Ninja case - finishing within the week (56k beware)


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 11, 2003
Been working on this case forever... I havent had ANY freetime recently, last time I worked on it before today was about 2 months ago.

I have left out a good deal of pics simply to save my bandwidth... Im setting up my new web hosting here in the next day or so, I might put them all up then (500gb of bandwidth here I come!). The ones I took out completely are the ones showing me making sticks of LEDs to go behind the etch.

I didnt have many pics, if any, of me cutting the ninja and window behind the mobo out. So they just kind of appear that way.


^^^^ As you can see from this picture, the motherboard tray had the same design cut out of it that the side panel did. You can see the back of the motherboard through the ninja etch.








^^^^ I had to re-prime all of the outside pieces at least once. I did most of the cutting after the first time they were primed.







^^^^ Finished picture of the sound jacks and the switch I ripped from an old PSU. The switch controls the on/off for the 12v line to control the lighting I will be using in the case. All LEDs.




^^^^ For the record, dont ever buy the EL round IDE cables. They look horrid. If I hadnt of got mine for free I would be angry.

^^^^ I am using a textured paint, then a good wetsanding, then another layer of paint. Looks alot better in person, pics dont do it justice. Very smooth... feels almost like a funcpad or something.

^^^^ The etch that I sketched out. This was actually the 2nd or 3rd sketch. I had a thread with advice on which one to use a while back. This one took the cake.

^^^^ The etch had to be flipped/reversed so that it would look correct when etched. I wanted the etching on the inside of the plexiglass obviously, not the outside, so... thats how I did it.






^^^ This pic, the silver part on the left is where I had to cut away a layer of the metal so that the plexiglass would sit flush against the inside of the panel.


The last couple of pics... I am switching all of the plexiglass from the outside to the inside and doing different things to make it look better. I really love the idea of the plexiglass being on the outside but !I was having major problems with dust being sucked under the plexiglass and it looked absolutely horrible.

I am making a good number of changes that are going to make the outside of the case look pretty sweet when finished. Ive got to cut some sheet metal tomorow, do a bit of touch-up paint work (like I said, its been a while since I worked on it so Ive dinged up some spots), and Ive got to solder up about 20 LEDs for the top and other side.

One thing I havent worked on almost at all... THE FRONT! Ive got a good idea for the front... hopefully it will turn out well. I will be putting a 120mm intake in that gaping hole.

Frosted plexiglass behind the ninja! I took it at an akward angle to avoid camera flash, I will have better pics (in natural light) as I finish everything.


^^^^ A picture of the plexiglass glowing a bit. I havent soldered up the LEDs and placed them for this specific panel so I just put it next to the other LEDs I had alreadys soldered for the other side. Im hoping it will look alot more vibrant when finished.

^^^^ Sneak preview of the front.

You can also see the LEDs that I have on the side of the case. Also, if you see the Icydock I have under my CDrom... I painted that and the cdrom. Icydock was silver, cdrom was white.

Edit: If anyone is interested, specs in sig. I wish I had SATA drives and optical drive to help with cable management... Ide say I did a pretty good job though given the space I have to work with.
Frosted plexiglass behind the ninja! I took it at an akward angle to avoid camera flash, I will have better pics (in natural light) as I finish everything.


^^^^ A picture of the plexiglass glowing a bit. I havent soldered up the LEDs and placed them for this specific panel so I just put it next to the other LEDs I had alreadys soldered for the other side. Im hoping it will look alot more vibrant when finished.

^^^^ Sneak preview of the front.

You can also see the LEDs that I have on the side of the case. Also, if you see the Icydock I have under my CDrom... I painted that and the cdrom. Icydock was silver, cdrom was white.

Edit: If anyone is interested, specs in sig. I wish I had SATA drives and optical drive to help with cable management... Ide say I did a pretty good job though given the space I have to work with.
Impressive work! Attention to detail is also important to me. Glad to see someone cares about quality.

Nice work indeed. I love ninjas.

But isn't that ninja cutout actually a TMNT(TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle)? That's kinda what it looks like, but that's just me?
hehe, thanks guys. My bandwidth got owned... Im going to have to set up my new web hosting when I get home... as well as take a few more pics! Im going to finish the touch up and attempt to finish the front.
Klawz said:
Nice work indeed. I love ninjas.

But isn't that ninja cutout actually a TMNT(TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle)? That's kinda what it looks like, but that's just me?

haha, no, not a TMNT cutout... :D
Ive seen this one going for a while glad to see you havent given up yet. Its an original theme and you have followed through with your ideas. Can't wait to see final exhibit.
atom said:
Ive seen this one going for a while glad to see you havent given up yet. Its an original theme and you have followed through with your ideas. Can't wait to see final exhibit.

Ya, Ive been doing touchup paint in this room (haha, yes... in this ROOM!) on some newspapers. There really isnt much "progress" being made... nothing noticable anyways. When I get to the real work I will post up some more pictures.

^^^^ Another sneak preview of what the front is going to be like. Whether you can tell or not... I attacked this with the file ALOT today. Probably took about an hour filing all the edges down to be as straight as I can get them. The piece lines up perfectly with the plastic. I used electrical tape to hold down the sheet metal to mark off where screws will be holding it down at. Hopefully I will be drilling and cutting up this piece tomorow.


^^^^ Another shot of the frosted plexiglass. It turned out nice.
Update to the front. Drilled holes 3 inches apart for the nuts'an'bolts. Turned out really nice. Ive got to head to class so I dont get to work on it as much I would have liked today.

Another update to the front. After a quick trip to home depot to buy a ton of nuts and bolts that match the rest on the case, I came up with this:


I got all of the holes filed out and 99% perfect. The ones on top without screws need to have the plastic in the back dremeled out to make room for the nuts. I should have a major update to the front tomorow. Fanhole, power button, and paint!

edit: Yes, many many fingerprints and smudges... it will be sanded and filed down to give it a unique appearance... and yes, I said filed. :D... you will see!
Bandwidth is about to die again... I need to get my new hosting up ASAP. :(
bmxfelon420 said:
to fight the dust you could put plexi on both sides of the side panel.

I thought about doing that as well... but then I got another idea for the outside that should look much better. Im hoping by Saturday night that I have this finished. :D
ALL of the other pics are on hosting that died... haha. Im still working on getting my new web hosting up, but here are a few pics of the finished front.

