I cannot get rid of this pop-up (right forum?)


Oct 28, 2005
This is my first post, and Hi to all.

I read the rules admin's, and it said no discussion about your ad's... This is one way before I even signed up here.

I don't if this is the right forum or not, admin's please feel free to move is need be.

I re-formated my hdd for like the 6th time.. and everytime I do, I reinstall norton firewall and anti-virus 1st. do a scan, and can't find anything... I install everything first before I connect the internet. Once I have connected the internet, I already get this one pop-up. It look's like an actual warning from microsoft, but it is in classic windows style skin, and it always has a different website to go to, i.e. cleanreg.com, ms-repair.com, repairreg.com, etc. etc. TON's of these stupid website's that you have to pay to download this program, that supposedly clean's your registry file. I downloaded spy doctor, ad-aware... anything I could think of as far as spyware. And I can't get rid it of it for the life of me.

Does anybody know what I am talking about? or have a clue on what to do?

Wait! it just poped up, let type out exactly what it says....

"Mesage from WINDOWS to ALERT on 10/30/2005 9:01:29 AM



To fix the error's please do the followings

1. Download Registry Repair from: www.ms-repair.com
2. Install Registry Repair
3. Run Registry Repair
4. Reboot your computer


That is exactly what it say's word for word.

Like I said I am lost, any help would be greatly apperciated as always.

Thank You.
It sounds like a 180 Solutions-based advertising abortion.
Download Spybot Search and Destroy, HijackThis, and Ad-Aware from www.download.com. Update them, restart in safe mode, and run full scans.
already did that.

this happen's all the time, after I re-format my hdd.

after a while it just start's to disappear.

But I wanna know why it is there to begin with.
Have you run the XP Service packs yet? My guess is you have the original XP OS disk there. Or maybe just XP SP1?

It sounds like an old virus out in the wild that uses the built in Messenger Service to popup a dialog box. It doesn't mean your PC is infected, it just means someone is sending a message using this system.

  • Right Click My Computer
  • Select Manage from the menu
  • Double click Services and Applications
  • Double click Services
  • Locate Messenger service
  • Double click it to get the Properties
  • Press the Stop button to stop this services
  • Select Disabled in the Startup Type to make sure it never runs again.
  • Press OK

This system is for network admins to send messages around the company network. So an infected machine is sending messages to your ISP's modems, which then gets to you. Straight through your firewall. LOL. :D

The only "virus" appears when you goto one of those "cleaning" sites and install their "tools".....
BlueMeanie said:
Have you run the XP Service packs yet? My guess is you have the original XP OS disk there. Or maybe just XP SP1?

It sounds like an old virus out in the wild that uses the built in Messenger Service to popup a dialog box. It doesn't mean your PC is infected, it just means someone is sending a message using this system.

  • Right Click My Computer
  • Select Manage from the menu
  • Double click Services and Applications
  • Double click Services
  • Locate Messenger service
  • Double click it to get the Properties
  • Press the Stop button to stop this services
  • Select Disabled in the Startup Type to make sure it never runs again.
  • Press OK

This system is for network admins to send messages around the company network. So an infected machine is sending messages to your ISP's modems, which then gets to you. Straight through your firewall. LOL. :D

The only "virus" appears when you goto one of those "cleaning" sites and install their "tools".....

If Im not mistaken SP2 turns that off by default, where as SP1 had it on.....So if your already up to SP2, that might not be your problem .....
Crosshairs said:
If Im not mistaken SP2 turns that off by default, where as SP1 had it on.....So if your already up to SP2, that might not be your problem .....
Exactly right. That's why I said it. :D Klawz makes no mention of Service Packs or updates. So he is probally missing out on this, and other fixes.

Some people say they have installed everything when they actually mean they have just reinstalled the same pirate version of XP that they have always used. And this is an old pirate that can't be service packed. ;)
Shh about the pirated stuff on this forum.
If you use firefox, use Windiz Updates to get the updates.
Use google to search for it.
Classic Windows Messenger SPAM. Apparently he doesn't know enough to properly configure norton firewall either since the pop ups are getting through. :D
I did get it too turn off, and you were right, it was the old OS XP Sp, so I went into the servicereg, and fixed it manually, and then downloaded SP2. All better now. Thank you for all your help. Really appreciate it.
Are you behind a router, or are you connecting straight to your cable/dsl modem?

*edit: btw, several pirated copies of windows now have rootkits built into them...