Video card upgrade


Jul 7, 2005
I'm a bit slow on the video card side of things, as I've been watching the whole Intel/AMD drama unfold quite closely.

My question is this:

My current video card is getting aged. I have a 9800 XT 256mb with a huge-ass zalman cooler and it's overclocked to hell and back.

I've been hesitant to upgrade as my laptop (dell w/ a 256mb 6800 ultra) is fine for most games I've wanted to play, and I'm really not too keen on spending $500+ on a video card.

I'm not too sure how some of the midrange cards ( 6600, X1600, etc ) compare to the higher end 7800/7900, X1800/1900 cards and where they are best bang for buck.

Maybe you guys can aid my purchasing decision. :)
well both the 6600 and x1600 aren't leaps and bounds better then 9800pro/xt, at least not enough to warrant a purchase, the only advantage lies in the x1600's increased shader power, where you will see increases in games like FEAR or oblivion - still i wouldn't recommend the buy over your 9800

hmm... if you had PCIe i'd say get a X1800GTO or a 7600GT, whats your socket type? you might be able to upgrade to a PCIe board and get a 7600GT for what you'd pay for an AGP upgrade
i agree with trimlock.

apparently nvidia is going to release a 7600GT for AGP in june or july so if you can wait that long, might want to grab one of those.

see why i'm having so much trouble!!!

so yeah, i'm thinking i might have to upgrade to a 939 board and pci-e

we're pretty much aggreed that there's no best bang for buck on agp?
no new agp card is worth it, ull be in the boat soon enough again, take the loop and go pci-e

i love my 7600gt, it kick total a$$

plays at great settings on all games cept maybe obliv, where at plays at medium with hdr

great card

get a 939 board with a dual core cpu and a 7600gt or x1800xt

ull love it..
we're pretty much aggreed that there's no best bang for buck on agp?

best bang for your buck and AGP died this round of releases, its come to the fact that most people have already upgraded to PCIe capable motherboards and now the people who cling to their AGP boards are paying the premiums for when higher end cards are released for their slot

so in short AGP and bang-for-buck can no longer co-exist