Why did VoodooPC switch to Intel Exclusive

Dec 15, 2005
Granted, they are a bigger ripoff than alienware and I would never buy one, but for an OEM that claims to make the fastest pc's, they aren't using the fastest CPU's.
That's funny.

I remember reading my CGW's a few years ago and salivating over the voodoo's and alienwares. Then I figured out I could build a comparable pc for half the price.
Actually, VoodooPC uses Intel processors in relatively few of their non-laptop/notebook PCs. If you look at their full-sized desktops and, their micro-systems, you will find that most of their full-sized configurations use AMD processors exclusively. (The tiniest desktop micro-system is based on an Intel Pentium M chip, while there are some full-sized configurations that are based on Intel Pentium D chips.) The majority of their laptops still use Intel chips, though some use AMD chips.
They ship from Canada. I assume thats why they have to charge more, customs and all that,eh? :eek:
Wow.... I just started playing around, seeing what a top of the line system would cost... got it up to $13,000 without being too stupid...
mrweasel said:
Yeah but that's gold plated

Ah, I was trying to figure out why that damn thing was so expensive...

Jeebus... if I was a billionaire... the things I would buy... come on powerball...
Shivetya said:
They too are priced overly high and their shipping charges are disgusting.
Indeed, they're even more expensive than Alienware, and those aren't even cheap to begin with... :(
1c3d0g said:
Indeed, they're even more expensive than Alienware, and those aren't even cheap to begin with... :(

Eh, Alienware is pretty much mass market now. They don't hold the same image they used to. Hell, the sold the things at Best Buy for a while, the only way they could have gone lower image was if they made a deal with Wal-Mart.