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  1. S

    AMD Quad Core Discussion & Editorial

    It's possible - however granted as Kyle stated, the Intel quad-core will be 2 conroes, while the AMD will be a native quad-core. As for performance, I don't think simple ramping of clock speeds will gain Intel too much ground without some sort of architectural upgrade as well. We all saw...
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    Systemax Hellcat Evaluation @ [H] Consumer

    As much as I agree - hiding never helps. I admire him taking the time to register on the forums to respond to a poor review. That shows, at very least, caring about their public face, which a lot of OEMs won't do. As much as I refuse to ever buy a PC from them, at least I know their...
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    Systemax Hellcat Evaluation @ [H] Consumer

    Remind me never to buy a Systemax PC. What dealings I've had with them were inadequate at best - but I've never full out bought a system from them, and after seeing this, I likely won't.
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    Video card upgrade

    s754 see why i'm having so much trouble!!! so yeah, i'm thinking i might have to upgrade to a 939 board and pci-e we're pretty much aggreed that there's no best bang for buck on agp?
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    Video card upgrade

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    Video card upgrade

    I'm a bit slow on the video card side of things, as I've been watching the whole Intel/AMD drama unfold quite closely. My question is this: My current video card is getting aged. I have a 9800 XT 256mb with a huge-ass zalman cooler and it's overclocked to hell and back. I've been...
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    VBulletin Question

    This is going to sound really silly, but it's beyond me, and it's probably something really simple. I notice over here and on some other forums, they have a section to the side of the forums that the ads show up... over there --------------> where in vbulletin can I add that? edit...
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    VBulletin Question

    oops - wrong forum.. sorry
  9. S

    WOrth it to upgrade to a X2 4800+ now?

    Yeah, for now. :P -- anyways all flamebait aside ;) FX60 is a solid performer, but for the price you're lookign at the 4800+ is a good bet imo future proof is true as well, however DDR2 isn't going to yield an immediate increase in performance. down the road, sure.
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    Things AMD can do to take on Conroe...

    /agree -- Conroe is impressive. Yonah was a step up. Basically Conroe is what the Intel !!!!!! have been waiting for... it's only a matter of time though. Really, neither is better. Sure. AMD is faster right now. But it's going to turn into the video card race from this point on. AMD...
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    To all who trash conroe

    I'm not one to peek my head into Intel !!!!!! range for chopping, however I will comment that from an AMD guy's perspective, Conroe is downright impressive. Hands down. I say to wait until release time to give opinions on it, based on preliminary benchmarks it appears that the A64 has met its...
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    Seems Dell gaming got finally got some brains

    Wow, you're right. I haven't looked too much at Conroe, but a quick browse around the internet shows some interesting results. It looks like Intel is picking up lost ground really fast in that case. I guess the coming months will show a lot, yes? We can only hope. I'm really looking...
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    Seems Dell gaming got finally got some brains

    That's awesome, I look forward to seeing it. I was in the process of writing one myself, but unfortunately haven't had the time to finish it up. Not to mention I don't have a whole lot of information that isn't widely known or available.
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    Seems Dell gaming got finally got some brains

    I can't get my contact to comment on that. PR guys are so hard to get to say "Yes", but I'd have to agree with you on that. After acquiring Alienware, they'd have to try really really hard not to go that direction, and honestly I don't think Intel is paying them enough to keep being the...
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    If the PS3 is $400 is MS screwed?

    Quite frankly, I would be suprised if the PS3 was more than $499 USD. I think that at that price it will sell fine. A lot of places I've read info on the PS3 say it's as good as if not better than the XBox360, and really, both will be better than Wii. :) *snicker* Regardless of the price...
  16. S

    Seems Dell gaming got finally got some brains

    I think the non-intel option would be the best one. :) *busts out the firehose*
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    Upgrade.....or wait?

    Honestly you should be fine for now. I'd wait until the next gen video cards come out.
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    Bethesda Charging $2.50 For Horse Armor?

    Here's my $0.02 (read it, it's too much to paste here)
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    360 or PC for oblivion?

    A birdie told me that graphically the PC will have no advantage over the X360. In essence the XBox360 version will be running at the "Highest Settings" whereas some PC hardware today may not be able to run it at those settings. I do believe that eventually PC will have an advantage, but right...
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    Oblivion Interview

    We just interviewed pete hines about oblivion. Feel free to check it out here. If you have any comments, please feel free to email them to me or post them here or on our forums. thanks!
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    Which will be better in Oblivion?

    Shameless plug ;) We did an interview with Pete Hines regarding oblivion. Check it out here.
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    Could there be downloadable reviews?

    lol... gotta love logic... this thread = owned
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    Which will be better in Oblivion?

    Oh snap, time for the mods to bust out the water hose!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Which will be better in Oblivion?

    Bethesda has done a load of work in the area of SM3.0. That is going to be one of the most shader intensive games to be released this year.
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    Could there be downloadable reviews?

    It wouldn't be too hard per-say, but more than likely the issue would be advertising revenues. Perhaps if HardOCP had a subscription system where you could remove the ads/download articles. I know I'd pay for it. Then again, the ads aren't really too obstructive, unlike gamespy where you have...
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    My [H] apreciation thread

    Absolutely - Although the [H]ardOCP staff now officially hates me, I still love them and their site. Keep up the awesome work guys. I really like the new redesign as well.
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    Dell Dimension XPS 400 Evaluation @ [H]

    Absolutely it's a wonderful laptop. It's been nothing but stable, runs all the games I play CS:S, EQ2, WoW, FFXI, HL2, etc.... Runs them all great. Not only that, but overclocking for the video card actually does very well. I turned on the omega drivers auto-overclocking and it substantally...
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    Dell Dimension XPS 400 Evaluation @ [H]

    One thing I've been disappointed with Dell about though, when I bought my laptop it was standard with a 256mb DDR2 chip. for some reason the upgrade to 1gb was $300+ ... I bought 2 gigs of Corsair XMS memory for $330...
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    Why did VoodooPC switch to Intel Exclusive

    Overpriced? Absolutely. Cool? Maybe ;)
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    Dell Dimension XPS 400 Evaluation @ [H]

    wow that is pretty bad. i have an inspiron 9300 with a geforce 6800 and its awesome, but i immediately reformatted and installed my own xp pro disc. i really don't dig dell's preloaded software, and honestyl when i ran 3dmark05 before and after my format/reinstall there was a huge difference...
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    Just for the record.....XBOX 360

    Funniest thing here is I'm perfectly happy with my first gen XBox. It's really dusty but it still works every time I play it.
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    Just for the record.....XBOX 360

    You know what this looks like? MS Exec 1: Okay, they're ready. MS Exec 2: How's the quality testing coming? MS Exec 1: The what? XBox fan: My new XBox360 broke! MS Exec 1 & 2: *glare*
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    Just for the record.....XBOX 360

    Yeah right, deep down you're a Sony fan-boy, admit it! ;) And before you ban me, yes I'm joking :p
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    Just for the record.....XBOX 360

    I kind of agree, and I kind of don't. I mean firstly, I would think a company as big as Microsoft would have taken the time to beta test it themselves. It was widely said that they rushed it and even moreso that a lot of games weren't finished until just prior to launch. It's a simple matter...
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    Just for the record.....XBOX 360

    Do you have any idea when they're going to be popping the 65nm XBox360's out? Chances are I'll wait until around then.
  36. S

    Just for the record.....XBOX 360

    Actually at this point, quite a few. Got a small story on my site about, has quite a few links. I actually think HardOCP should have something interesting to say about this soon, as consumer-oriented as you guys are.
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    Microsoft Xbox 360 @ [H]

    Sexy setup there Steve ;) You've inspired me to clean/rearrange my room and dump endless amounts of money into making it look cool ;)
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    Dell $399 Laptop

    worked fine for me.
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    Game Industry To Sue California

    I have quite a bit to say about this subject, so bear with me. To me, this has always been a rather annoying topic, as ultimately the cause of these laws is pissed off parents who see this content in front of their children and go ballistic... Well here's a tip. BE A RESPONSIBLE FREAKIN...