall your drivers in order for that to take effect though.